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kriegar last won the day on October 19 2013

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  1. It is indeed Ironsight just outside Andover, Hants cracking CQB site that was once a mushroom farm, there are several of those poly tunnels on the sight. https://www.ironsightairsoft.co.uk/
  2. An un issued but from the Nam period US Army M16 mag bandolier
  3. One thing to bare in mind is that some sites, The Mall for one, do not allow the use of Co2 weapons.
  4. I have a 50" chest and the standard Viper chest rig ( http://www.airsoftworld.net/vms-chest-harness.html ) fits me very well
  5. Well i've just found a review on a website called military moron: http://www.militarymorons.com/equipment/eyewear.html Judging by their description of the goggles they didn't have the fan installed "but in my opinion, it's not 'forced air' unless there's an active circulation system like a fan" "The anti-fogging coating on the lens seemed to work quite well. When worn with a helmet, air cannot flow through as well because the top vents are right up against the brim of the helmet. My uncoated prescription inserts fogged up partially until the temperature stabilized, but the inside of the main lens never did." So judging by this review it seems likely that this might be the solution i'm looking for but i'll need some serious thought before laying out that much cash to replace the mesh goggles i already use.
  6. ok mad question but do you think the desert locus set up would be sufficient to keep both a pair of glasses (if they would fit under the goggles) and it's own lenses fog free?
  7. not the store i bought it from but this is what i have http://www.hobbytron.com/CYMACM352LFPS300SpringAirsoftShotgun.html
  8. Hi there, i recently upgraded to a Tri-shot shotgun, a Cyma Remington 870, i have several shells marked 1 X 30 and i've been led to believe these are not compatible with tri-shots, (the 3 shells that came with it are marked 3 X 10) can anyone confirm that this is true?
  9. Sorry to thread-jack but i'm after some advice on shotguns, i now have 2 shotguns one single shot and 1 tri-shot both use the 30bb shells now looking on line leads me to believe that only certain shells can be used in tri-shots is that true?
  10. cheesy unsportsman-like play to my mind but i can see i'm in the minority lol.
  11. as a larper i can tell you larp throwing weapons are generally rubbish lol, very little range or accuracy as they are too light
  12. Slightly off topic but there used to be a Post Apoc larp system that used airsoft guns for combat called N.E.X.U.S, their site got broken into and burnt to the ground it killed the whole game as even after insurrance they couldn't afford to re-start.
  13. Every year we get given a hat at work on the anniversary of our start date, usually they're some crappy beanie but this year they are Krptek Typhon baseball caps
  14. Just so you know The Mall has a fps limit of 340 fps, its a fantastic site you'll have loads of fun there the other local site i can recommend is Ironsight, it's also a cqb site but has both buildings and outdoor areas to fight through
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