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  1. utility on a drop leg... have fun running if there's anything in it! also, your freaky lefty-rightyness makes it look completely wrong, but I'm guessing it's all right where you can reach it with whatever hand you use for whatever action!
  2. The one you linked is much better than a Lenovo Ideapad Z580, regarding specs. I've never heard of 3XS though, so can't comment on anything other than the specs and price. No idea what quality they are or how long they're likely to last. From experience, here's a few brands I'd avoid/look out for; Sony VAIO - I had a Sony VAIO, was my favourite laptop I had. Wasn't the best spec-wise, but build quality and ergonomics, it was amazing. It was also the most expensive I've had. I could play games on it with it being on my bed, without it getting hot and overheating. Reason I got rid of it was because I dropped it and fucked it up. ASUS - Good specs:price ratio, you get more for the same cost as another brand laptop. I'd say poor build quality though, the keyboard/keys were flimsy and the keyboard started to bend inwards in the middle. The speakers went 'rattly' after about a year or so. The subwoofer port stopped working completely, so after just over a year, I returned it to Amazon for a full refund. Toshiba - Had two of these, both the same. Worked well, quite good quality, better than ASUS, worse than Sony VAIO. Bear in mind, these will not survive if you drop them down the stairs, I accidentally tested this twice. HP - Avoid like the plague. My dad had one, my step-dad had one, my brother and sister both had one, my nan and grandad had one. They all, without fail, overheated and fucked the processor within a year. Not the best build quality, no too expensive, but seem to have massive cooling issues. If anyone else wants to go against what I've said, for whatever reason, feel free, this is from my experience, of 1 laptop from each of the brands (apart from Toshiba and HP). Finally, if I was going to get myself another laptop, which I might for Uni, it would definitely be a Sony VAIO.
  3. This reminds me, the last time I was at a game, I was approached by a group of posh boys with all the tac. gear, but JBBG guns - in which they were using bulldogs (They sadly had no knowledge any other site existed, and swore by JBBG) Anyway, they were stuck up twats, drowning in multicam,wearing their Air cadet rank slides, bossing everyone around and thinking they were the shiz. In walks a lad with a G&G Top tech M4, they scream out in jealousy, "OMG IS HE USING YELLOW PELLETZ? LOLZOR" Jambwow has created his own airsofter, idiots with too much of daddy's money, no idea about airsoft, or any care about the sport. Their disregard for the sport and other players was proven throughout the day, I heard them discussing how one of them was going to sell his broken gun, as working, for full price to another regular and tell him to f*ck off if he said anything about it. The other shot me, full auto, from 2 ft away, in the groin.
  4. Baptised my shotgun today. Got a grand total of 15 kills with it, and made sure that the other team suffered from it's 390 fps muzzle velocity. Have yet to try anything heavier than .20s in it though, moar experimentation needed!!
  5. You'd probably be surprised at how ordinary most of the talent are. Obviously there are a few that believe their own press, but they're not usually the ones who'll be around for long. Being a star is a small part of the job, laying down vox is another. You know when somebody will be around in some capacity for time because they know that their performance is just raw product. Ke$ha got her contract the same way as anybody else - somebody who could afford to pay the likes of me thought that she could be shoehorned into the white dancer/singer package, as created by Madonna and pillaged by Britney Spears, that would sell. Simple as. They were right. Does she spend her time off camera strutting about self consciously aggressively flirting with her bare flesh, but still managing to lead with her lip gloss? Does she bollocks! She's a dancer, she lopes about in sweats with her hair tied right back and battered comfy trainers on her feet, probably some kind of lip balm to make sure that dehydration during run throughs doesn't do anything to her lips that'll make her make-up artist tell her off... It's the same with anyone. Think of whomever you consider to be someone whose recording contract was a foregone conclusion due to sheer talent and i could show you somebody equally talented whom you've never heard of despite them having been around for the same length of time and having had all the self belief and perseverance to keep plugging away in the hope that they'll get a deal... and who knows, they might... The bloke who could have been Tom Jones if there wasn't one already, but writes his own material too, may get a gig singing his heart out at a piano... if demographic and economic projections suggest that middle aged women will see on average a rise in disposable income within the next financial year. There's a superfluity of white 'family friendly' boy/girl bands reaching an age at which the spotless character is starting to wear a bit thin and they are branching out into slightly more risque material in the hope of developing a new market, say. Time to get some new sparkly young wholesome white virgins on the job? Don't panic, there's a never ending supply of them in the pipeline. No, time to call that kid whose voice became really distinctive as they grew older until they got quietly dropped even from backing vocals, b/c the bv's aren't supposed to upstage the talent, because you can bet your arse that the boy/girl bands cannot help but look a bit plastic as they "grow artistically" - time to unleash the "real", the voice of da street... the Rolling Stones to their Beatles.
  6. That could be EPIC!! anything star wars is a win for me!!
  7. WE are happy to say that we are in the process of moving forward and will be stocking airsoft guns very soon!! please let us know if you want anything!
  8. This is very true i have not received anything. Funny that!!! But the guy has 1300+ positive feedback so it may well be a mistake.
  9. If your counting is anything like your spelling, then no, it won't.
  10. I always recommend them yeah. The trigger is aluminium but the parts which take the wear are all steel and the hammer's got a chunky roller bearing which is a big plus. They don't look as internally realistic as a WA or (from what little I know) a WE but that's why they're more robust. Depends which parts you'd be after but nothing's likely to break very quickly and there seems to be plenty of mags about. I'm not sure how well it'd work for an SFW, depends on the barrel length to a large extent I'd imagine. The KWA receiver markings are fugly as hell so they'd need sorting; but getting/fitting the right handguard, stock, optic, gas block etc for the 119 wouldn't be any different to any other GBB system. I'm wouldn't buy anything WE personally, but some people love them, so obviously the base weapon is down to what the individuals requirements are. Ta. Mount is one of these: https://www.primaryarms.com/American-Defense-Aimpoint-T1-Mount-1-Piece-p/ad-t1-10.htm Far above the quality of any airsoft equivalents, but also much cheaper than the likes of LaRue and Daniel Defence mounts. No idea if any who'll ship to the UK stocks them I'm afraid.
  11. Totally didn't get lost or anything... Even with a map...
  12. No worries. These are not the droids you're looking for. To answer the question - Gunman Airsoft's site at Tuddenham. Arnies took it over for the weekend for the sort-of-annual 'Op Morning After' highly serious milsim weekend. Out of interest, when you say one mag securely do you mean with the lids tucked in? I only ask because I've only ever used the common/conventional design of 'double' STANAG pouch to hold 1 mag per cell anyway and not had a problem. That is probably why hardly anyone makes lidded pouches specifically to only hold 1 magazine; though obviously But anyway, yeah Eagle are certainly not a brand I've ever/would ever buy. These days they make a lot of stuff for the DoD and USSF and that's about it really as far as I know. If you do see anything sold by them at a retailer it'll be far too expensive for what it is, antiquated in design and sewn by some unfortunate individual in a sweatshop in an impoverished country somewhere because they stopped making everything in the states a while back. You may well have browsed these already, but for anyone wanting to see a really good cross-seciton of the wide variety of different pouches currently available I'd recommend spending some time on these 2 pages: http://www.optactical.com/cltopmapo.html http://www.skdtac.com/Tactical-Rifle-Mag-Pouches-s/466.htm Anyway, stuff I've bought. One shot for the guys who aren't too fond of Magpul PTS and one of various american widgets.
  13. Oh i've spent 2 new ones worth on my CYMA probably, but it's my ICS one that i'm sorting out at the mo - it died mid game. This is the first time i've done anything to it other than soldering a battery connector. I couldn't break it down before, because I mistakenly assumed that nobody would design an AEG so that the only way to get the barrel assembly off the receiver is by using a right angled posi screwdriver. The money spent on Sabine was worth it for the knowledge of how AEG's work.
  14. My completed Alfa Group FSB loadout Budget version: Note, Alfa do not usually wear Tigr, they usually wear Black or Multicam, but I wanted a definite Russian look. They do wear western gear, so Oakley's are not completely wrong. Other than the helmet, which is just a budget helmet, the loadout comes together when it's all on. All I'd need to add is a holster, and perhaps Black boots, but anything goes really.. gives it that "got your military gear from a jumble sale" look that some Russian operators have. Kit list: M88 Olive Drab Helmet Black Ballistic Goggles / Black Mesh Goggles Balaclavas - Black and Woodland Helikon-Tex Camogrom CPU Shirt Flora T-Shirt Alfa Group and Russian Flag Patches Oakley Gloves / Black Fingerless Tigr Assault Vest (Russian) Olive Drab Belt Helikon-Tex Camogrom SFU Trousers Mil-Tec Black Kneepads Cotton Traders Tan Hiking Boot
  15. How does the FPS of my M16 increase over the period of a year or so, without me changing anything?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      I've taken the barrel/hop out, but it's been gradually getting higher, rather than a sudden increase.

    3. M_P


      Maybe its letting out one of those slow squeaky farts

    4. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      Maybe, but it needs to be lowered again... I've actually just thought of what might be happening, when they lowered the FPS, they did it on a game day by giving it an air leak, by putting a tiny hole in the nozzle. I have a feeling this may have become blocked with crap from the gearbox over time. Gonna take it apart and see if I can clean it out...

  16. I know, if it'd been a more serious game I would've accepted a 50/50 rule and died as well, but since it was just a doss about game at the end of the day and I have it on film that I shot first, I thought I could wing it and get away with it. The game was labelled as a "Zombie game" where the attackers were zombies and the defenders were survivors, so as the attackers took out the defenders, the defenders would swap sides. So given that I only had one life and he had infinite, I thought he'd give me the benefit of the doubt. When I talk to him at the end he seemed to accept it, and call it fair enough. He didn't have a paddy fit or anything and everyone on site who plays there regularly does know me, so I think I managed to get through it alright without upsetting anyone too much.
  17. Hmm...maybe I don't know! I painted my Palco pistols but not with a fancy camo or anything, and I painted my old DE M56C but it doesn't have it's pistol grip. Not sure if I'm going to paint my other guns any time soon either, so might miss out.
  18. I've got Bolle Countour protective glasses. No Anti-Fog spray used, you can breathe directly on them, and nothing. No fog or anything. Oh, and their £8
  19. Can anyone recommend a decent Bullpup style gun that is easily available in the UK (Damn APS UAR) , Cheap anything under £200 (may go over that depending) , Good parts quality

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bottledtorment


      Kaza could you drop me a quick review please i would be very much appreciative of that :)

    3. Kaza66


      Sure mate no problem- will drop you one later today :)

    4. Kaza66
  20. Any chance you could stick the photos up? Where did you get the trigger from? How much was it in total with shipping? Did customs anally rape you with stupid charges or anything? If you have an overall good experience then I'd be interested in getting one, especially if it only takes a bit of fine dremmel work or filing to get it to fit.
  21. Ordered another M21 Les BDU,the one I have is too small for me now. Last set I've owned had exceptional quality. THis one I bought two sizes up,so I will customize it a bit. Didn't pay anything because reasons.
  22. Yeah, I've got one of those. I dunno about the Chinese ones but the Russian ones are a pain in the arse. The chain makes unscrewing the top awkward and the whole thing bounces on a belt like a big woman on a horse... plus, you can't take the bottle out of the pouch without undoing the strap that holds it onto a belt, so you may as well bring the whole thing up to your mouth, but then it's fiddly to get back on the belt. Can you see if your dad knows anything about this that could help me track one down, because my veshmeshok has only one external pocket and some crappy twine through a hem to tie it up, no eyelets or proper string like yours.
  23. Some quality ideas in there mate. Solid contribution. Your the sort of bloke I like that has good ideas but I then claim I thought of it myself and take the credit whilst the real genius stands by lol. That blue Peter holster link was brilliant! That chap has got real skills. A full length raging bull holster in that style would be perfect for me as the other ones I have looked at seem very boring even if they are indeed effective. Is that guy in this forum as well as I would like to contact him Also that skull half face mask would be a nice quick fix for me for now. Wish you would have said it earlier so I could have ordered it in time for Sundays skirmish. This is not acceptable pal. Next time I need your good idea at least 2 weeks before I need it so fix up lololol Did like the vest link you showed but my problem as mentioned before is massive overheating! Day to day I'm ok but once I'm involved in strenuous activities I overheat to the point I could actually collapse. If it were up to me I'd airsoft bare chest a la predator style but I'm pretty sure I would just look like I was at a gay rave up (not that there's anything wrong with a gay rave party... I don't mind gays but I hate raves gay or straight lololololollll). The only way I'm going to stay cool is with a dry fit top or mesh tee maybe. Cheers again bro... Awill be looking out for your next good idea (to steal lol) as you very much understand the load out concept I am trying to achieve
  24. and on another wee update....Was my birthday on Tuesday so went shopping. Turns out TM scar Heavy's are about as hard to come across as black men in tanning shops or honest politicians! Had a real nightmare ringing around and stuff till the helpful guys at pro airsoft supplies stepped in a helped a man in need! Ordered scar and pistol but due to coming from abroad Im looking at probably over a month to arrive.... Cant wait to cuddle this gun and stroke it whilst listening to marvin gaye music! Oh and I decided to skip the TM d'eagle and wanted something slightly more intimidating. After trawling the interweb and watching films on youtube I came up with this small treat... Marushin Raging Bull or as I like to call it Raging Boner! What sold me about this gun is the sheer size and the fact its black ad red (as is my entire loadout). It also takes 8mm larger BBs which is a nice touch also. Also my Scar H will have a holo sight and EGLM so overall quite a modern look but this is nice to contrast that with a bit of an old skool look being a revolver. This may take much longer than the scar to arrive from the states but it should be worth it. Finding a holster for it is a bitch but still working on it so if anyone knows of anything/anyone place let me know. As it stands I will probably wear my right leg outside my trousers and place the raging bull in the trouser leg instead lol. When this arrives I think I may be found in a quiet corner of my house whispering absolute filth to it I think I may nickname the scar 'jugde' and the bull 'jury' Oh and Im booked in at AWA Herts on Sunday so say hello if your there and we bump into one another (shoot first say hello second lol)
  25. It's all standard at the moment, so nothing to write home about. L96 cut barrel, VSR style black bucking and a VSR style plastic hop arm, which I've added a biro ink tube nub to, since it's just two prongs otherwise. Still can't lift anything higher than .30s though. Got some .43s and the hop has to be applied to the point where the barrel jams before the BBs fly straight.
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