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OP: Shining Light @Copehill Down FIBUA Village VENUE CHANGED TO SENNYBRIDGE

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I'm currently Lone wolfing on SFSG as my team mates are interested but probably by the time they get their arses in gear there wont be any tickets left! Can always make up a AF-UK squad.



At this rate Ian you might want to swap sides!?

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Sounds good! Be good to get an AF-UK going within UK/SF. Now...what weapons to bring! Also fingers crossed that if there are geardos who go, they are the nice kind!


Also, just Googler the place, is there where Clarkson drove that car around whilst the army shot at him?

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I like milsims, I just can't cope with the impression of OCD/analness of Tier1 and Stirling ones. However I can see why they have their setup.


Looking forward to proper planned objectives, rather than the mental running about and blat fest of a skirmish weekend.


Time to start stockpiling kit, hmmm need a set of midcaps, and oooo I might start work on DMR'ing my M4, finish the upgrades on my Bar10 then get a ghillie suit on the go. Ah I love being a bit more serious at a game, oh so many excuses to get shiny things!

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Sounds good! Be good to get an AF-UK going within UK/SF. Now...what weapons to bring! Also fingers crossed that if there are geardos who go, they are the nice kind!


Also, just Googler the place, is there where Clarkson drove that car around whilst the army shot at him?

It certainly looks like it, and it is in about the right location. their airfield is east of Copehill by a couple of hours.


Ah I'm not on UK/US SF, I'm SFSG, ah well at least we are on the same team.

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Ahhh bigger, well when I emailed Ian he said there's spots left on UK/US but when I paypalled I didn't put anything so I'm not sure wat 'blue' section I'm part of!

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Yeah defo looking forward to it! Cant see anywhere regarding kit in terms of carrying stuff, ie food / sleeping stuff / other stuff etc...


I'll need to buy a bergen if so!


Maybe they will release that info later

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Assuming it's organised the same as the game I went to last march, the info is in the event description, more info will be released on the red/blue team pages when they are made ;)

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yeah there is info about clothing and sleeping - but nothing much about carrying


Yep just been added to the facebook group now and I have been put on HAS-MAD team!

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Ah see what you mean, bergen or decent sized kitbag will suffice you've only gotta get your kit from the carpark to your 'base' then it stays there for the weekend :P

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yep, just had my prep pack through

1 x Main Bergan/Load out bag, 1 x fighting rig, 1 x Weapon case/bag and your sleeping equipment and 1 x primary and 1 x side arm only (other weapons can only be chrono'd after game on)

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yeah there is info about clothing and sleeping - but nothing much about carrying


Yep just been added to the facebook group now and I have been put on HAS-MAD team!

Just me'n'thee then. There may be one more - Brit Tac said if a certain someone wishes to accompany me on HAS-MAD he can.


Could be just about even Formed Arces vs Freedom Fighters.


I suppose a member of SFSG could support his UKSF mates... bring 'em tea... talk about their feelings... pass them tissues when it's all going wrong... :P:lol:


Oh yeah, they do not allow DMR's over 370FPS locked off to semi or not - all AEG's and pistols are max 370, only bolt action rifles can be upto 500FPS. You can use electric/electronic detonators added to ordinary pyro - when I asked about this I said "not modifying the pyro, just making a glow wire touch the fuse", so by "yes" I expect they mean, like everywhere else, no modified pyro's but a device added to the fuse only is ok - additionally they said that you must have line of sight when you set one off and you cant put them in tight spaces like stairwells.


Lets get some practice making IED's, my brothers - PM for easy instructions on how with minimal expense.

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haha yeah, I have managed to fit all my mags/accessories/clothing etc... into it and I've still got some room! Rather good tbh! Due to that, i always take that to skirmish and that way I never forget anything


So....and forgive my excitement / boredom at work...but I decided to get a load-out together already. SO, I remembered Denzel Washington in Book of Eli and thought that would be quite good to copy (sorta)


Here are the pics.....




However, my concern now after doing all that is its not really 'Syria' type fighter...its more 'end of the world' or 'Kosovo' type freedom fighter PLUS as its also in May...the above clothing may be to warm?


Plus side is...I haven't purchased anything just yet and the boots are my normal skirmish boots


Side note - Weaponry, I will be using my AK 103 and Glock 17 and I'd love to finish the above loadout (should it be OK) with this (funds allowing!!!) - http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-shotguns-and-grenade-launchers/ktw-ithaca-m37-sawed-off-shotgun.htm#.UphqpcS-2-0


What do you think?

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A lot of the Syrian rebels are wearing modern civvies, so I think you'd be alright with that gear. I'm planning on a few thin layers so I can strip off if I'm too hot / put them back on as needed. Just been having a look for some brown/tan/khaki/light grey Goretex kecks, in case it's wet. I don't mind being rained on on my head and upper body, in fact it can be quite nice when I've been pushing myself and getting a sweat on, but wet kecks is a whole different kettle of fish, as are wet feet.



maybe: 1392453_254711034686781_25448491_n.jpgbut if I can finally get one in my size: 2407_med.jpg


if it's looking like it might be really cold and wet, maybe: 2894_med.jpg


and a DDPM cover over my usual bergen with a DDPM basha to wrap my sleeping shite up in. That's the plan so far anyway, but I'll have to see what Goretex kecks and islamic clothing I can pick up in the January sales.



Oh yeah, and one o'these buggers: 52045t.jpg

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You know what I am having issues with....all the 'rebels' I Google are either wearing Green or US Woodland or Black clothing all of which we aren't allowed to wear :angry::angry::angry:


I was thinking of picking up a cheap poncho but again, they are all green!

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Yeah, that's what made me think of the rubber mac - I have a poncho, but it's DPM and the only other ones I've seen are green. I think it's just Brit Tac's tradirion - the tan team are the baddies :lol:

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It's called an afghan patu or patoo http://www.desertdress.com/mensBlanket.html

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