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Everything posted by EvilMonkee

  1. Thats what I thought, I think hes pushing the boundaries though. But ,hey, you are the Boss
  2. I agree not sure its against the rules for a retailer to be selling though? Personally I just find his spamming of adverts obnoxious
  3. Dude, trying to put my Makarov back together - how the hell do you get that wee slither of hop arm to engage with the hop adjustment wheel properly?  Seems impossible


    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      you gotta have the hop turned all the way off before trying to re-insert the barrel/hop unit.


      it's a bit of a bastard, i already wrecked one hop wheel by being too ham-fisted with it.


      edit: you can at least get it started with the wheel wherever it wants, only the last mm or so of travel does it actually engage.

    2. EvilMonkee


      All the way off is to the right isnt it?


    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i cannot remember lol, you're gonna need to get a torch out and have a look.


      i *think* it's all the way to the right but don't quote me on that....

  4. Well done. This thread tests peoples character out, there is usually 2 reactions. 1. They flip out like morons and embarass themselves or 2. Your approach. You passed the test, you can stay
  5. I thought you lived in Northern Ireland? Am I going mental? Another one.....thats the point of this thread fella, like the ENTIRE POINT
  6. I am disgusted, as a fellow Irishman you know what side you should be on about this!! The Irish would have conquered the world if it were not for whiskey as someone once said...
  7. Whiskey is Irish whisky is Scottish......and considering us Irish invented the stuff we are right. Plus thats Scottish stuff tastes like fireplaces...give me a nice 20 year single malt Bushmills any time - and not the stuff we sell to you lot either - just the stuff only available from the Distillery
  8. They are an infamous English 'retailer' who takes your money and never provides the goods. https://www.specialairsoftsupplies.co.uk/
  9. Not if you are buying from Special Airsoft Supplies it doesn't
  10. It is both, it has terminal Schrodingers.....
  11. You are so thick you can't even form a coherent semi insult. I am impressed.
  12. The more I see from buck eejits like these last 2 the more I am in favour of a minimum post count or rating to be able to buy or sell on here.....
  13. As with most things in this thread you have missed the point
  14. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, its a fucking duck......
  15. I am reassured by the 'been maintenanced' in the header of the ad.
  16. You replaced the lenses in that S10 cos they arent ballistic. Also, your neck must be the size of a tree trunk after carting that around all day... Me rocking the Blumentarn at the last Cold War game 3 weeks ago GHK Master Race in action
  17. I said read the thread not read the title of the thread, subtle difference. Anyway no harm done.
  18. Or alternatively a quick read of the thread would have revealed its primary purpose to you and you wouldn't have got so bent out of shape for no reason over some minor ribbing.
  19. Don't let the door smack you in the ass on the way out. You don't come to our board as a new member and start quoting us the Riot Act. F*ck Off
  20. I actually saw someone at the Mall using something like this once, didnt take his hits either
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