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cavninja last won the day on July 18 2014

cavninja had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    GHK M4 base for L119A2
    TM Recoil Socom for L119A1 build
    WE Glock 19
    G&P M16
  • Loadouts
    Nods! PVS 14 Gen 3 HMNVM
    Mulitcam, JPC2.0,gun belt etc
    DPM (old school)
    Black G3
  • Sites
    Halo Mill, Yorkshire, The Mall in Reading, UCAP Sandpit, The Billet in Alsershot, The Bunker in Epsom, and anywhere in the home counties and south east I can get a run out!
  • Gender
  • Location
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Interests
    Yorkshireman and 23 year Veteran who's come to airsoft for the fun of the game, and to get my gun and training fix! (and to sate my competitive thirst!!)
    GBB addict!! All the way baby! Love the realism of the weapons and the rush of gaming and best of all, a good laugh, a handshake and a brew afterwards. GAME ON!!

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  1. Yup, Ed is the man! He's helped me out with mine, I have seen a friends pistol grip screw fail fairly quickly and I have suffered from "mushrooming" of the bolt, I've corrected the problem, but have yet to find suitable washers to prevent it happening again. As for RA tech parts, I bought some to repair my WE HK 416 after a screw sheared on my carrier and I have to say the RA tech parts are tunk! Wouldn't buy RA tach again, buy stock parts, they do what they're supposed to and they fit! and even feel better quality! The WE L85 is a good weapon, fun to fire, great noise as it's right next to your head, but as with any GBB, it'll be a labour of love with the UK weather conditions, good luck!
  2. EAG Worthing tomorrow!! First time there, looking forward to it! A day of tinkering and gear prep beckons!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cavninja


      Sorry bud, I'm limited on as and when I can get out, besides, you wouldn't let me play cuz all my gear is multicam!! :-P

    3. jay83


      WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!! LOL

    4. cavninja


      Pew Pew!!!!....

  3. Interesting comments BC, I've just bought one and so far I've only used it for one skirmish, it performed excellently and I am pleased with what I bought. It is my first AEG, only ever having owned and used GBBs, but at a recent skirmish I had a catastrophic failure on my beloved WE HK416 and a friend lent me a G&G SCAR and I was impressed with it, so I decided it was time to buy an AEG, if only as back up, but I think I may well use it a lot more often. I like the weight and design of the gun, being very familiar with it from my GBB 416. I have no need to use the cocking handle, I bought the recommended battery and appropriate charger from the same place I bought the gun, fire-support.co.uk, and was impressed with their service and speed of delivery. I also bought some PTS EMags, mid caps at the same time, they need a little bit of filing to fit, (due to the differences between the mag wells in a 416 and an M4) they work excellently and are very good. I'll keep a close eye on the FPS, the hop and the accuracy, but so far it is spot on. My only gripe is the EBB function is a bit feeble, but then it's an AEG, so it's not gonna be very good! Lol I'm hoping for consistency and reliability, fingers crossed it continues to produce!
  4. Played the bunker in Epsom last night, for the first time, great site, great people, great fun! Happy days! currently nursing my pock marked forearms! Git Sum!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cavninja


      Ah! the old shooting through a crack sketch! I'm glad more and more sights are now enforcing the rule that if your head doesn't fit through a gap you can't shoot through it!

    3. n1ckh


      I always go by 'if you can't see through then dont fire through it'


      To me its basicly blind firing

    4. cavninja


      I know what you mean mate, but some people are happy to fire through a gap their muzzle will fit in, I think the head rule is a pretty good one

  5. I got my son a TM MP7 as a Christmas gift, with 10 mags, second hand. He loves it and i do admit it is a great gun, very accurate and consistent, just a shame it is not full size. When it was bought none of the mags leaked, now, 6 out of the 10 leak, I've tried every thing, posted questions on here, seen gun techs, bought replacement filler valves, used lube, maint gas, different gasses, PTFE tape, you name it, I've done it! Based on my experience with this and my TM P226 and T G17 I'd never buy TM again. I've got a cheap HFC G17 that is more reliable and just as consistent as aTM! If anyone know any TM gas mag gurus or any fixes I haven't tried, please let me know!
  6. Awesome day at The Billet today, met some great people and had a fab time, highly recommended!

  7. It's a regular PRR, got it off ebay!! And my mate got one too! The hats? Never intended to collect any, they're just what I've picked up over the years, found or been presented with, never had the chance to have them out, but I think it looks pretty cool in the man cave!
  8. Just booked in for the billet tomorrow, my first run out since back in the UK! To the man cave! Six nations and airsoft prep! una mas cerveza senor!!

  9. It's an IMI level 2 holster on an IMI belt platform, so it sits lower than my PC but isn't a leg rig (tried em, not a fan) I got it on Ebay and painted it myself
  10. Damn!!! You're right Tac! I'd better get shopping!!!
  11. Cheers Tac! One of the perks of living alone (for now) is that I can set up my man cave as i please! Missus Cav is cool with this and wants to get in on airsoft so its a win win! A mate of mine's wife is verrry anti anything airsoft or military, so he has to hide his stuff on top of the wardrobe, which was cool until she went looking for something and got his fully loaded chest rig in her face!! PMSL!!! I looked at a variety of solutions and peg board seemed the most simple, cheap and flexible, and even a DIY biff like me could make a frame and mount it on the wall! Ta Daaaaaaa!!
  12. It's been a while, what with the move back to the UK and starting the new job, but more importantly the man cave is coming along nicely! I might even get to go out shooting this week! Thinking of the Bunker in Epsom tomorrow night and the Billet in Aldershot on Sunday!
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