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police label

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hello, friends! can somebody help me with police blue and white label like on the photo?


I can make it myself but I need good clear picture.


Thanks in advance!


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is it what colour is used that you are asking?

I understand you live in Russia, so you should probably be fine. But I would just like to underline, anyone who is thinking of doing this inside of the UK, it might not be a very good idea. I am not a legal expert thou.

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Impersonating a Police Officer can bring you up to 2 years in Her Majestys Pleasure, so be a bit savvy with it

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Impersinating a police officer is a offense, but, if your on private proportey and its just part of roleplay or filming etc its perfectly fine


It says metropolitan police normally but u can get pics of google , just search uk police badge, or something like tha


?..yes I know, my spelling is boss

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I just posted the link of one of a few sites that you can get realistic outfits on

now that is no bad thing - fancy dress, film crew etc.....


BUT walk around - or anybody sees you dressed up with a black gun and they may get a bit twitchy and "could" make a call

What my neighbours must think sometimes when I leave the house - army kit, bags of stuff & rifle bags etc.....


I am amazed how easy it is to get such stuff so easily that some people "could" imitate police or emergency services

yes number of players run with police or swat stuff for cqb stuff, and no harm in that at all


Problem "could" arise though if you was stopped by the real thing......


You could get some officer who may just want to go through all your stuff with a very fine tooth comb and want everything checked and confirmed

Not just your license, but....


a bit extreme perhaps but if you get pulled over by roadside by Traffic Division doing a routine check or you was late for sign in and got nicked for speeding.....


You get out of the car, wearing most of the Police uniform, 2 way radio, bootful of pyro's guns etc.....


Yeah - I think you are gonna be a bit late for that sign-in


"Now sir - can you just explain to me why you are dressed in such a way as could be seen to be impersonating an armed police officer"

"Actually - as you were speeding a bit I think you best come with me....."


Paranoid ??? - hmmm well it could happen

And whilst it may be unlikely - paying very close attention to detail and going for the realistic look down to badges etc....

That could raise a copper's suspicion more than being just dressed up in camo


That was all I was trying to say

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Just lettin the dude know. Reminded me of the video someone put up here of the lad walking down the street with a rif in hiswaistband. People do the funniest things! But I guess Russia's far enough away ;)

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hi all! thank you for your answers!
I've already found the good picture of badge in google.

Of course Im not going to walk around in the form of a police officer, it is for airsoft only in a limited location.
Here in Russia (south region) we have some rules about airsoft (not legal it's our own), for example do not wear insignia in public places and all weapons must be in bags.

In this game we reconstruct Ulster Ireland conflict and my playrole is british policeman.

here are some our photos for your pleasure ))







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  On 23/05/2014 at 17:04, Airsoft_Mr B said:

FFS it's for airsoft! Why do you automatically assume he's going to walk around with it. Plus, it's Russia anyway.

He only asked a simple question and suddenly everyone is like 'omg NOO u get arrested y u be polis officer'

Still wouldn't airsoft with a genuine looking and current looking badge of the police force in the country that I am playing in. That's just me thou, better safe than sorry :)


  On 24/05/2014 at 05:55, CON said:

*insert cool "in russia" quote.

In Soviet Russia, police impersonate YOU!!



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