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Invitation to submit your airsoft loadouts, pics, reviews to MWC

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As some of you may know, I run a FB page called Modern Warfare Camouflage. I'm trying to expand the page diversity and appeal to the airsoft community that is starting to develop on my page and am running a new Sunday feature, called "Sunday Airsoft". If it's Airsoft related, it can go in. I'm trying to develop into more of a daily magazine.

I invite you to submit your loadout, event or gun/gear pics/photos/images, reviews on new airsoft purchases etc.

You can email any suggestions or submissions to MWC's email address - [email protected].

The best images/reviews will be uploaded (with photo/site credit) to the page every Sunday.

If you have a particular loadout inspired by a unit, service, faction or just purely from your own mind, then give me a tinkle!

Thank you for listening :)

Link works both on my sig and link.

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Am I doing something wrong then? It just takes me to the facebook homepage

Does the same thing for me.

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search it then!


Does the same thing for me.



Am I doing something wrong then? It just takes me to the facebook homepage

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search it then!

Well, seeing though I'm too lazy to use Facebook's poor search system, no.

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search it then!

Tried searching, it comes up with "no results found" F*** you Facebook, Seriously F*** you!

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search it then!

I'm not sure if you can't use punctuation properly/fully, but your overuse of the ! in your posts makes you come across like a complete rude C*NT most of the time

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I'm not sure if you can't use punctuation properly/fully, but your overuse of the ! in your posts makes you come across like a complete rude C*NT most of the time

I have ADHD and Asperger's syndrome

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I have ADHD and Asperger's syndrome

Having ADHD and Asperger's does not mean that you are allowed to be impolite on a forum. Consistently upsetting people will lead to a ban, this is supposed to be a forum about a hobby which we enjoy and enjoy talking about.

Your posts are unpleasant and confrontational, you should treat others on the forum as if you were standing next to them. Other forum members are offering good advice on what is acceptable, which you seem to be ignoring on a regular basis.

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Lets keep this civil guys


Op has an interesting idea, similar to ai's local loadouts

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Sounds like a great idea to me aswell. Would they allow two-tones in the pics? Because everyone knows how shoddy they look in pics.

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Lets keep this civil guys


Op has an interesting idea, similar to ai's local loadouts

I apologise to the op for derailing this thread.



As some of you may know, I run a FB page called Modern Warfare Camouflage. I'm trying to expand the page diversity and appeal to the airsoft community that is starting to develop on my page and am running a new Sunday feature, called "Sunday Airsoft". If it's Airsoft related, it can go in. I'm trying to develop into more of a daily magazine.
I invite you to submit your loadout, event or gun/gear pics/photos/images, reviews on new airsoft purchases etc.
You can email any suggestions or submissions to MWC's email address - [email protected].
The best images/reviews will be uploaded (with photo/site credit) to the page every Sunday.
If you have a particular loadout inspired by a unit, service, faction or just purely from your own mind, then give me a tinkle!
Thank you for listening :)
Link works both on my sig and link.

Emailed a few photo's which you may like. will send more as soon as they are available.



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I will send you a TON of pics and a new site review done by my team once the new site i work at is fully up and running.


May send you some pics of my load out as well. ;)

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Having ADHD and Asperger's does not mean that you are allowed to be impolite on a forum. Consistently upsetting people will lead to a ban, this is supposed to be a forum about a hobby which we enjoy and enjoy talking about.

Your posts are unpleasant and confrontational, you should treat others on the forum as if you were standing next to them. Other forum members are offering good advice on what is acceptable, which you seem to be ignoring on a regular basis.

just my last 2cents i am not trying to be confuntaionable (is that even a word) and if this has offended you then sorry but you can not change the past and what has been said can not be unsaid, and for that reason i am not editing my posts what so ever.

otherwise the op is a very good idea!

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Well, If you want a hand actually making it into a .PDF magazine I'll be happy to help.

Here is a link to a PDF fan guide I made when BF3 first came out (Made it for the clan i was in at the time, didnt get a chance to finish it though)


(although note, the rest of the stuff on my portfilio is pretty dated now, I swear im better :P )

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thanks anyway now that's out of my system i think i'll at some point submit my loadout to this.

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Thanks guys. Nice response. I'll check my emails and reply to you all in due course. Hopefully they are all good, and I can post them all.


For anyone who the link doesn't work for, try this link.



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I'm too tired right now OP, but I've got a couple of bits'n'bobs you might like so I'll try to remember to link you.


Re: Adam's style of posting


at least he ends sentences with a punctuation mark there are some people on here who write on and on producing hole paragraphs of verbiage including several ideas without so much as a word like including linking one idea too another so you can tell there supposed too be understood as part of the same thought but instead and they're's another word they miss out you know instead they just put yeah so and so was epic the day was awesome my friend has a dog it likes snake and pigmy so when we was firing it were in the car then we got it out and never got to eat it but i dont eat it anyway but the dog ate it anyway so we just carried on my mate was hungry i had a snickers before oh look theirs a bee it was my dads car but he doesnt let dogs in and if i was being true to the style im imitating i would have left it right there after in

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