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Everything posted by EvilMonkee

  1. EvilMonkee


    Yeh, they arent really on US sites, and if they are they are usually rebranded as Matrix. Another potential thing to affect the price is now the availability of an alternative in the Snow Wolf /S&T spring K98k which the most expensive version of retails for £160......
  2. Winner of the year, the base rifle is £90 from airsofttiger for the ABS version and £160 for the wood version. Even the upgraded version is expensive for what it is let alone £700!!
  3. EvilMonkee


    When I sold mine they weren't in production, then shortly after they started again and are now readily available along with spares so it has a knock on effect on the price. I just got lucky with timing of my sale. Good luck anyway
  4. EvilMonkee


    Its a PPS, I know I had one previously and sold it. There is an NPAS inside the bolt, its a screw that can be opened and closed. Great rifle but a tadge over priced for second hand. They are available for circa £250 new. Acknowledge the price of mags but used is used.
  5. 3x reasonable reactions in a row, we are losing our touch guys
  6. Do we have a new contender? £320 for a £50 Well springer. Apparently the upgrades are worth £360...maybe so sunshine but at 2/3 price I still only make that as being worth £275 max.....thoughts?
  7. As an avid AK user my eyes cannot unsee this abomination
  8. Its the surprise and outrage coupled with the complete and utter failure to read the title of the thread that gets me every time.
  9. Only just read this thread- gotta I love a bit of affirmation and validation some times.. ..
  10. Front looks like a sten gun, the back looks like a GHK G5. Does nowt for me I am afraid but each to their own.
  11. Am I the only person in this thread to have a completely stock MWS and not be wanting to fuck with it?
  12. Fair play to you sir. @Philb See? this is how adults react.
  13. But its been 'upgraded' with all Laylax/Prometheus parts and barrel and has a Gate Titan fitted and a custom paint job and I did it all myself and its shoots 90m at 450fps and 30RPS and its fucking awesome...blah blah blah blah
  14. I saw this but wasnt sure on the price. Nevertheless posting it 4 times was enough for me to report it
  15. In grand Fast Show tradition, this week I have mostly been listening to Ska with a touch of Happy Hardcore
  16. Touched a nerve? Good. Next time think about how you behave somewhere you arent a regular. Kids these days....
  17. Nah, see that argument doesn't wash here fella. Noone was a dick to you, you just interpreted it like that. It was a healthy blunt holding to account, which is how things are on this forum. We get 'members' like you all the time, create an account, post shite, fuck off never to be seen again, so please don't come into our community acting like you have been wronged and expect anything other than a good slap down. You conduct yourself in a reasonable manner here you will find it to be an extremely helpful forum with lots of people with oodles of knowledge about various different platforms. Good example being the superb TM MWS thread. I know my AKs inside and out, have owned every major brand at one point or another and believe me you wasted your money 'upgrading' a perfectly serviceable CYMA. Doesn't matter if its gold plated and come with free blowjobs its still not worth what you want for it.
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