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Everything posted by Speedbird_666

  1. I managed to pull off a dead mans walk on Wednesday, walked completely around the opposition (easy to do at Ground Zero), lit 6 up before they noticed my armband colours. I wouldn't normally do it, but the game was at a stalemate, and no one was really bothered about playing the objective, so I thought 'fuck it', stood up and went for a nice little stroll. Kept my gun down, head up and walked with enough nonchalance that nobody batted an eyelid or fired a round in my direction. Shady? Probably. But if dicks can run around the site shining Green Lasers into kids eyes and still be within the site rules, I figured 'why not'.
  2. That is a really interesting point that I had never thought of before. With most retailers offering credit options, it makes you wonder how big-ticket items will sell second hand (at a reasonable value for the seller) unless they are discontinued and/or collectable products. Say, if you are in the market for a high-end pre-upgraded TM NGRS package, you might think to yourself that it's worth paying the extra 30% to be A) able to buy it new and setup exactly how you want it straight away, B) comes with a retailers warranty and finally C) Pay it off in monthly installments. Tangent: Having experienced my own credit nightmares in the past (and all totally my fault)- I've had to work my butt off to be totally debt and finance free. Something I only achieved early this year after a decade or so of worry, sleepless nights and very nearly a divorce. The way credit is being thrown around on nearly every major retailer's website is scary, and it's so easy to be sucked in. But make one mistake (i.e. a late or missed payment) then your lovely interest-free purchase becomes a very nasty interest-attracting debt with sky-high rates. Make a few of those mistakes (and it can happen easier than you think) then you are completely fucked.
  3. Went to Ground Zero a couple days ago for their mid-week half term game. It was the first time my middle son has played Airsoft. Lots of kids (I was expecting that), lots of non-hit taking on both sides (kinda expecting that), a dickhead with a green fricken laser flashing it into peoples faces (not expecting that). I was pretty bored with the game play by midday and was ready to jack it in after a couple of incidents with the green fricken laser in the morning, but couldn't because I had my two boys with me and the refs did sort out laser dick in the end. Turns out waving a green laser in peoples faces from 30m away (thus not for aiming, but as a deliberate distraction) was not against the site rules. Apparently, according to the ref it was 'only a low power laser'. 'Cool' I said - 'where's your testing equipment to verify that?' - no answer. Who the fuck thinks a green fricken laser is acceptable at essentially a kids airsoft day? I don't, but that's just me. Anyway - games were pretty uninteresting. The site is pretty uninteresting. It was just....meh. But my middle son loved it. And that's the main thing.
  4. 🤣🤣🤣 Member (post count: 3) welcomes member (post count: 4618 and counting) to the forums. Try harder next time....😉
  5. It makes me chuckle that a brand offshores their product for manufacturing, then gets pissy that the factories start knocking out 'third shift' products at stupidly low prices. I bet the SIG knockoff optics on Aliexpress are third shift products, coming off the same line during the 'third shift of the day' (the first two shifts are for the 'authorised' product to be sold by SIG) maybe with the odd QC fail thrown in for good measure.
  6. If you like it and think it looks cool, that's all that counts. Anyone who thinks otherwise can go forth and multiply.
  7. There are some awesome deals on AliExpress. SF M300/600 clones can be had for less than £20 shipped too. There's a whole bunch of accessories (grips, stocks, rails etc.) on there to suit most people's needs. Sometimes it takes a bit of creative searching (e.g. using 'Gel Blaster' instead of 'Airsoft') to find the cool stuff. They are also collecting the VAT at source - so the stuff is clearing customs pretty quickly.
  8. I was going to post links to AliExpress in my initial post, but I didn't want to piss on anyone's Cornflakes. If anything has a Nuprol sticker/logo on it, it's pretty much guaranteed that it's available for the half the price direct from China.
  9. The Polystyrene box implies a CYMA CM.042 - which is a full metal AK that costs around £200 new (UK retail). Some were sold by retailers with the Cybergun-licenced Kalashnikov branding. If it is full metal and real wood, I would expect a second hand value of £120 to £140ish.
  10. And double the price for having the Nuprol logo lasered onto it. 😉
  11. @ak2m4 has E&C V2 Trigger Switches for £4.50 and complete V2 rear-wired sets (switch + motor/battery wires) for £10.50 I'm on my works computer at the moment so can't link directly his website (blocked by corporate firewall), but if you google AK2M4 and look the 'Trigger Switches & Parts' section, you'll find them there.
  12. Have you tried sanding down the side of the switch housing? I would remove the switch/wiring loom from the gearbox and very slightly sand the side that faces you when opening the gearbox, say only 0.1-0.5mm or so with some fine wet and dry. There could be a small warp in the shell (or indeed a problem with the switch moulding) that exerts pressure against the switch when the screws are tightened, which in turn could cause the shuttle to bind on the rails. I would have a go at modifying it first to see if it can be fixed, but as a relatively low cost item, it won't be expensive should it not work.
  13. ummm...didn't you post this as news last Thursday? I don't think spamming the forums on a weekly basis would be appreciated by the masses.
  14. Problem is - every man and his dog has an opinion as to 'what am bestest' when it comes to guns for a certain budget and technical proficiency of the user. Then there's the issue of what platform (M4, MP5, AK, G36 etc). I would be looking up the usual retailers (Patrolbase has a good range at reasonable prices), and seeing what you think looks coolest. Come up with a sort list and post up on here if you need help/opinions. In the mean time, I would not buy that gun you've been offered until you can see what's going on with that stock. I don't think it has been mounted properly. The buffer tube castle nut (the ring with notches cut out) should be flush with the back of the receiver: Versus: If you like the LR300 style stock, you can buy the Evolution LR300 rifle from Zero One Airsoft for £255 brand new: https://www.zerooneairsoft.com/products/Evolution_AEG_LR300_ML-AXL_Black
  15. You can get that Bipod from Aliexpress: Link #1 Link #2 Link #3 *Edit* D'oh - didn't read @alxndrhll's post properly - he already provided an Aliepxress link.
  16. I would ask for more pictures of the buffer tube/receiver extension. That's not the stock that normally comes with that gun - it looks like they've tried to stuff an LR300 stock on the end. In any case you can buy a very nice, brand new, gun for the same money. I think it's over priced. 90% sure that many of the Evolution guns of that era were OEM'd by Dytac, but I could be wrong.
  17. I think I need one of these - before Sig throws their toys out of the pram. Looks almost completely parallax-free - really impressive value for money.
  18. Broken lower receiver (trigger guard)....check Not been used in ages.....check Wants more than retail....check Yeah....good deal...🙄
  19. https://negativeairsoft.com/ Although he's become a victim of his own success - there's a fair wait time for his services But inner/outer barrel should be a fairly simple affair, couldn't you do that yourself?
  20. A bucket of salt water, it will discharge them to zero over a couple of days. Otherwise connect them up to a lightbulb and discharge them to zero volts. Some chargers have a 'kill' function that will discharge a LiPo to zero. They are inert at that point and can be disposed of safely.
  21. Looks interesting - Is this the one you ordered? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001261172681.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.5ce41a8f22bycp&algo_pvid=null&algo_expid=null&btsid=0b0a01f816221035685957976e0a4a&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_
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