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Posts posted by Albiscuit

  1. Your parents can gift you a gun, no problem. But a store should not sell them a black one unless they had a defence, which is highly unlikely that do or the store would


    Just get youYour parents can gift you a gun, no problem. But a store should not sell them a black one unless they had a defence, which is highly unlikely that do or the store would


    just get our two tone, and the game for now. Plenty of time for you to play, join a site and understand the wide open holes in the law ;) 

  2. There’s been a hell of a lot of talk on the actual definitions of a “defence” and what is and isn’t possible, have a look in the law section on here I’m sure there’s a guide.


    But my interpretation is:

    a defence is needed to BUY a RIF (RIF being REALISTIC, ie black).

    an IF (imitation firearm, or two tone) can be bought without a defence.

    Under 18s cannot buy any.


    A defence is typically a UKARA number which you get by playing three games at the same site in a certain period of time, sometimes a site membership is also this.

    there are other official defences such as needing it for a prop or being part of an reenactment club. But being a player could be argued as a defence. Obviously not for your first purchase.


    As mentioned it’s to stop someone selling, you as a buyer do not really need to worry, a seller needs to make sure they feel they have done their duty and sold it to someone who is sensible enough not to wave it around or be a dick basically.

    I have purchased loads of guns in store without any official documents such as a ukara as the shop knew I was a regular player 

  3. 1 hour ago, Airsoftnoob420 said:

    @Lozartso should I just get a 2 tone to be safe?


    Technically that’s all a store should be selling you.

    as Loz said it’s all a bit silly and experienced players will tell you largely pointless and full of holes but nothing wrong with two tones, they works exactly the same as a super leet tacticool special ops paint job one, and once you start playing technically your allowed to paint it with a ‘defence’, being an air softer is usually considered a defence but the word of the law, what is sensible and what people will actually care about and/or enforce are all different things. But again it’s not illegal for you or a parent to buy a black one, but it is for a store/person to currently sell you one from what you have said.


    Back to your original question nothing wrong at all with a cm16, it was my first gun and still works fine’all these years later. It’s a great starting place and something you can use confidently for a few years and not feel outraged or outgunned, that will come later but it will serve you well.

    obviously there are a whole range of makes, styles and options to explore so have a little look, as us our opinions and look at YouTube reviews to form your own ideas too.


    Also kudos to you for coming on here writing proper sentences and asking sensible questions. There have been a load of adults who couldn’t manage that half the time :D  

  4. As someone who plays a lot of different sites I hear that, Fall back to the DEA base after we have cleared the greenhouse???? Sorry WHAT, WHERE, WHY?

    It just makes sense, even a blown up map in the safe zone so you can roughly see the defined areas is super useful.



    But good points, as I always say to noobs you dont know what you need or want until you play and get some experience behind you. Plenty of people have this exhaustive list of equipment they feel they need when all you need is eye pro. Obviously a gun helps, a spare mag, battery, bag and boots but really thats it. You can get by for a few games with the minimum.

    Things like BFGs are a novelty, I havent used mine nearly half as much as I should and nowhere near enough to justify the prices :D  but fun when you have it.


    Anyway im glad your enjoying it and have been to different places already, variety is the spice of life so they say.

  5. 54 minutes ago, kasaran said:


    Sounds painful/damn right dangerous to be one of your friends on the opposing team...

    I had a couple of replies lined up which would have been helpful but damn, im not entertaining someone trying to up the FPS to an illegal limit to play in an unregulated way. Downright dangerous if you ask me

  6. On 26/04/2021 at 16:41, Jaylordofwaargh said:

    So it wasnt tea breaks this time? I mean, if someone tells you to take lots of ammo and you run low/out...

    Glad to hear you played till late. It does somehow feel bigger than the very narrow site it is right? 

    Best kill site my brother found was in the dense bush. On the floor near one of the paths. They just couldn't figure out where he was.


    Your right for what is essentially one of the smallest outdoor sites I think I have played at, it really didnt feel that way, and I only found the radio shack area towards the end of the day. I couldnt really fault the site, they have done loads with what they have and there is a huge range of cover.

  7. Euergh....



    I thankfully havent had anything other than a bruised ego from tripping. But I remember one guy went over and into some metal barrels whilst running. Story is marshals were dealing with him as he really hurt his leg and was in a lot of pain and one of them said his knee pad had slipped to the underside of his leg to which the player responded through clenched teeth "im not wearing kneepads", turns out it was his kneecap. OUCH

  8. Did you buy them with a gun all from the same place? I’m surprised I one pointed out or advised on different bits which has been my experience with uk stores at least.


    You need a NiMH charger for that battery. Or buy a LiPO battery for that charger... Call up the shop and speak to them about your order they might be able to swap one or both for something compatible 

  9. I actually have only used it twice I think. I don’t like long guns and mainly use SMGs, And no, no idea on the mags. I ended up with some cheapo mids I went half on a box with a mate. They were a bit iffy but I picked up some other cheap ones which worked

  10. I wish I had space for a cabinet in the house but all my stuff is in various bags and boxes in the garage. 
    I have dragged it ALL out today to organise and is currently taking up all of the living room floor and two sofas :D  Unfortunately it’s going back in various bags and boxes though minus a fair bit of crap I have chucked out and a whole box of spare rigs and pouches to sell.


    I would be interested in seeing if you find something though, I Havant have one of my own but I appreciate a tidy storage cupboard due to my ocd tendencies 

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