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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Tokyo Marui Scar H
    VFC M4 ES Recon
    VFC HK417 GBB
    WE Glock 17
    ASG Glock 19
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  1. Finally got round to getting new boots. gone for some niiiice ACU Pilgrim GTX's..... luuurvly!
  2. Some stuff does, some doesn't. It's a bit of searching the specific parts before you buy that's served me well with my we g17. The guns modify salient arms trigger and guns modify zero hammer work fine however the metal gaurder mag release I bought is no Bueno with my WE.... So yeah searching around before you buy is your best bet.
  3. Plans for this year are to DMR my HK417 gbbr and an eagle6 m100 Spring and BTC Spectre 'fet (when I find one!) for my TM scar H
  4. @proffrink that's exactly what I did just payed at the depot it was at. Got the letter the day after picking the gun up lol
  5. TM recoil shock scar H in FDE Notice the the letter of bum rapage from parcel force 😒
  6. Santas bringing me a Tokyo Marui recoil scar H, obviously in FDE yaay
  7. I think there based in Dumfries, as I bought something from them on eBay and it came with flyer for their website and return address is there. I think they work like a reseller for a bigger Hong kong company, If you do decide to get something here's a 5% off code I got - 5%OFF4LIFE and can be reused.
  8. Me and a mate decided we were bored of the pristine black, so went about bastardising our M4's for the well used look, courtesy of halfords camo paint. What else are bank holiday weekends for?...
  9. Hi guys, hopefully one of you knowledgeable kind folks can help me out. Sooo. I stripped my Glock down yesterday and did this I rebuilt it and everything seems to work when cycling the pistol with no mag I.e rack back, pull trigger, hammer releases. Lovely However. When the mags in it fires once and then nothing... Pull the trigger and I can feel that the trigger bars not releasing the hammer as the triggers soft. But after a rack the slide again manually it fires.... Any help pleaaase! its doing my swede in 😫 Thanks in advance, Stevie
  10. It's brilliant, it fits like a dream and takes my M4 mags or HK417 mags no bother. I got a commanders panel, pistol holster, double pistol mag pouch and a larger dump/utility pouch for it aswell. Here's the base rig http://www.uktactical.com/p-5665-warrior-dar-mk1-chest-rig.aspx
  11. Regatta soft shell jacket £20 TK Maxx bargain. Warrior DAR rig Emerson coyote pants End result Special forces eyes-priceless! 😆
  12. Yeah, that's under consideration but I'd of preferred to get a frame as there only 28 euros at aegcartasia Thanks for the info though monty!
  13. So a KJW frame won't house the internals from my ASG G19 then? That's a bummer, alls I can find is tan frames for KJW and WE
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