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Everything posted by JamesAirsofterAgent

  1. What a car boot do you go to!? All I've ever found is nerf stuff at mine Edit-Damn spell check.
  2. http://www.bristolairsoft.com/games/game-prices/ I cant find where the stars lead to......Anyone know?
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Russe11


      dunno, but they just keep filling your mag when you need it

    3. Russe11


      its semi auto only so I guess its something about that?

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent


      I'm thinking between Spartan and this as the Black ops hire kit doesn't seem so good. But I'll take another look...

  3. You won't be able to skirmish with it that high I dont think.
  4. I just touched someone's star tingy and then blue stars appeared upto where I put my finger, then I clicked away and they went gold. Hmmmm

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Ckinnerley, I meant on someone's profile, there are the stars.

    3. TheFull9


      Oh yeah I get it, that's fine. But when you talk about putting your finger on someone's star thingy it just sounds like something completely different.

    4. team flex

      team flex

      well I thought he meant t like that, thats awkward

  5. Those who have bought it say its lasted them years and is accurate and reliable and they got the one or like the one I linked.
  6. Just wondering, can you change the rails on it so you can add a grip etc?
  7. Also, people on here have said to me to not buy from places with "bbguns" in their name.
  8. Don't know about the others but for the G&G combat machine, you can get a starter pack! Check it out: http://www.colchesterairsoft.co.uk/proddetail.php?prod=cm16transspack The clear is better than standing out with bright green/blue is what I've heard. It might look plasticky but is transparent fibre-reinforced nylon. It has various metal parts, including the barrel, rear sight, charging handle, trigger, sling hooks and other pieces, and it is also very sturdy to hold and fire - there is absolutely no give or rattle anywhere to be found here. Small enough to be used in CQB, with a six position adjustable crane stock. (From their website) Everyone who has had it on here says its a great reliable gun, and it's the one I'm hoping to get!
  9. Glad I joined these forums not one I was looking at before :) One day closer to Cadets! :D

    1. Qlimax


      Cadets is great mate I started in the cadet went the full hog on rank and star level then move into the army..... Best days of my life they were.

    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Hoping to join up as an Officer :D Thanks!

  10. Get the G&G combat machine, I think its pretty much the same as the one shown but a hella lot cheaper. But with the description, not sure it would be the one you want. I don't think full metal changes much unless metal internals.
  11. Theres a guy who lives next my grandad n nan in Warickshire who collects old cars, he has a yellow mustang and a really old black one which he restores them I think.
  12. I prefer older 1920/30's cars, or a red MG roadster...
  13. Crikey, this is great stuff! Apologies for resurrecting this thread.
  14. I take it not all the cars there are your??
  15. http://www.wellsaircadets.co.uk The one I'm joining! :D
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. SimonQuigley


      Theres a max word limit on comments so if he goes over it will cut off the rest and just do ...

    3. cavninja


      ah! old fart waffling on!! lol, as in all walks of life you get the odd toob every now and then, just smile and wave and enjoy yourself! You'll have a great time!


    4. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Ok, thanks!, I'm pretty sure I wont be disappointed!

  16. After a talk with my mum, we've decided that I can convert half of our 40/50 (been around hella long time, my grandad built it) or a quarter of our old shed into a small diorama workshop!!! I can no longer use my desk so much as studying for GCSE's and don't want glue etc all over my school books lol. Anyway, pics to follow, we're doing small bits up until an inset day were its just me and my mum at home (brother'll be out with friends most likely) and hopefully with a bit of luck and an early start I'll have a sort of workshop! One niggly worry though is that this may make airsoft even harder to persuade. (Sorry for bad grammer, had a whole day of German and maths tests D:) But Airsoft, diorama and school are the Main list of things I need to do. As for Airsoft, I hope to be able to go during Christmas holidays or a weekend or so earlier if I have done well in my tests (B or higher which I hope I've got as predicted grade A ) and my brother gets fifa 15 (which is a definate lol) . So, wish me luck lol.
  17. Would have loved it to be Army cadets, but unfortunately the one nearest is in doubt of staying open, not sure why So its 1955 City of Wells squadron for me!
  18. It looks pretty good and light weight, sorry for my dumbness lol.
  19. Don't know even the name for that type of thing (rig/belt?) but whats is it? (Not belt rig like d&d blah rig )
  20. Ignoring the yanky accent: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0p1Rp4nCj00 You can still play? Perhaps buy a riot shield and some pyros etc and do what Russell said?
  21. I'm looking in wells for model shop as mum works there. Can find loooaaaddddssss of Lego and a few months ago would have loved it but can't find any diorama stuff, so it looks like I'll be unleashing my mouse onto the internet soon.
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