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ICS G36/G33

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Looks pretty nice (says a normal G36 fan).


Is it based on anything in particular, or did someone at ICS think "let's change this"? Parts of it remind me of the South American FX-05 clone of the real G36. (I want to say Mexican, but I'm not sure that's the correct country)


Any ideas on price?

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I don't like G36s at all really, but this actually looks good. Wouldn't buy one though, used my brother's G36 for a game once and it was so uncomfortable to use!

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I'm not the biggest fan of G36s but I think they've taken its re-imagining in the wrong direction. I think this thing is a bit gross.

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Love the G36 series.. Hate armalites :P


But that just looks like a love child from a G36C and a magpul M4... do not like.

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Am a G36KV owner,I like the stock but not the magpul looking front too plasticy for me I'll keep with my heavy assed metal front

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Do like the amount of rail you get on it... but just no.

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Love G36's... and seeing as they are already plastic fantastic, you can't ruin it with MOAR PLASTIC! :D Unlike the common roach (M4) witch often gets all the nice metal covered up/removed by "Ergonomic Experimental Products"!


(Plus, I love the colour scheme! ;) )


Although, the only reason why I'd keep my Ares G36kv, instead of replacing it, is because I like the blowback :D If this is an EBB too, I might just poop myself.

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