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Eye and Face protection

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after playing my second game on Sunday and using lenses I'm going to invest in my own eye protection because I spent too long being steamed up.

Wondered what everyone else uses, its the one purchase I want to get right for very obvious reasons. The marshal on Sunday was saying knocking a tooth out was a real possibilty so I want something to ward against that.

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Ballistic grade glasses and a lower face mesh mask.


Some of the masks are a bit uncomfortable if you are buying untried i.e over the Internet.


I tend to buy these from an Airsoft dealer rather than from individuals on Ebay. Maybe Im wrong but I assume you would have some legal recourse if they let BBs through, so hopefully the reputable retailers would take some care in what they sell.

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The best glasses that I have ever tried are the ESS V12. If you want to protect the teeth you can use a boxing teeth protector. I don't like masks and I don't recommend you the mesh glasses...

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The best glasses that I have ever tried are the ESS V12. If you want to protect the teeth you can use a boxing teeth protector. I don't like masks and I don't recommend you the mesh glasses...

Why wouldn't you recommend mesh glasses? By boxing teeth protector do you mean gum shield?

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A good pair of goggles/glasses its difficult to know if mesh will suit you without trying them because some people it doesnt effect their sight and some it does. im regards to the face protection a half mesh face mask will do because it allows for good ventilation.


im getting these





and this




and piecing it together with one of these



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I've a pair of revision sawflys mine have never steamed up nor has my friends who wears them to cycle to and from work! I avoid mesh as they arnt guaranteed and Don't like the idea of £3 goggles protecting my eyes from flying projectiles

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then dont buy cheap ones. only stupid people would buy something for 3 quid to protect their eyes. its all relative to what you like. i have used both. with mesh i find that when the sun is in your eyes its worse then usual as the mesh breaks it up into yours eyes and your eyes cant react properly and i cant see anything.

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Why wouldn't you recommend mesh glasses? By boxing teeth protector do you mean gum shield?


Yes, a gum shield.


In Spain the mesh glasses are not allowed. The BBs can become into small particles when they hit the mesh glasses and some particles can go through the mesh.

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ESS V12s can be had on ebay for about £25-£30 (mostly because they got issued and are getting flogged off to make a few quid). Fogging can generally be taken care of with liberal use of a decent anti-fog solution and a proper cloth (I use Abbey anti-fog and it's fine - I also sweat like a pig in heat so take from that what you will).


Personally I find mesh eyepro make everything too dark (I currently only play at the Malls where it's VERY dark in places as it is) so I prefer proper lenses. Any decent safety or ballistic glasses will protect you from an impact to the lens/frame BUT you need to make sure they fit properly. Plenty of ballistic "sunglasses" for want of a better word, don't seal to your face so COULD lead to a ricochet going up behind the lens. Worth considering in your purchase criteria!


Face protection is an ABSOLUTE MUST for CQB games (unless you have a very understanding dentist). I have lost count of the number of times I have been hit in the face many of which would have gone in my mouth had I not been wearing one of these: http://www.military1st.co.uk/bbav2g3blk-black-bear-airsoft-raider-mask-gen-3-black.html granted they make getting the gun up for the sights a bit tricky but there's way to deal with that. Pretty much all the face hits I've had in CQB have been from less than 15ft away too so yes, they would have left a mark! As for gum shields...it's up to you but just try talking to your team-mates with one in "Heeesh ober theeeeeree" doesn't really make for effective comms.

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Mesh never fogs. Lenses with anti-fog may not most of the time, depends on how good the seal is to your face and how much you sweat, but any set up with full lenses will fog eventually. - Hero Shark


You don't need a gucci lower face mask to stop BB's from knocking your teeth out. In fact the cheapo ones are better because they bend much easier so sighting is less of an issue and adjusting for comfort is easier. - ebay

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I've used mesh eye and face protection for nearly a year now and had almost no problems. At one skirmish a BB did slide through a gap between my forehead and the mask, but I put that down to the mask not being tight enough.

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I use these Glasses. Tested point black, full auto with my 351FPS SR-16. Not a mark.


Also have a half mesh face mask that attaches to my lid for CQB.

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If you check my content, hprentice, yonks ago i tested a pair of those cheapo £3 mesh jobs to destruction - they did surprisingly well. IIRC It took 14 shots point blank striking in pretty much exactly the same place to get them to fail enough for a BB to pass through, but it was definitely over 10. On full auto it took more shots - 17 I think. That was at 370-ish FPS.


I'd trust them to take anything that could be fired at me in one go during a skirmish (and I did until I found a pair of Hero Sharks going cheap in a closing down sale), but I wouldn't go back into the field wearing any that had been dented.


What it comes down to is that they do not fail catastrophically, because the plate the holes are punched out of just isn't tempered enough for spring or hardness - my guess is that it's mild steel cold rolled to put the perforations in, which squashing would also improve the strength a bit. The mesh deforms under impact and it will stretch a lot further than, I at least, would have imagined before it tears and even then it doesn't let a BB through until the tear has been sufficiently widened by successive hits in the same spot.


If you work out rates of fire vs reaction time and the chances of BB's hitting the exact same spot without losing much of their energy by hitting each other, you realise that the only way that an accident could happen in which BB's could make it through cheap mesh is if the wearer was pinned down so they couldn't move their head and the shooter either did it deliberately or somehow fell in such a way that they jammed their finger on the trigger in a manner that they could neither remove it nor move the gun away...


---basically, my hole can it happen! Which is no doubt why, so far, it never has happened.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm calling bullshit. Link to the video.


Sorry just saw your post haha I have always had no problems with mesh, which Is why I found this weird. :)


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