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The pudding thread!

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Has to be a home made apple crumble with tons of proper custard lashed over the top

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Rolo yoghurts ^_^


Thread closed xD







Only joking.

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Hot rice pudding with a scoop of vanilla ice cream in the middle *Dribbles like Homer* :P

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Yorkshire puddings... Mmmmm


I could have them with peas and gravy as a dessert any day of the week, and have in fact, multiple times :P

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What about the simple Bakewell slice? Gotta love that almond/raspberry jam taste ^_^

If done properly, victoria sponge cakes are great too :)

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Ah, rhubarb crumble. I'll never forget the day my school tried to serve that. The rhubarb was oddly green. And tasted surprisingly like celery...


No love for a good sticky toffee pudding? This makes me sad. (However all previous suggestions are also good)

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Tequila / Yagermeister&Monster / That stuff that's Illegal but you can still buy in bar's with a wink and a Nod to the right people that give's you a hangover the next morning if you drink just a Glass of water!


Not that i have an Iron Stomach or anything :lol:


Tea&Biscuits, Tea&Ice Cream, Tea&Cereal, a lovely Companion of whichever sex your Inclination take's you i Could keep going...

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Pannacotta, or maybe a nice pavlova.

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Ah, rhubarb crumble. I'll never forget the day my school tried to serve that. The rhubarb was oddly green. And tasted surprisingly like celery...


No love for a good sticky toffee pudding? This makes me sad. (However all previous suggestions are also good)

You bas***d! That was gonna be my next post ;)
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What about Trifle?


Or Tiramisu?

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I must have gone to the wrong places, don't think I've had tiramisu I thought tasted good. Will try Lidl's offering next time I'm there.


You bas***d! That was gonna be my next post ;)

What can I say? I have fine tastes :P


Anyone for creme brulé? (I have no idea if that's how it's spelt, bloody french words... burnt cream). Bit of an odd one, it's either brilliant or absolutely vile, never had an "ok" one.

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Banoffee Fucking Pie!!!

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