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Everything posted by b1n0gHo5t

  1. haha coming from the person whose still using your mum as a base of whit ;-)
  2. it's alright your mum did it for you..she's still here she says dinners in the fridge & don't wait up she's got a mandingo party to go too tonight
  3. Hey dont lie you married this beast
  4. Wow wow wow..we talking long haired penny or short haired penny
  5. nah..you'd get overly excited and leave your keyboard in a sticky situation ;-)
  6. Or he could make a topic asking for peoples ideas and opinions as a way to pass time & see if anyone has the brain cells to come up with a funny alternative to airsoft i mean..airsoft could be a type of bog roll or a fabric softner to the uneducated person..so stop sucking the joy out of everything and go back to your corner
  7. Who ever said CS GO had less kids than a cod game..really needs a head examination..atleast you could mute the Cucking Funts on cod

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. b1n0gHo5t


      ok i'll rephrase it you cant mass mute

    3. Lord_Metile


      If you want a good FPS on PC. World at War or Bad Company 2 would be the games to look at.

    4. b1n0gHo5t


      650 hours of play time on WaW ;-) as for bad company meh i got dirty bomb and TF2 for fps..but cs go is a must..just to get better at dirty bomb if you can handle the cheats on CS GO you are golden on any other fps game

  8. I would wear them..not in a military fashion but i would wear the regiments of which my family has served/serving which would be Grandad: Royal corps of signals Uncle : Royal irish rangers Brother: The Rifles have some other uncles that served but its not something they've ever talked about so i dont ask & when i say "wear" i mean all in one place sown/stuck onto a piece of kit weather it be my Kit bag or plate carrier if people got offended by me honoring those that have served..well tough shit
  9. Ahh too many lenses to choose from which would be best http://i.imgur.com/fWWskyf.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. b1n0gHo5t


      so i guess its just a choice between clear & yellow sigh..but the tinted just look soo nice XD

    3. Jedi_Master


      Get ESS goggles and have one lens clear and the other tinted, best of both worlds, lol.

    4. b1n0gHo5t


      not if i already have the frame for sly profits ;-) just more money on something else

  10. Unicorn leah would approve of this
  11. eugh..hate sellers that say stuff is in great condition a few scratches 8/10..you get the item it looks like a kid took a pencil and sctrbbled all over it & it has a smudge that lense wipes cant remove..yeeah thats never a few scratches and a 8/10

    1. Show previous comments  6 more


      I've dealt with about 7 people on Facebook and not had a problem :L Must be lucky

    3. b1n0gHo5t


      well he's saying there was no smudge..that cant be removed & only one deep scratch

    4. b1n0gHo5t


      well he has decided to reiburse me 9 pounds (postage) which i can go towards a new lense sigh

  12. God i need to hurry up and win the euromillions XD

  13. Thanks for all the fast replys looking now haha will let you know what i decide
  14. Lock this shit already..its swings & roundabouts now..wanna be less offensive do a M.bison loadout from street fighter..not that you deserve this excellent idea
  15. well title says most of it lol i'm looking at getting a boonie hat for quite the large noggin XD anyone got any suggestions ?
  16. i remember why i dont play games with my brother..5 hours & 39 levels later..i'm going to bed XD

  17. Mask not arrived so no opinion on that..as for boots super light comphy i do get blisters..but thats after a 8 mile trek in under two hours (which is good for a lard arse like me)
  18. Just undo your dressing gown and run at him...that'll have him running to the hills for sure
  19. 12 year old Cod rambo super sas elite navy seal gods who else ?
  20. Anything to do with the nazis should be avoided like the fuckin plague
  21. sh*t weather so watching kids rage about being shot in airsoft good times

  22. Weeell only so many times you can put a paper bag over their heads before you think enough is enough
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