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Sako last won the day on January 28 2018

Sako had the most liked content!

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  • Guns
    King Arms S&W M&P15 MOE - SOLD
  • Sites
    Bunker 31
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  1. The German Army Aramid Helicopter flight suit is another great choice too (plenty patch Velcro)
  2. So that’s a crew of three for the UKAF Nostromo!
  3. Flight suit and Nostromo patches/badges to go with my newly acquired cap! Should be a good looking and easy to clean/maintain load-out!
  4. Colonial marine load-out would be the ultimate pinnacle by which all other load-outs would be measured.
  5. They are just a do everything, go anywhere glove really. Love ‘em.
  6. New pair of Mechanix Coverts...love these gloves!
  7. Anyone who would care about a mix match of camouflage deserves a punch in the face.
  8. When I see that all I can think of is Mr. Susan, the keeper of the mirror world from The Mighty Boosh!
  9. @GearTech looking at this thread and cannot believe how absolutely stunning your artwork is.
  10. Take it there was no way of an anal bleaching either?
  11. Today I did buy...some white nail polish... For filling in the trades and 'safe/fire/auto' on my gun, always think they look nicer in white! And I can also now get that French nails manicure I've always longed for to boot!
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