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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. its fine m8, didn't realise you was in Ireland - my inlaws from Wexford & lovely place Recently got a couple of the GC105 co2's - just like the blue/black ones from onlybbguns but in black - a spray job is never quite as good as real black http://gunfire.pl/eng_m_Airsoft-replicas_Gas-powered-guns-508.html GC105 was about 20 Euro's last week but I ordered about 2.5 weeks ago and jeez it was a pain for a delay shipment but got a couple of GC105's in black now & a Cyma 123 - supposed to be 1911 but way oversized they didn't have the glock - best cyma most say so thought cm123 would be good ergh it is a monster like a Desert Eagle - much bigger n fatter than the GC105's - but was a bit cheaper than UK so can't complain and was my bad choice I guess Sharing info, asking questions, having a laugh n chilling out is what forums are for in the end take no notice of me - everybody else ignores me anyway the funny thing is about jbbg ireland is some stuff can't be sold to uk - wot even with ukara ? and yet quite a bit comes from uk like I think your pistol but I can't buy it on uk jbbg with ukara yeah 135fps and I can't buy it with a valid defence ???
  2. well if you can remember where you live - correct addy entered then it may arrive monday
  3. well apart from a site/shop more local to you why not just go to gunfire.pl and totally fill ya boots if you can wait for it.... get a cyma from 53 Euro's - did have 20% off until last week so it could have been as low as 42 Euro's - in black btw
  4. Bit of a chilly night if ya shivering in a tent at NAE

    1. Monty


      they can all cuddle up to keep warm.

    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      ahhhh bless now I am jealous I didn't go, nah next year big RV

    3. Monty


      Hahahaha. I'll be coming down next year in 'the bus'.

  5. not sure if to go down lonex route or shs or big dragon motor then that should be gearbox/motor sorted n move onto hop-up n barrel Trouble is make my gun too good or accurate and I won't have much excuse to blame for being such a crap shot or pi$$ poor marksman or $hit sniper.....
  6. atm I think it my son spending time with me out of pity/duty we used to play COD a bit but then he didn't wanna be held back n joined BF4 clans n crap wonder how long before I'm on my own or he is pushing me round in wheelchair if the lipo's fail (plus I'm too old for this $hit - just a half day walk-on running round does me in - lol,) That's a point why is called walk-on when ya spend most of it running like fvck ???
  7. they are feckin' nice got front n rear one to replace shite SRC gearbox's (worn out bushings + crap trigger) 120 spring but the trigger - jeez it is much shorter travel n precise, 8mm bearings, yeah much better quick swap over with spring and you would be away.... offer 55 and see how you go, if I could rebuild a box as nice as that I'd be over moon but for money - quick change spring and delivered I don't think I would bother with a hongkong one if it arrives am in process of swapping these out from src to tomtac box and then maybe look at replacing src bushing with say 6mm bearings n look at moody trigger in one src box - but won't wanna spend too much time/money on src box but if I get one of them working as a spare I'd be happy I guess otherwise I'd just get one of them tomtac ones again
  8. aye - my 14yr old son is my excuse, but dunno how long before they turn round and say - nah its ok dad I will go on my own or with m8's instead now Then I will be a real Billy No Mates then - well more than atm (so go easy on some lonely old sod next time you are shooting - it could be me)
  9. welcome from an even older 47yr old aye my old hobby is now funding my new one us boys & our toys - something our ladies will never understand then again how many pairs of shoes/handbags they have and STILL they have to buy more yup - can't think how I never got into this sooner but welcome squire sounds like you will be into this for a while as your son grows up (oh well dear, I will just have to keep playing to keep ukara when little is old enough)
  10. G&G Raiders don't drop down either - well the cheaper ones don't (perhaps full metal or blowback ones drop down when charge handle pulled) slightly more expensive G&G's seem to - Fire Hawk & CM18's do drop down like most M4's SRC Dragon or BullDog M4's (rebadged Dragon's for JBBG tossers) don't drop down either think it may save a few pennies or maybe less to go wrong if catch fails - dust cover will always be open cost saving or less to go wrong if catch fails - dunno (think the B500A1 drops down but still a crap gun all the same)
  11. not me but just stumbled across a pic of Lozart shopping at JD Airsoft: eeney meany miney moh - I'll have THAT ONE !!!! https://www.facebook.com/158773617522247/photos/a.294124213987186.68613.158773617522247/356528784413395/?type=1&theater
  12. STONED AGAIN jeez that could be used as an anti-drugs poster soz in advance if that is your normal look mother nature gave me a funny look too btw and no you ain't getting pic of me slaphead with hair everywhere but on my head - mostly grey now wot an old bastid I am
  13. Monday is bank holiday btw - soz for being a smart ar$e https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/Blackviper-M92F-Beretta-Electric-Blowback-pistol-in-clear.html or http://www.combat4less.co.uk/uhc-m92f-beretta-electric-ebb-airsoft-pistol-in-clear/ seems all the same to me same company/gun but 2nd one is £1 cheaper - lol try horse - 5% discount code at bbguns4less if ya lucky but postage on top not pulling ya post or stuff to bits but does help to look around first - we all just dived in and bought what we thought was good at time - only now we know a bit different from mistakes best electric pistols would perhaps be cyma glock but that is like £60 to £75 gas or co2 is an option - yes gas costs on top but electric batteries won't last all day either
  14. They make out out like they are so feckin experienced yet chubby don't skirmish I'm lead to think... JambWow is so brilliant at reviews - ffs the amount of times he fills mags and puts more on floor than in magazine. The pure bollox that comes out of his gob is beyond words: This gun is high quality full metal - well except that bit, and maybe that bit, perhaps that bit too not sure about the other bit too - look theonly thing metal is spring and ergh not sure about rest If I had a quid for each FANTASTIC he said - jeez I'd be rich They lie, they bul$hit you, they don't get back to you, their return refund policy is dire, most of the stuff is crap and when you slowly realise that then I refer back to: they lie/bull$hit etc...... If you know what you are looking for there a FEW things on there that you can buy but most is $hit we on here have learnt the hard way - they are the worst imho OnlyBBGuns - slightly slightly better but still not ultra high quality but perhaps best of 3 BB muppets BBGuns4Less - bit better than JustBBGuns JustBBGuns - uhm think I said a fair bit and can't really say what I truely think As with all of theme 3 BB named companies and some others - be very careful and shop/research a bit before you part with cash - often they sell low end stuff that is crap and often won't last or work well you will get your ar$e badly kicked if using most of their stuff at a proper skirmish site If buying a M4 - get £100 to £130 G&G - seriously - wasted a couple of hundred on crap to so-so other makes so I do know a thing or two about cheaper crappy guns - learn from mine & others mistakes for example not saying get it but: http://www.onlybbguns.co.uk/hg-104-m92f-beretta-hfc-hg-104-m92-gas-pistol.html?filter_name=gas%20pistol#.U_gp7KNOgzw or http://www.onlybbguns.co.uk/gg-106-hfc-gg-106-mk8-compact-gas-pistol.html?filter_name=gas%20pistol#.U_gq1KNOgzw use RC10 code for 10% discount and free shipping on all stuff I bought a co2 one for 30 - 10% = £27 delivered - 400+ fps too powerful to use at sites but not bad in black/blue and goes some for garden fun just saying those 2 gas & my co2 wre 27 with discount free shipping - works until valve/mag goes crap on ya not bad for a decent looking pistol
  15. all I'm hearing atm is pure chaos..... kids shouting and screaming, wife nagging, cat is even meowing like crazy oh yeah looking forward to a long weekend of this - when do kids go back???
  16. wouldn't mind doing a day walk on but forget 3 days of it.... I'd be knackered, shot to $hit - mainly by you lot, and probably divorced too Hmmm is it too late to book for what's left do ya think? seriously wouldn't mind a 1 day walk on but sod the whole weekend & minging with no showers n stuff like my home comforts & all that maybe next year nick a caravan - hmmm even better hire a motorhome nah get a shut the fvckup massive RV monster - yeah big fridge of cold beers & plasma tv n shower n $hit then tell the wife we are going on hols to some park south west yup I'm gearing up big time next year - caravan/motorhome/RV - sod £120 for a private carsey get ya own friggin cribb and bring ya $hit with ya - fvck yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. goes back to me saying if ya post count is low when joining a forum in a nutshell the longer serving members just think you are a noob or nob or both alas as with many forums you have to be posting for quite a while before "some" people start to take you seriously - kind of sterotype n all that of low post = low experience hang on - when the hell did anybody really take me or what I post seriously ??? oh well carry on chaps at ease n all that
  18. What I do is a SPORT yes a sport not me pretending to something I know I am not I can't even begin to imagine the horrors our troops have suffered & witnessed, nor do I wish to for one single second. Airsoft could be even helping to build support & respect for our troops, go back a few years and looney extreme far lefties were heavily criticising our troops and deployments. many people were scared or worried about showing support for our troops in case it offended some minorities ffs. Where as we know they are just doing what the politicians drag us into right or wrong they are simply following orders in the name of our country. Even though the MOD has been forced to make drastic cuts that many think too extreme perhaps yup - most of these men & women have my full support gong through hell n back on a regular basis jeez I'm not gonna go too ott or patriotic like in US but at least they do fully respect their armed forces much more than this country has in the past I'm not gonna go on about this much more but here is a thought: I wonder how some of these hostile people would perform at the NAE this weekend ??? would be funny as fvck if these die hard tossers got feckin OWNED by some PRETEND SOLDIERS apart from the hostile bell ends all jumping on the airsoft hate bandwagon thread, big respect to ALL people serving and served in our forces - past n present oh n thread is closed thank god - perhaps they ran out of abuse or maybe they gone to sign up at NAE ???
  19. Fvck me wot a bunch of cvnts ???? I mean besides replica's n $hit being used for training purposes by police/military why are their heads so far up their own ar$es ??? The UK's largest and busiest UNofficial military website unofficially I think they are wankers but that is just my opinion I mean it was simple question that got nothing but 99% of abuse - ffs what was all that for and as for hexi blox - be careful how far you look down on people think the special forces think they are better than stadard infantry who think they are better than reserves or T/A funny thing one low ranking tosser could be one who saves your so-called specialised ar$e so be careful who you flame but you think that some people would know that oh and before you go on about people doing desk jobs n crap WHO THE F U C K IS PAYING THE ARMY WAGES - BELL END !!!! for the record I do actually respect all our armed forces and even the police (I didn't fancy going out in middle of riots a while back but those sods had to) so sorry if it sounds like I am having a go or disrespecting armed forces - I'm not (well I get the hump with any arrogant ar$eholes whatever their profession is) suppose I get the hump with myself too from time to time peace
  20. had a small problem with L85 is all I am saying.............. but we kind of resolved it but we both agreed NOT to leave feedback before anyone flames me - I got it resolved sort of but I have kept banging on about - oooh fvck it never mind post counts etc..... sorry you had bad luck too mods - feel free to check my messages if you wish sorry to others but like I said we agreed not to leave feedback
  21. Honest straight up advice is the top priority...... If something is that shagged then would it be worth it for a repair, or better replace so to speak If something wasn't worth the work involved then tell the customer straight from the start If something is perhaps beyond your skill level - not saying it is but if it was then say so With stuff like warranty n such yes you can/should offer it on all YOUR work but if you recomend that the bearings be replaced and customer decides against it then if/when it all goes tits up what do you do: it was fine before you touched it - they say but the bearings were wanked m8 i tried to tell you that but you said no well your the expert you should of changed them - I'm just a noobish kid Jeez - you can see the bollock ache anybody who offers their service, plus can you make my JBBG into a DMR - ergh I might be magic but I ain't a fvcking magician m8 All I can say is be honest n truthful with everyone - even the ar$ehole ones, your quality of work will eventually speak for itself and throw in some honesty/integrity and fair price n advice etc..... Then you will be fine - answering emails/txts/messages but hopefully not too many spoonfeeding answer every possible fvckwit question there is coz they are so thick or can't be ar$ed to look up yup I do other stuff and is a right pain sometimes, wonder why ya bother but in general you probably enjoy all of it and seeing something run real sweet again, and if you do everything as best as you can than just slap it back together - then that to me is a proper level of service. (too many people just wanna do the main bit n chuck it back together quickly) best of luck
  22. I was just pi$$ed coz they will do gun unpainted in black if I can show proof ukara IN PERSON FFS - jeez wot a wank still say - well I said they were slightly better of the 3 muppets but now not so sure
  23. Right - don't quite get this but here goes: They are not UKARA reg and they 2-Tone a fair amount of their guns. So I ring them and ask them about not painting a gun, yes we can do that if you can provide valid defense I got UKARA - yup I can verify that sir.... Great, but apparently they will only sell RIF face to face OK let me get this straight, I got defense and you have to check that, saves you painting gun But I can't buy from you online unless 2-Tone - even though you can verify my defense, my details & paypal I hardly sound like some 13yr old but even after all this they are not budging it seems I have to drive over to Slough even though you verify I am on the level and saves you painting the thing So I use up my petrol n all that - even though I have not had to do this crap for: LWA Fire Support Pro Airsoft Zero One - though did have to fill out pyro form & scan it back to them Airsoft World BBGuns4Less UK-Airsoft plus any others I forgot since getting UKARA ffs BOLLOCKS - found it much cheaper elsewhere also with free delivery bought in 2-Tone, save my petrol and buy some dettol or Krylon instead jjjjjeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzz Always thought they were a bit better than other BB sites but now realise gotta always have 2-Tone even if you have UKARA unless you drive over to Slough - bit of a 8itch if you live up North/Scotland I mean the other 2 BB muppets do Black guns if you got UKARA and OnlyBBGuns will sell you a RIF face 2 face so if they check/verify and delivery is going to UKARA address - wtf is problem Still I suppose they have their own rules n guidelines to follow - but sounds a tad ott in my book
  24. Ahhhhh but I am guessing coz only done 2 rebuilds so far - and not happy with first one so may redo it soon.... but like I said I imagine as with many many things only after about 6 or 10 times do you really start to fully understand and become at ease with stuff like diagnose & rectifying any problems etc....... = experience Many things now I got a better understanding of and after gaining more experience and the odd screw up too (learning from mistakes = wisdom) Gearbox's - hmm think I got quite a way to go just yet before I can say I have started to fully suss out n all that, probably never ever master them like some on here - samurai etc.... but hope to one day rebuild a gearbox with some custom parts to a level that I feel happy with - and I am a really fussy bastid to say the least... best wishes with ya own build I'm sure it will be fine
  25. been there seen it got T Shirt not just on gearbox but dvd rom drives had 2 side by side each other one was always crunching up, took ages checking the fully working one against the crunchy one: that bit there - check spring located there - check bit of grease there - check oh I see that bit goes under there - yup now check ok that there - check slides free n easy now - check ok put it back together..... CRUNCH MASH CRUNCH - WTF ???? bastid stuff these gears n crap bollox - checkmate
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