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  1. It would go on top yeah... I'll have to get a photo up of mine with the muzzle break off, see if that helps anything. It looks metal, is it? Have you tried just straight up pulling on it? Maybe it's just slid on over the threads? If your's is feeding like a POS out of the box then I would send it back. I had some mag fitment issues with mine, and slapping them in broke a part of the feeding mech, which is when it started being shit, but since I'd broken it, I couldn't return it... That said, I've DIY'd the piece that broke and it's still not feeding right. Tried that, thing with doing that as well, is that the more BBs there are in the mag, the more careful you have to be about accidentally touching the release button, 'cos if you do you'll lose even more BBs than if you'd under-filled it. I plan to experiment with metal washers and unscrewing all the screws a bit, see if I can adjust the sitting height of the mag in relation to the feed tube. Not going to bother until I've got some upgrades though. Just bought a full upgrade set for £50 second hand, so fingers crossed I see an improvement or I'm going to be insanely depressed.
  2. I got mine right from PDI. Their website is www.x-fire.org Up in the right corner is a link for the English version of their site. The palsonite cylinder is really nice. Much better than the silver one the gun comes with. I still would like to get a suppressor on the end of the barrel. Not sure if anyone has tried anything to make something work....???? Also, I haven't had any issues with my feed mechanism. Haven't gamed it yet thanks to our wintery weather, but the target shots have fed flawlessly.
  3. Garden tarps are heavier and not so fire resistant, mate. Plus army tarps can be press studded together in a way that keeps rain from leaking through, and they pack smaller. Something else you might be interested in is Czechoslovakian military surplus bedding roll with bivvi bag. It's a 3 layer system and cheap from a few peeps on fleabay. If you add a £10 civvi sleeping bag to it, it'd be good for 4 seasons. Well, with a foam mat anyway... Oh yeah, tip on foam mats: you can spend a 'kin fortune on them, but what you get for the extra money over a £10 one isn't as much as you get from buying a really crap £5 summer type (that is frankly not much use on its own for anything) and gaffer taping (like duct tape but black, £5/roll) the two together along their edges. You could do the north face of the Eiger with one like that for £20...
  4. This is the current WIP loadout: It isn't based on anything, and YES I do know that having any form of Union Jack on MARPAT is some sort of massive crime against humanity but I'm a baws so I don't care. Got a few bits left to do. Need a drop-leg panel so I can relocate the holster and pistol mag pouch (and then add some more), I don't like them on my chest, they're stacked on top of a command panel and its just bulky. Want to get hold of some woodland gloves and some olive knee pads, also planning to build a very swish looking helmet. Need some stuff for the back of the RICAS but as that isn't pictured I won't worry about listing it all right now. Also thinking about whether or not I need a chest sling. And finally, patches. Lots and lots of patches.
  5. .... It is eBay, you can find anything on there.....
  6. I got an Aimpoint in a swap deal with an AEG ages ago, it came without a box or anything so I've no idea who makes it, but it's a fantastic sight. Never turned off or anything, awesome fun to use once it's sighted in correctly on an accurate gun.
  7. Everyone above is sort of right, the MadBull ACE is practically the same, the one pictured however is the G&G SOPMOD. £80, most solid stock I've ever put on anything.
  8. Nope, Systema Magnum high torque motor's pinion gear sanded itself down to the point where it no longer worked. ICS stock gears have barely a mark on them. But the gearbox is now full of what looks like iron filings because the angle the gears engaged at was never quite right, so that's why I've bought the gear set too, aside from that I'd like to upgrade to high torque gears anyway. That doesn't sound very promising, do you reckon the bevel won't fit then? I hope it does... Though as someone pointed out on Facebook just now, I don't have an allen key small enough to replace the pinion gear, or locktite the new one on... As for more grease, I forget how the parts interact in a V2/3 gearbox, but in the ICS L85 'box no amount of grease is going to make the slightest bit of difference to how the cut off lever or anything work. I'll have to show you next time we get to a skirmish together, if that ever happens again haha.
  9. Yes, yes we are. This is totally legit. I was looking through my holiday photos and found some of me feeding a giraffe, it then dawned on me - I have NEVER heard a giraffe say anything to anyone. Now, at first, I thought that maybe giraffes couldn't make noises, like so many before me, however there were some rebels who thought otherwise. In order to combat these ruffians I whipped out my google fu and (much to my surprise) it turns out they make many noises, it's just that they're confined to sex, stress and being young. Once they've stopped doing any of those things, they take a strict Buddhist vow of silence and just stop making any sort of noise. N.B: The giraffes might just be quiet, they have the right to freedom of religion and are not required to be Buddhist.
  10. Exactly the same here alway's carrying spare's for... spares that either can't hit anything or can but their using too many BB's to do it! i Used to carry 16 Metal Mid's loaded on .25's having now given 14 to my brother and buying 6 E Mag's i'll only use the E Mag's and at most 1 at Full cap or 4 at Realistic Cap.. I would get the E Tool just to go with the Impression (You might even one day attend somewhere like Berget! and suddenly you'll have it as a functional bit of your Kit!)
  11. Whats wrong with the bolts/washers ? (Apart from being able to find those anywhere and not cost anything)
  12. Thanks a lot! I've decided I prefer the original bipod to a grip-pod and I wanted a foregrip as it really helps with the weight and I didn't want anything too tacti-cool and the standard one seemed to work best.. Thinking of giving it a OD dusting, what do people think of that?
  13. Yeah mate, see the thing with me is i grew up in the 70's and, truthfully, i doubt you'd believe how uninterested the average parent was in preventing their children, especially boys, from getting injured. I'm not exaggerating for comic effect, seriously i remember overhearing one of my mum's friends commenting that her son also wanted to wear jeans instead of shorts (as i'd requested - they were gossing later) and she said no, what would be the point? They'd only have holes in the knees straight away and they'd have to be washed every time they were worn to get the blood stains out. You might imagine that this would have led to us being cautious, but exactly the opposite was the case. I expect that my parents would have been investigated by social services these days, even if we were just counting the number of hospital attendances which legitimately had nothing to do with wounds sustained as a result of adult violence (which, you must understand, was a lot more prevalent and acceptable than now). The trouble is that when i'm airsofting a large part of my psyche seems to revert back to childhood game mode... which I believe is doing my head all kinds of good, it's just that my body is not just 44, the years in between have seen some hard usage... Skirmishing quite often puts me in bed for a day or three afterwards, due to aggravating injuries which i medicate into numbness in order to participate in the first place lol, but my liver just can't sustain that degree of poisoning on a daily basis - if I didn't use pads i couldn't throw myself around with anything approaching the carefree abandon i enjoy, well, without fooking myself up anyway. I'm not going to do the usual "kids these days...", i think it goes to show that we, as a generation, did remarkably well at spotting the faults of our parents when we were repeating them and as a result civilisation has jumped by an order of magnitude, that today's youth aren't typically brutalised to the point of not only accepting needless injury but adopting the tried and tested emotional coping strategy of turning a necessity into a virtue. When i see a young airsofter wearing both pads on their knees and with elbow pads and full finger gloves, i think "there's a kid who intends to have some fun and knows how to go about it!" - makes me smile. Edit to add: lol i hadn't intended a long waffle, i mainly meant to reply that u should check out Ronnie Sunshine's on fleabay - they are having a clearance sale of Magnum Panther 8's
  14. Hi gang! I find myself looking for a new hobby! and my younger brother has been into airsoft for years> looks great, excercise, the outdoors and shooting stuff, what more could a man ask for (legally). anyway, I live in Pembrokeshire and can't seem to find anything close? anyone have any ideas? Also looking to break into my first proper AS gun!, not wanting to be a complete noob and go for one of those lovely two tone orange things, whats a good starter gun? if i am going to do it might aswell do it properly.... Any help would be great. Thanks Mat
  15. TPI

    battlefield 3

    I'm Good in tank's No idea on my stat's or anything but i excell while Piloting Chopper's either Transport or not and dogfighting in them with jet's (Exsclusively Play With the Mortar dude or the Medic =D)
  16. Searley

    battlefield 3

    No problems I have played ARMA 2 or FARMA as we nicknamed it, after running around fields for hours haha. Havent seen anything of OF yet, will check out some gameplay. No games match up to Black Hawk Down in my opinion, just the perfect game play and at the time seemed like there were no problems. You could play on a map for hours, the same map and not get bored. You just don't get that anymore, I don't know how anyone can sit on Metro on BF3 and just nade and spray their asses off.
  17. TPI

    battlefield 3

    I never said BF3 wasn't competing before hand anyway i said what i said because you mentioned BF4 being released so soon so i told you MOH was Axed it's likely because EA saw a way to maybe make more Green and become a better rated shooter (If anything it's put me off buying Battlefield game's at all anymore) MOH was aimed Primarily at getting the COD People one year and then the next year it was battlefail and they alternated all i said is that BattleFail is Taking over and nothing is replacing MOH hence BattleFail is Replaceing MOH by being released every year i wanna go further with it but ICBA Also I'm not attacking you before any try's Jumping up my Corny
  18. Searley

    battlefield 3

    I didn't say anything about that? BF3 has been in competition with the COD series right from the word go, not just since MOH was put to bed. It's plain to see that they wanted to steal some of the COD fans with the expansion packs, game modes and game styles in the game.
  19. Sorry for the rubbish quality photo I was trying to go for a black swat style Loadout, with a few modifications. I'm under 16 so I have to wear full face protection (hence the half face mesh mask) What's your guys opinions? Anything I should change or add? (I'll post my entire Loadout once my holster and dump pouch arrive) Thanks
  20. Anyone notice anything odd/different about this? http://i.imgur.com/PDum4ar.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. M_P


      Your m16 has multiplied?

    3. Finius


      You haven't got any Russian goodness in there for a start...

    4. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      Nope, M16s are as they were when new, apart from the rails added to the G&P one.

      The pistol holster on the sniper stock is what is different, an idea someone gave me. Tried it out today, worked pretty well :P.

      Ed, the L96 and 1 M16 is mine, the other M16 is my mate's. Completed the L96 look quite a while ago.

      Finius, I will probably never get a Russian weapon....

  21. BAE owned H&K at the time of the upgrade, yeah. But H&K is still a German company with German designers. The guys putting it together might've been English, but they won't have really had anything to do with it.
  22. CAW are not a clone manufacturer. It stands for craft apple works (i think) Their revolving launcher is not a clone of the ICS, it's much older- and looks nothing like the ICS They focus more on niche items- launchers etc. As far as i now, they dont make stuff anymore, atleast I havent seen anything new from them- atleast not the UK anyway. Their shotgun ed linked to again is not the same as the double eagle one either.
  23. Don't get anything new for months, then three packages turn up within the space of 20 minutes. -Glock 17rnd mag + Lancer Systems L5 30rnd translucent mag -G-Code SOC Rig for Government 1911s with standard frame cowling -ESC Custom TM MEU fitted with HurricanE Kimber Desert Warrior kit
  24. I decided that since I'm using 7.62mm mags with my Krinkov, that would only make sense if the 5.45mm barrel and chamber had been replaced by a custom set up. Something machined in a dodgy underground workshop perhaps, since a cut down 7.62mm barrel would not have the more steeply pitched rifling of the correct barrel which would make it very inaccurate over anything but close ranges... Uploaded with ImageShack.us ...so what those mags needed was some urban guerilla chic!
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