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  1. If you pre-order of Amazon then do you still get the map pack thing, though does anyone know the best place to pre-order other than amazon even if they do the maps, but i have seen the play.com, game, gamestation and i cant decide, game and gamestation dont do anything but amazon have the skins?? (im not sure what they are if anyone would like to enlighten me on what they are) and play.com with dog tags, so skins vs dog tags, which are more beneficial.
  2. lemon191

    battlefield 3

    i get the feeling the beta release isnt anything to do with the final release with it being so close as well id take a guess at they have the final game and this is just a earlier build that they have put out just so they can say they did a beta but thats just my opinion still quite funny watching someones gun dismantle itself in mid air lol just like the bf2 did
  3. They make me angry They are horrible self centered creatures who dont really appreciate what you do for them, they bugger off sh**ing in everyone elses gardens until they are hungry so then return home to eat and sleep not offering anything in return so pointless to keep as pets. Theres a japanese bobtail thing that lives over the road and had a nasty habbit of sh**ing underneath the washingline in the mulch stuff thats there every night, so i buried a remote thermo and got up early....well, it hasnt done it since. Dogs on the otherhand are wonderful creatures who aim to please their owner hence the term "dog is a mans best friend" not "cat is a mans best friend"
  4. Shell eject is great for Milsim and if your playing inside, apart from what you need loads of money to keep buying the shells! its more of a "look what I got" gun more then anything. As promised my Glocks! what do you guys think?
  5. Shell eject is great for Milsim and if your playing inside, apart from what you need loads of money to keep buying the shells! its more of a "look what I got" gun more then anything.
  6. If it's anything shorter than 10.5" I don't want it either (I want a 10.5" for my L119A1 setup )
  7. Well to be fair if the barrel was anything shorter than 16'' u could have it- I wouldn't be interested
  8. I agree with Marksman Just because you spent more money on a gun, doesn't mean it will outperform all other weapons. Also, sorry but I disagree. I don't think anyone has the right to be obnoxious... I could have bought a PTW if I didn't buy all of my other rifles too, but that would leave me with a single M4 that wouldn't actually have the performance I can get out of another AEG. With the PTW hop unit, you can't use the flat hop mod with it, which produces 200ft+ shots with 330FPS, already proved. The PTW has little to no potential for anything new
  9. TPI

    battlefield 3

    Ye if i hear anything about the pc one that is i havent built and gamed on one since i was about 14 so i know extremely little about the pc scene now
  10. Krylon. That's pretty much it. I don't do anything to my rifles apart from rub them down with a lint free soft cloth - to make sure there's no loose particles. I think they come out pretty well. Oh and there's the biggest tip. Patience. That goes miles.
  11. Airsoft-Ed

    battlefield 3

    Anyone have any news on the beta yet? I'd have thought it'd be out this week, otherwise it's getting a bit close to the release date for the feedback to really be acted upon. I've not heard anything yet. I kinda expected the scroller on BFBC2's main screen to have posted some info by now.
  12. Sadly it isn't. My real first name is Hugh. After a week at my current/old school in year 7 one of my friends called me Hubert ( -Farnsworth, he kept calling me The Professor from Futurama...), and the nickname stuck. Most people have their name shortened in nickname form, me, I get mine made longer. It's practically my offical name at school (hell, leavers hoody, class of '11 has it on the back). It then spawned into Huberticus for some weird reason. Why do you get piss taking for Marcus? I can't think of anything.
  13. The best one about student finance, is that if you forget your customer number, and can't reset online, they tell you to phone them. BUT, it's impossible to speak to anyone or do anything with them over the phone without the customer number. Endless cycle of silliness. Currently angry because I have to pack my room into the back of a Kia Ceed. BTW, hubert, I got two AWESOME kills with my L85 last night, 50m+, single shot, two lads; when I got back to the safezone one of them goes to me "we were fine and dandy sitting out of range of everyone behind that mudpile till you showed up, we knew we were ****** when we saw that bloody L85 of yours"
  14. Like a glorious phoenix of red and gold, I am raising this thread from the ashes to soar through the skies above AFUK once again. Student Finance. Anyone who knows anything about them won't even need me to explain why.
  15. True, lol. Can't wait to get some tips from you. also see if the barrl has done anything.
  16. The fact that this thread has remained silent for so long. The media. The Beeb has a painful liberal bias, and needs to get off it's high-horse, it isn't whiter than white - whilst it doesn't have the corrupt bastards that the Screws have, it has 20 very, very, very well paid executives who whilst keeping their pay cheques, are preaching about the evils of expenditure cutbacks... The tabloids. Express - Diana is dead. She wasn't a saint (although I cannot lie, her anti-landmine work was amazing) - but like I said, she's dead, get over it. The Sun's hpocracy - "whey, lets go nut some paedos! Now getta look at the knockers on this page3 stunna, she turned 17 today..." I might not like Gordon Brown as a politican - but I think it's downright disgusting to steal and then publish his 5 year old son's medical records. The Screws. I don't think I have to elaborate... The fact that everyone is jumping in on the Screws and pretending that they've never done anything wrong. And the constant statement of the obvious - tabloid journalists have no morals, we get it! What are they going to report next, the Pope is Catholic and bears defecate in the woods?
  17. Thanks for all the replies guys! Some great info and really interesting photos! I am undecided on the MK6 helmet as I have had one before (years ago) and just the weight of them alone puts me off. I'm a skinny little unfit kinda guy, lol! I can see how they are great for real steal but seems a bit much for me for just Airsoft and I am guessing it's hard to tell if you take a hit on it at some points due to it being kevlar. Surprised there isn't a lightweight replica like they do with the US helmets for Airsoft. I dunno, maybe I had a stupidly heavy MK6 or something as a lot of the lads I played with back then laughed at the idea of wearing it all day long due to its weight. I'd prefer a helmet over a bonnie hat though. I'm going for woodland DPM rather than desert. Trying to keep my load out minimal to a certain degree cos like I say (not meaning to sound 'soft' or anything, lol) I just like to keep my load out as lightweight as possible, so if its not being used for something I don't carry it. Just means I can move quicker and easier when needed.
  18. Bad drivers. This includes the inability to check your own brake lights, failure to indicate and those unable to grasp roundabouts. Causes me RAGE. People that take my money then DON'T SEND ME MY GUN. Bad tea. There should be a universal awesome teabag, so where ever you go, you get awesome tea. On a serious note, everyone and anyone who freely works in the the illegal sex trade. Not so much "anger", but disgust and hatred - and researching it has helped my lose what little faith i had in humanity. One of my goals (in later life - when i have the training and the know how) is to bring some serious pain on those responsible for the exploitation of the weak and defenseless. Oh and misleading co-op information on the back of xbox 360 games. Politics. In general its interesting, throw in money? You get a bunch of fat greedy old men who are on holiday for half the year, sit around going "hear hear!" for the other half, and some how find time to spend thousands of pounds in tax payer money on duck ponds and repainting their god damn houses. Working in retail. Nothing quite like being treated like a bit of dirt and not being able to say anything back. Yeah im done. For now. Edit: Religion. Silly me. How could I forget religion. Simply one of the dumbest things to exist, and responsible for more human deaths than anything, ever. Not to mention the destruction of knowledge and information because religious leaders were "scared" of what others had discovered. Grr. To quote Rady in Flight of the Phoenix Religion divides people. Belief in something unites them.
  19. I would rather holepunch my scrotum than buy the kart I refuse to buy anything from g&g or ares. I'll get tm with g&p kit or ra tech/we tech More likely the latter But I appreciate the comment- shame I'm too stubborn to listen
  20. Spray it anything but orange, green or blue please! Oh and nerf on airsoft! That is a biggest sin I have ever heard of! I am joking, I am actualy quite interested, Is it fullsized or a 1:3 or something along those lines? Also how did you get that nerfpod on there? I cant see a RIS rail or anything
  21. Yeah, done that.. but, I can't get the barrel away from the upper receiver. I get the handguard off, the front sight off, the mock gas tube off, but then can't remove anything more.. there's nothing to unscrew, and the cog-like bit doesn't move at all.. any ideas? And do I need the mock gas tube? I can't see that it does anything at all apart from look better? EDIT; I just forced the delta ring and it unscrewed pretty easily, was glued or something.. Problem was my outer barrel wasn't aligned properly, so the front sight and hop-up sat at funny angles.
  22. Applies to RIF's as well. From our sticky thread: Can my parent buy me an airsoft gun? They can buy an IF but not a RiF unless they are a member of an insured game site, although if you are under 18 you can be given or win a RIF or IF. However this is a bit of a loophole in my opinion and I'd agree with Nutster, I don't think a 13 year old can carry the responsibility of having one due to their maturity - especially anything skirmishable as they have a lot more power behind them.
  23. would i buy from bbguns4less no i would not most of the fps for the guns they sell are wrong they are either over what they should be or under dont get me wrong some of the pistols they have i like the look of but they are the ones that are round about £100 or more they are selling the double eagle M83A1 (M4 Replica) and the Double Eagle M85 (G36C Replica) for £20 more than my corner shop sells them at and that is the truth both of them guns are good for back garden skirmishes, i have to admit that i use the m4 for actual skirmishing but its because i cant afford anything else at the moment and we all had to start somewhere but as for bbguns4less i would not buy from them,plus the guy looks like a tool and also they never have anything in stock. But this is my opinion and buy at your own risk Oh and any one looking for a good gun to start with i would recommend the SRC G36C
  24. only put a carry handle scope on a g36k they look terrible on anything else..... except an mg4
  25. still will not allow me to log in to buy anything, nor will it allow me to register as my Email already has an account apparently
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