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Everything posted by ItsAJ

  1. Sprayed my gun with OD Krylon, should I put a cost of something over to protect it? If so is there anything in Halfords that would do the job and mix ok with the krylon?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GearTech


      if you do decide to go down the laqure route now or in the future spray some of the colour you are using on something. Let it dry then spray your laqure. Sometimes certain prducts react badly with each other and halfords don't really say wether some of their products are enamel or acyllic based.

    3. GearTech


      Enamel should go over the top of anything

    4. Lozart


      The issue with ANY rattle can lacquer but particularly Halfords (which is all water based/borne acrylic now by law) is the amount of solvent in it. It's the solvent that may react with the paint. The trick is to use lots of thin layers and allow the solvent to fume off before adding more. That said, I've used Krylon with Halfords rattle can clear with no issues. If you're particularly worried though Krylon do their own matt lacquer (although it is pricey and tricky to source - I g...

  2. Sorry I gave up on the search button a while back on my phone after it wouldn't find anything for me on VSR-10 and I presumed if it couldn't find that then grub screw had no chance but maybe it was only a temporary issue. Proffrink I meant Joule Creep haha but I should have typed it properly. Trust me when I say this, I don't come on here not looking anything up before hand, I haven't stopped reading about vsr parts or upgrades and watching videos I just find many threads contradict themselves with members arguing what is better, and so when someone like me new is new to sniping or the sport they just stand back and don't know who to listen to. I was asking for your personal opinion not spoon feeding, so I apologise if it came across as this. I'm only at 1joule until I go to England and so thought the stock hopup would be better for that low fps until I moved over. I found your thread on it which was very useful, I've now saved it to my homepage, so thanks for uploading it. I'm not sure the grub screw idea would work for me though as I don't have a chronograph and so finding the fps would be a nightmare without the gauge unless you preset it and then take the regulator off.
  3. Haha do you know what it was, I keep forgetting that it won't have the same JC issue as it's got its own cylinder, my memory is awful! Alright I had thought about a 6.03 so will look them up, would u suggest me sticking with the original bucking on the gun or upgrading as they say the original is great though I bought the airsoft pro enhanced arm which I never installed. What's the spare regulator grub screw for? I was going to install it into the stock as you said.
  4. Hey guys so I'm going to order the SDIK kit, do I need to upgrade the barrel length of the GSpec or is stock ok for this? And any other bits need upgraded to run sdik ok?
  5. Do you have to prime a TM VSR-10 before painting it with Krylon?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lozart


      I (mostly) jest.


      If you use Krylon Fusion paints it has an adhesion promoter mixed in so you shouldn't need to prime it. You will still need to key the surface to get best results though.

    3. proffrink


      Like Lozart said - the most important step is sanding with a semi-fine grit to break up the finish on the plastic before spraying. That said, I prime with their grey first as I've found I can prime then sand again to remove and slight bumps etc. before the coat.

    4. ItsAJ


      Thanks guys! I just got the standard black as OD was impossible to find, so bought can of krylon OD but didn't get primer so will get some, not sure if I'm going to replicate the OD version or just do multicam or something similar!

  6. Thanks! I will see if I can get 20mm mounts, having not held the rifle can u say if a low or high mount works best? Found the 50mm Nikko version 3-9 that's half mil dot though not illuminated don't know if that is so important?
  7. I wasn't sure if 50mm would be too big on a vsr? I looked at this one on ebay http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=371019320609&alt=web and this http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=121388175303&alt=web and finally this haha http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=201336237876&alt=web though not 100 percent sure what rail the GSpec has, I know it's 20mm but don't know if it's dovetail.
  8. Just ordered the TM Gspec so should be here in a few days, are there any recommendations for scopes? I was looking for 3-9x40 with parallax adjustment? Something with a mill dots or similar as I'm not so keen on just cross hairs.
  9. What scope mounts has TM VSR-10 GSpec have? Any recommended scopes?

    1. jcheeseright


      g-spec doesn't come with scope rings.


    2. ItsAJ


      I know that's why I was asking what's mount it has to buy the rings

  10. Is airsoftzone.co.uk good to buy from?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qlimax


      they are. have used them a dozen times or so, really good

    3. Hef Legend
    4. TomC


      yep no issues (apart from the slow website)

  11. Haha sorry for all the quoting, blame college for it, they have it battered into us to do it, your lucky I'm not Harvard referencing everything you say. Yea the pins not so much of an issue, I know a few people that could do a good job of it, its the crimped one I'm concerned about, if it comes to it I could hacksaw around it just to get the goodies inside. Then as you say buy a second hand one and head or a new one. I looked on airsoftsniperparts, but correct me if I'm wrong which I most likely am, but isn't it just the original TM one the SDik will work on or will it fit clones ok? I have watched so many video on this gun already I think I could disassemble it in the dark when I get it
  12. God knows I'd have to trudge through them all again haha, I'll try find it later again
  13. ItsAJ

    New bits!

    Nice! I'm thinking about switching from the ps4 to pc gaming, so many advantage but the price for a good 4k compatiable kit is still pretty expensive!
  14. I just don't fancy having the Bar10, plus it would be illegal here with our limit you would need a firearms license. The TM Gspec, the cylinder that's pinned or crimped must be able to open somehow? Either way I'm buggered if I go spring or SDik, a forum I read said if you need to change the cylinder to mankit it then you need to change the trigger mechanism too, is that because it's a 45 degree and the sears will break or is there another reason? So I would need a new cyclinder and cylinder head, a piston, spring and spring guide and a trigger mech? . Sorry to be a pain here, just I'm reading as many forums as I can and watching videos but I just want to make sure I go down the right route.
  15. Thanks That was great info,I will get the TM and shoot it stock until anything changes, then I can spread the cost out too while still having a great stock rifle. That SDik sounds so good, to be able to adjust power on the fly would be amazing. I will have to recommend it to my friend that runs a Gas MP7, he gets about 3 shots in this cold before it all goes downhill. Now for me to hunt down a shop that has the GSPEC in that OD!
  16. What is the advantage of the Mancraft kit instead of the spring? Would it send it way over the 1 joule limit? Funny that's one of the main reason I thought about the Pro because Novritsch uses it and I had been looking at this upgrade, but if you have both and still think the GSPEC then that says alot.
  17. Guys thanks very much for all this invaluable information. Think I will order that GSPEC! Then once I get a feel for it out of the box maybe for a few upgrades, the looks I will just have to learn to love but the performance of the gun is what comes first. Will let you all know when I get it!
  18. I definitely wouldn't get a clone of it anyway, I just love TM. Everything works in sync perfectly in their guns! Have to say you guys have really put me off spending my money on a L96 that looks pretty and nothing more! Just stuck between the GSpec and the Pro Sniper version, that longer inner barrel could be handy for upgrading at a later stage to a higher fps, from a what I read anyway. Do you all have the GSpec?
  19. You have the VSR too? Dude you have the two rifles I was torn between haha, what one do you prefare, why and what type of VSR you got?
  20. Allight, if I get sense knocked into me and decide for the VSR-10, what one is best to go with if I move to England to boost the fps as I heard the GSpec's shorter barrel can be an issue with that in mind?
  21. I have the recoil shock Scar H and I love it, though the VSR-10 looks so boring which is what put me off, I have long arms and always found small stocks annoying, I find it easier to tuck in and aim right without feeling cramped which were two reasons for the L96. I would either have to get a VSR and learn to love it, or get a good L96 that shoots as good so I don't feel done out in accuracy or range. I might be moving to mainland UK for Uni so whatever I get might get upgraded if that happens, what is the better VSR-10 TM do forgetting about the rails etc as I can add them on later, but barrel length wise for upgrading fps and accuracy if I do move? To get the same performance from the Well MB-01 or Maruzen APS2 Type96 as the VSR-10 what would need to be done to it?
  22. I just looked up the Well and the Maurzen, and I just realised i forgot to say I live in Northern Ireland so the 1 Joule limit applies that was the main reason for looking at the TM. Between the Well MB01 and the Maurzen APS2 Type 96 what is better? If I got either what parts would need to replace to shoot as accurate as the TM VSR-10?
  23. So thought I might get the TM L96 AWS, always thought it was a lovely looking gun but I know the VSR-10 GSpec is more reliable, but in what way? Is the L96 problem only the feeding issue with the magazine as I'm sure a bit of tape could fix that to keep it more snug and tight, or is there other problems it has the VSR-10 doesn't have? I presume both shoot exactly the same out of the box, albeit with a bit of tape? Let me know what you guys think and any information you have, the likely hood is I won't upgrade these, but I won't rule it out either in the long run. Cheers!
  24. Been out of airsoft a while, come back and my guns price is down like £150.00, little disheartening!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Monty


      My Marui chrome M9 is worth around £160 new, minus the two spare magazines (included it'd be over £200) I could only get around £110 from it if I decided to sell it. Good thing I'm not going to anytime soon.

    3. Aengus
    4. ItsAJ


      OUCH Monty :S! On a pistol alone, better not click that link ^

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