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ICS M4 EBB anyone?

adam bussey
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The phrase "EBB Gearbox with invincible durability" may well come back to bite them in the arse if they aren't careful...


I'm interested in this. Sure, it's yet another M4/M16/AR-15 type design in an already flooded market - but if this is successful, we could hopefully see this gearbox design appearing in other ICS guns. Could this perhaps be a nice intermediately priced alternative to the super-expensive Marui recoil series?

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The new G&G system looks more promising to me. ICS seem to think everyone wants ugly futuristic guns too which puts me off. Normal ICS metal AR15s are around £250 so these could possibly be 350+ which is a bit daunting. It looks to me as though theyre playing catch up but there's nothing that stands out as amazing its just another blowback m4 albeit with a split gb. I do like the receiver pins though but it's not something particularly innovative..

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If the price is right, I'd be interested - I like the ICS M4 series because they're easy to work on :)


The Marui trigger guard and pistol grip means they must have changed the receiver design. Probably means the gearbox casing is different too - there goes any hope of buying a spare gearbox and upgrading one of my current ICS M4s! Gotta buy a whole gun instead :(

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I think ICS need to fuck off making "copies" of things, instead of true replicas.

All these made up stocks and grips and rail systems are fucking horrendous, airsoft is chosen over Paintball by a lot of people because the guns are copies of the real thing.

If they're no longer copies of something that's actually real, then the appeal is just lost.

It would be nice if the system could be fitted to one of their older generation ARs though. Or even other V2 compatible guns, a nice G&P receiver set + this gearbox could be pretty nice.

They need to hire a new translator though. Jesus wept.

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I like me some split gearbox and EBB.Hopefully these turn out well,I'm not too bothered about unrealistic/futuristicdesigns 'n' shiet since I'm heavily function>form


What I don't like about G&Gs design is the fact that the pneumatic system gives an inconsistent air seal,I'm a whore for consistency and that puts me off G&G EBBs. Other gearboxes have the Classic Army style blowback which is heavily flawed,the little metal rod used to pull back the bolt very often breaks and falls into the gear train. I'm hoping the durability of the ICS splits and a newer basic blowback design will lend to something good. We may whinge that we have too many EBB systems out there but most of them are not very good.Good luck to iCS on this one. Maybe if it's successful they can hire a decent translator with the profits.

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It seems I'm going to be one of the few, but I am actually quite looking forward to it.


You've got an EBB system paired with a (very) quick change piston system meaning that you can either carry a set of different velocity or just keep a spare so when the normal thing happens and the piston strips, it's not really an issue and won't stop a game day as it'll be a 2 second swap, or 5-10 minute fix.


I don't know about anybody else - but I find that the basic gears in ICS guns are extremely strong and there are very few stories of them breaking, but they seem to have made them even stronger so failure rate should be extremely low (am I right? I don't know).


You won't have to worry about a separate system for the blow back (at least that's my understanding of the TM system).

I don't like having the spring release on safety as I can imagine it could cause unnecessarily quick wear, whereas having it on the forward assist was (In my opinion) a stroke of genius.


Don't forget about the ICS turbo 3000 motors, one of the best motors available, and it's standard in most of their guns.


I really like that CXP HOG, but the stocks, I have to agree, look quite terrible.


And lastly, I do agree that they have copied some ideas and designs from other guns, but ICS (again, in my opinion) are pretty damn good guns (forgetting everything else about the company, including the frankly ridiculous idea of only shipping wholesale to 1 UK company), their AEG L85 was one the last to be produced (out of ARES, G&G, Army, can't think of any others), yet it is, hands down, the best stock L85 on the market for the price.


The TM may be excellent but it suffers from a low FPS, crap OEM batteries, is plastic and is damn expensive, the Bolt may be a good runner but it is only a tremors kit and higher end internals, can't make any opinion on the KWA.


and as a P.S. it looks like a pretty standard selector plate and the trigger system seems like a normal one so programmable mosfets might fit, thinking chimera mkII or ASCU (once they pull their finger out).

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I think you're mixing up EBB with recoil simulation there Geoffreym, this won't recoil at all, it's just got a moving bolt cover when you shoot.


Not in any way in competition with the TM recoils/KWA ERG system (not going to put bolt in the same category as those, it's dogshit).

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Damn, I guess the sleep deprivation is starting to get to me, just realised I haven't slept for a year lol.

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