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Everything posted by b1n0gHo5t

  1. Thank ya muchly lol will get to googling said brands & let you know what i come up with
  2. Right while i like the vest i bought..the pouches are Meh So would like to know what are good M4 pouches (maybe double mag pouches since i want to go to mid-caps at some point down the road Many thanks for any help in this regard
  3. Thanks Tac+teddy i decided to mess around with sling and the vest i owned had a derp moment and figured out how to extend the sling lol so will be keeping it (which will save me a bundle) which is always a bonus

  4. Erm afternoon thursday i think it was between monday to friday lol no one said a word to me there was about 3-4 come and go while i was in there with members of staff all in the workshop leaving me to my own devices to wonder around and just be nosey and look at all the shiny things
  5. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=peq+box+airsoft&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sb&gfe_rd=cr&ei=tEBOVNGcCe7H8gf72oAg take your pick
  6. Dibs on your team Just Aukmont C8 CREE Q5 LED Flashlight Finally Thanks to Chock for the link on god only knows what thread
  7. Who needs waterboarding when you can have ten hours of
  8. Thank you for the many reply's i'll probably take Ians idea for kit bag (as i know they are sturdy mofo's) Gun bag is still to be decided i just don't want another fright when i see half the stock hanging out the back of the bag while walking down the street lol
  9. lol yeah i just want something simple that does not Scream DUUUDE theres a realistic looking BB chucker in this bag
  10. Haha yeah i'd rather not have to explain why i'm wearing weird cyber pirate space dude gear (long story it involves steam punk goggles & a top hat) hence wanting a backpack & then a gun bag Not bad Pricey but not bad is it just the name thats making it cost more than most or is it really quality lord knows the vest on its own weighs a fair bit
  11. Thanks Russell that dont look half bad lol if it could fit my M4/27 it would be perfect which i doubt with that long ass silencer Erm Mr_B no idea budget probably 50 pounds depending on how big it was and the ammount it could carry if it could carry gun & kit that would be great if not just something big enough to get my Vest & essentials in it Must have good zips as 5:11 were like cheese and opened up while carrying it which nearly cost me my aimpoint
  12. Yeah i need a bigger bag to fit vest & various other things in & a new gun bag the zip's gone on the 5:11 bag as i need to use those things public transport to get to venues any help muchly appreciated
  13. -_- sorting the dot on eotech is proving an annoyance
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. b1n0gHo5t


      Don't worry any protector will take the full auto BB test before i put it on for skirmish

    3. team flex

      team flex

      yeah, its worrying seeing people using them, I just like to point it out. Hopefully they won't learn the hard way

    4. b1n0gHo5t


      seen a fair few cracked lenses both gun & camera

  14. Topic dude stay on Topic the ammount of people i brownnose for friendship is not as great as you are sarcastically trying to Imply
  15. Erm thanks..creeper Erm yeah were talking about movies not real life They still show the movie on T.v even if they have made edits (but then ALL films on t.v end up edited in some way due to adverts) Ratings ARE useless especially game ratings if parents cannot make an informed decision by the description of the film on the back of the box/t.v mag/cinema or where ever they see it then they should not be having Kids Anyhow this has gone so so far off topic due to a couple of whiners who don't like horror films feel free to flood my inbox with anymore comments & lets get back to RANDOM PICTURES
  16. If by right you mean wrong then Yes you are plenty right since these movies have been shown on T.v..late at night but still Shown on t.v so please jog on
  17. yes brain damage..T.v ratings are for panzies if they were SOOOO bad dont you think they would be banned..but funnily enough they allowed Human centipede on Film four ERH MAH GUUUD you best write in and complain to the rating agency & while you're at it go Cry at parents buying their kids M rated games like CoD/GTA
  18. So blown to pieces is alright Shot to pieces thats fine..fuckers got a axe cutting shit up Nah man that's just bad ah well you've always got Toy story to watch
  19. Sadly i know where the pic gets its origins from though i hear there's a film WORSE than this called the serbian film (or something along those lines)
  20. http://i.imgur.com/35yZUuY.jpg click at own risk..i just cant stop posting it places lol
  21. http://i.imgur.com/4Sw8cv6.jpg ..i dain't think TM did metal guns lol
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. M_P


      Although to be fair, tm do make metal guns

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      It's illegal in Japan to make metal pistols.

    4. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      No laws in Japan about banning the manufacture about metal rifles. Pistol must be plastic,as MrB correctly said. Most marui gats were plastic since Metalwork is extremely expensive in Japan. I have an inkling that TM is using a Chinese or Taiwanese OEM for their metal Guns,though due to the high price they might be actually japanese. However,pretty much every outfit in Japan has a little OEM in China or TW so I would not be surprised if TM did

  22. How can i identify the laser on my gun ?

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