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Best Ammo?


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Hi thought it would be a good idea to make a topic about ammo (searched and couldn't find one) and people's experince with them whether it be good or bad.


Zero One BB Ultra Accuracy 0.20g 5000rds - £6.95

I bought 2 bags of these just to try them out as there quite cheap. They were brilliant all of them were a good quality shape & i had no jamming issues through all 10,000 of them they come in a resalable bag an there rightly called acurate i was hitting my targets all day.


4000 0.2g pro ball high grade ammo airsoft 6mm bbs - £5.40-On offer) £7.50

I bought 2 bags of these because they were on offer and i thought id give them a try. I've read mixed reviews on these some good some bad but my experience with these were execlent didn't notice any oddly shape ones & they weren't jaming in my gun these also come in a resalable bag & and i was hitting my targets all day aswell.



So post your reviews below & im particulary wondering about the Xsite 0.2g BB's anybody know what there like?

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I personally prefer Zerone BB's as many of my mates use them and experience no problems with them and they feed flawlessy. I personally prefer Blaster BB's as a 3000 bottle of BB's cost £9 but which is a little expensive but willl work no problem and assures you nothing can be damged by your ammunition. Back to the subject at hand Zerone BB's are the ones I would definately reccomend for the price.

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Tend to only use Blasters. Better safe than sorry.


Tend not to go through too many bbs anyway

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A while ago we bought a load of that cheap z1 ammo and we were all appalled at the quality.

Not all the bbs's were spherical and there was loads of "bits" in the bottom of the bag like the ammo had been recovered from the floor at a woodland skirmish, this ammo caused havoc with magazines not feeding properly and frequent gun jamming on 5 out of 6 guns.


Since then i have stuck with blaster or madbull with no issues what so ever.

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personally i prefer BBKING but since i can find them any more ive been using these Packs of 5000

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i like zerone ammo ive never had any imperfections with it i must be lucky but ive used blaster ammo and i didn't really notice a difference other than it being a little more shiny but performance wise i dont really see a difference my fav ammo is src as you get 5000 for 10 pounds and they have good qc so you wont find any imperfections

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I usualy use madbull or blaster devil BB's. The king arms BB's aren't too bad either. I prefer 0.25g or over 0.20g.


Bit off topic but apparently in mainland Europe the price of BB's is determinde by weight rather than the ammount.

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  marksman556 said:
Thats not surprising, it's the same here. ;)

I meant the weight of the BB's all together not 0.20's 0.25's etc... For example over here you ask for X ammount of BB's over ther you ask for X grams of BB's. They weigh how the BB's you pick like a supermarket for certian foods.

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Blaster, Devil, Gold fire ASG and SRC bb's are the one's I have tried and I don't think I have ever had an imperfect bb from these.


Favorite? Probably Blaster but you can get lots of SRC bb's very cheap

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I used around 4,000 bulldog .2's without issues and i'm now on close to 15,000 Aim top .2's again with no issues.


No tightbores here though so that might change things :)

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  DreamWeaver said:
Blasters for me, z1's own brand seem to jam my king arms m4 mags, i have a bag or two of them i use for filling my emergency highcap but only blasters for mids


What are the best bbs to use for a G&P M4?


Cheers :-)

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I used to use baw and they wernt bad,then i used zero ones but their not the best as the accuarcy is low,i bought a bag of madbull bios and i found 6 bad bbs,the others were brillient though.now i only use blasters.they are the way forward

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  • 3 years later...

I have used BB Ammo 0.23g( https://mach1airsoft.com/product-category/consumables/bbs/biodegradable/ )depending upon the condition. I always liked my kids to play it safe and hence preferred ammo which were not so thick. The biodegradable property makes it even more appealing as you would not have to worry about the environment aspect. Whichever it is, the kids just love to lay their hands on the guns and start shooting. I would say go for biodegradable stuff just to be on the safer side.

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Madbulls in my GHK, Excel for everything else

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