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Everything posted by Russe11

  1. No point doing something pointless and silly unless you do it properly
  2. So I have been out and bought the following supplies: Self adhesive Velcro Better Scissors Assorted embroidery thread Fabric Glue I have glued the cover to the inside edge of the Fez and trimmed the excess fabric. Have cut the Velcro to the size of a standard patch, peeled the backing (only for the sticky part to stay on the backing not the velcro) Have Glued the velcro to the Fez creating a front. Using Brown and dark yellow embroidery thread I have fashioned a new tassle and replaced the black tassle. (if you can't work out how to do this yourself, I recomend that you don't try as its fiddly). This involved braiding a section of 6 threads (3 of each colour) then attaching more loops of each colour thread to the end to form a tassle then trimming the loops to form the tassly bit. I measued the fez up against a molle double pistol mag pouch and found the pouch is too big to fit. Molle may be abandoned unless someone can suggest a pouch that would fit. Oh, I also toyed with my shermagh. If you twist the shermagh up and wrap it around the fez, then remove the fez and wrap the looped shermagh around itself, then reinsert the fez you get the classic fez/turban combo
  3. Mustaffa Fez's Grandad His dad is obviously Sallah from Indiana Jones
  4. So I have started my Fez. Using a DDPM T shirt, I started by taking the T-shirt apart and in a moment of inspiration, shoved the fez inside the sleeve, perfect fit! Just had to trim the fabric on the top of the hat so it gave me a small amount of surplus above the top of the hat. Next I covered a section of Tshirt material in masking tape (on the rear/unprinted side) and drew around the top of the fez and roughly cut out well outside the circle. Then carefully cut around the circle with a stanley knife only cutting the masking tape. Removed the masking tape from outside my circle. With the sleeve over the fez the wrong way out, place the circle on the top of the fez with the masking tape upwards. Sewed the 2 bits together around the circle. Took the cover off the fez, trimmed excess fabric and turned it the right way out. Removed the tassle from the fez and place the cover on the fez. Using a big needle and strong thread from the inside of the fez, pushed the wrong end of the needle through the hole where the tassle was attached so that I could get a loop of thread on the top of the fez that could be pulled back through with the tassle to reattach it. I now have a DDPM fez, In future installments of this saga: Be thrilled as I decide whether to glue the fabric to the fez. Be amazed by the story of how I attach webbing loops for a molle pouch.....
  5. Fez arrived in the post today. Tomorrow I start work on a DDPM cover for it :)

    1. Nickona


      hmm interesting..

    2. Russe11


      if you need an explanation, check out the Op: Shining Light thread :)

  6. I think I will stick with a coyote version of my current vest. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00F51MZXO/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A2HY33OEHXA2K1 Its well made and comes with lots of pouches I don't need plus a couple of useful ones. That way I don't have to get used to a totally different set of gear.
  7. I was considering getting one of these http://www.ex-mod-textiles.com/shop/jackets/british-army-desert-tactical-1089456.html They also have the DPM version. Sounds like the pouches you get with it will be fairly random though.
  8. Classic Army B&T MP5A3 (Wide Forearm) Sportline, came to £92 including postage from the JDairsoft Xmas offer.
  9. So my next project will involve sewing. I made a joke on the Operation Shining light thread about wearing a fez, as Syria was part of the Ottoman empire. So now I plan to make a DDPM Fez. I shall get a fez, cover it with DDPM material and reattach the tassle. Then I might add a bit of velcro for patches and if I'm feeling very silly (I probably will be) maybe some molle on the sides in case I feel the need for a grenade pouch or something. I may even spraypaint the phrase 'Fez's are tacticool' somewhere on it.
  10. http://www.amazon.co.uk/British-Pattern-trouser-UK-made-special/dp/B00CUE5C5C/ref=pd_luc_sim_01_01_t_lh?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Desert DPM trousers and shirt £9.99.
  11. Do I spend £260 on the G&G top tech MP5 with 11.1 lipo built into the handguard or do I buy 3 classic army guns for £85 each in the JDairsoft xmas deal?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. two_zero


      CA B&T £85?? where!!


      Never had a collapsible stock mp5 so can't comment on that I am afraid

    3. TacMaster


      The collapsible stock on my CYMA MP5 is rock solid, and it's a china clone.

    4. Russe11
  12. Dammit! I was all ready to get one of these http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/acatalog/G-G-TGM-MP5-RTB--blowback--GG_TGP_PMS_A4_RTB.html#.UqJ-ENJdVLZ now I find I can have ++ and have £48 left over for some AK mags! ARGH!!!!! gun of my dreams vs an arsenal I had never dreamed of! ooh, dual wield MP5's......
  13. I love the way you have a version of the AK with all the tactical rails etc, then you attach everything with cable ties instead It would all look right on a version with wooden furniture.
  14. http://www.britishmilitarysurplus.co.uk Everything on this site seems cheaper than anywhere else, presumably because this is where army surplus stores get their stuff from? Don't follow the links too far or you'll end up tendering to buy a destroyer, something like that can be hard to explain to your family
  15. Why not buy a G3, then build an MP5 DMR and a G3 CQB
  16. Tested my mask tonite. Qualified success, after an hour and a half, my glasses started to fog but the mask remained fog free the whole night.
  17. Or you could upgrade the one in the photo With this: I couldn't fine one in the same camo as the rest of your gear, I feel I have failed
  18. Camo Guitar case? It might get damaged without a case
  19. Hehe, next I plan to reverse the polarity to deflect incoming fire This may also help when I get suctioned onto any walls
  20. Well my mask is now ready for actual testing so I might be going to the courthouse on Tuesday and/or Thursday. The new fan is a little overpowered so I very much doubt any fogging will occur. The only issue may be that it's a bit noisy. I may have to add in a potentiometer to adjust the power at some point or possibly drill more holes in the filter to reduce the sucking noise. I ended up wiring the fan to a tamiya connector via about 2ft of wire allowing me to use a 7.6V battery pack, which should sit in my shirt pocket.
  21. mesh traps just enough moisture to be a PITA. Goggles on their own work okay (for a couple of hours), but as soon as your wear glasses as well the number of mist-able surfaces is trebled. Any lower face protection keeps moisture in the vicinity of your eyewear. The benefit of this mask is it pumps air into the eye section of the mask so it flows down from there into the mouth and nose section. This prevents the moist air moving up to where it can do harm as well as keeping a constant flow of dry air over all lenses. Its actually a brilliant idea, just such a shame the design was executed so poorly. Anyway, I am 1 connector, a battery or battery pack and a switch away from the perfect face mask now. Its one of those projects that at each stage has seemed one step away from completion. It's therefore hard to give up. It hasn't cost much to do either. The mask was about £20 but after that, I have spent only £1 on some glue.
  22. Probably. I bought the mask, modified it to fit better, found out the lenses weren't secure enough so reinforced them and when I tried skirmishing in it it worked better than anything I have tried so far to solve the glasses misting issue. I'm confident that upgrading the fan will be the final step needed to make this the perfect face protection. If I had known all the issues beforehand, it would be a different story.
  23. My next DIY job is to sort out once and for all the glasses misting up issues I have. I have one of these gas mask face masks: I found out that the lenses can be shot out too easily so I have used epoxy glue to reinforce around the inside. There is a small fan inside the filter running off 2x AA batteries, I found it unreliable and when it works its okay but a little more airflow would be better. I have now cut out all the plastic internal structure of the filter and fitted an old 12V CPU cooling fan. Now all I need to do is build a power supply to fit in my shirt pocket or maybe attached to my chest rig. If this doesn't work, then I will just need: A big backpack, portable air dehumidifier, an old air con unit......
  24. Was he wearing DPM? Was probably me
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