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OP: Shining Light @Copehill Down FIBUA Village VENUE CHANGED TO SENNYBRIDGE

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Ian, you actually asked about pyro? Did they say anything about blank firing tripwires etc? I've had my eye on a couple and I'm just waiting for an excuse to get some!

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They said you can't let them off in confined spaces like stairwells and that when setting off remote det IED stylee bangs you must have line of sight. Dunno if that disallows trip wire det, but probably not, eh? Someone should ask specifically though.


I've only just discovered 12g Alarm Trip Mines the other day - looks excellent, but I dunno about using shotgun blanks - seems a bit excessive, even if they're allowed. I'm looking into .209 primer adapters to use instead of the whole 12g blank.

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There is an alternative, the door mines are a length of tube that hold a .25 http://www.socomtactical.net/airsoft-accessories-ammo/pyros-and-grenades/door-mine-booby-trap-or-alarm.html, although if I knew someone with the expertise to turn metal they could make an adapter for the 12guage to fit the 9mm's I use in my BFG so I was only carrying 1 type. On their rules they say only 9mm and below. I'll send over an email in a bit and see what comes back from it. Was thinking that a servo could be used to set them off remotely as well.

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There is an alternative, the door mines are a length of tube that hold a .25 http://www.socomtactical.net/airsoft-accessories-ammo/pyros-and-grenades/door-mine-booby-trap-or-alarm.html, although if I knew someone with the expertise to turn metal they could make an adapter for the 12guage to fit the 9mm's I use in my BFG so I was only carrying 1 type. On their rules they say only 9mm and below. I'll send over an email in a bit and see what comes back from it. Was thinking that a servo could be used to set them off remotely as well.

Yeah, socomtactical was one of the places I found. The thing with those door jobs is that attaching a servo to it is modifying it... insurance... my hole.... bla bla bla...


It may be possible to do it by attaching the door trap to a piece of wood and then attaching the servo to the wood also, so it's not modified in any way. Just an arse that they use .25 blanks.


It's the same with the 12g type. I'm pretty certain that a large M8 size castle nut with the thread filed down a bit would accept a 9mm blank and placing the castle side down would create holes for the gas to escape through - just a case of placing it carefully instead of a 12g blank. I'm sure your mate could make adapters exactly the same size as 12g blanks for any calibre we might want - 9mm, .22 rim fire, .209 shotgun primer, or .25 and make an adapter for Dynatex grenades and another for Ohshibooms so you could run everything on those... but unless he carries public liability insurance for his product, neither Brit Tac's, nor anybody else's, insurers would cover it's use at their events.


I've fired off a few emails so I'm hopeful at least one will come back with a solution. I'll let you know what a gwaan...

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More places have been added to the event. It's 120 per team now and HAS-MAD only has 10 left so if anyone was interested before but didn't get it sorted before it was full, now's the time to step up with your £25 deposit.


It's in May ffs! Plenty of time to work out the logistics & details.

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Hey Sgt, I'm on SFSG currently, probably will stay that way unless they are looking for people to swap. I'm on my own as well which is not great but just the way it is. Might ping off an email to them and see if they want to move me. Although I don't have any insurgent style stuff, not least of which are my RIFS which are all US or UK issue style.

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You could always loosely wrap a gun in a load of this http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B005RBY6S4/ref=aw_ls_9_4?colid=HGWFU9LACIP4&coliid=I1AS86WW8NNMCS to scruffy it up, Nick.

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The one I was at we had rebels with more 'shinies' than the seals :P

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The one I was at we had rebels with more 'shinies' than the seals :P

What did you reckon to the event, Nuts?

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1 USUK SF place left and 5 HAS-MAD


I'm pretty sure they mean it when they say no more places will be added as it's at 250 now.


It's going to be uber.

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I really enjoyed it tbh, for me the Brittac event worked well as a 'my first milsim' as they are more of a themed skirmish as aposed to the full on Stirling/Teir1 events.


I'd did however suffer from withdrawal symptoms for the next couple of Sunday skirmishes :P as they lacked that extra buzz of driving around in the back of a pickup :D

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Well Hopefully I will be going. Just waiting to hear if there's a way to pay the deposit without paypal or a mobile phone.


Btw have you seen the begadi.com opfor range?


They have an entire section devoted to opfor gear, including the most unusual camo ever. Its the Hawaiian shirt of camo :D

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Rus you can use any credit/debit card through PayPal

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Yes I have 1 card and paypal blocked it. I had a period where I kept changing cards due to faulty chips on Natwest cards and Paypal decided it was suspicious.

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Btw have you seen the begadi.com opfor range?


They have an entire section devoted to opfor gear, including the most unusual camo ever. Its the Hawaiian shirt of camo :D

I hadn't, no. Oh my hole though, what was the idea do we think, they're opfor - they should be easier to spot? I swear I couldn't stand the shame of walking back to regen with my hand in the air wearing that get-up. You just know that people would be falling over themselves to get photos...


Anyway, unless you're buying a couple of hundred quid's worth from Begadi it makes no sense to buy directly from them because they have some ridiculous handling fee banged on every order, so fuck 'em!

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I hadn't, no. Oh my hole though, what was the idea do we think, they're opfor - they should be easier to spot? I swear I couldn't stand the shame of walking back to regen with my hand in the air wearing that get-up. You just know that people would be falling over themselves to get photos...


Anyway, unless you're buying a couple of hundred quid's worth from Begadi it makes no sense to buy directly from them because they have some ridiculous handling fee banged on every order, so f*ck 'em!

I believe that the pattern is loosely based upon an old Rhodesian camo pattern. It probably isn't the best camo, but it would probably work better than no camo at all. Its probably chosen because it looks completely different to every other camo pattern. If you're putting a team uniform together and want to look a bit different....

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Well there's different, like M84, Tigerstripe ACU, Rooivalk, Russian Partizan...


then there's pure bellend.

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Well there's different, like M84, Tigerstripe ACU, Rooivalk, Russian Partizan...


then there's pure bellend.



Apparently its still in use in Zimbabwe. It seems to be effective when you see it in context.

There may be a case for making sure it fades a bit before being seen in public though :)

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There may be a case for making sure it fades a bit before being seen in public though :)

Yeah, just a bit! And maybe using something like well diluted PVA to permanently stick some dirt to it too.






And when I say "some" obviously I mean 'plenty' :lol:

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Hi guys hopefully I can answer some of your questions, there are no weapon restrictions as for as what type any team can use, but there are strict ammunition restriction, details are in the event info. As stated earlier DMRs are under AEG rules and can be 368 max, no higher. Door mines and trip mines can only be 9mm max(same for any BFG on site) and you must have line of site and place it sensibly(not on stairwells/stairs etc etc) pyro costs at the event are 4 for £10 on mk5/6 flashbangs and 90sec smokes, there will be pre orders for bulk buys at a reduced cost(info will go up in the team groups)

The game is a theme game, not a milsim so it's a a bit more relaxed and aimed having some good wholesome fun! Look forward to seeing you there! By the way there are 4 HAS MAD places left and that's the event full at 250!

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