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  1. They lowest they do is about £550, it's more that they systems they make are great especially the mid to high range stuff but you could probably find the similar spec PC cheaper somewhere else.
  2. If moneys not an issue overclockers.
  3. The Socom Gear x Gemtech Oasis is back in production, I'll be able to get my hands on one now with out paying stupid money

    1. cropzy


      To say how much faster it is for the price point it's insane.

    2. Bloodless2010


      They have a RPi 3 already? 2 hasn't been out for that long.. or have I been day dreaming?

    3. GiantKiwi


      All that extra power is pointless until they replace the memory controller, $30 android devices have better RAM allocation than that.

  4. Cheesy, but I'm re-scoring it at the moment to a rock cover that's decent
  5. Boring .........also sounds very similar to what the American milsim association said (instead of just introducing ammo limits)
  6. These all have cycle completion functions, some just need soldering in some replace the whole trigger unit. http://www.btcairsoft.com/spectre_v2gb http://www.btcairsoft.com/chimera_v2gb http://www.aegwizard.com/ http://www.jefftron.cz/en/Processor-unit/Extreme-processor-unit.html?cur=1 http://www.jefftron.cz/en/1-1-1/Processor-unit-V2.html?cur=1
  7. It's so painfull to watch videos of people airsofting, I see such bad sportmanship all the time.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. cyrexx


      They wear gloves to cover up their hot pink nail varnished nails :P

    3. Sacarathe


      While I was thinking of others, that guy is actually a good example of the other point, in the shots which you see him testing the guns, he wears a balaclava, though not that much tactical gear, it may hamper his credibility, but it does enforce the focus on the product rather than the reviewer, not insomuch different from the discussion on the treatment of breasts by women youtubers.

    4. shortman


      I love womens breasts!

  8. I've seen someone mod motor endbell to accept Bullet connector. Personally I just stick to soldering as one of the issues with Spade connectors is they are not really designed to handle large currents.
    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      indeed - won't judge but wish them luck I guess. cheers for the post

    2. cyrexx


      There's a great documentary called "Shadow Company" from 2006 which talked about the more truthful but darker side of PMC's if you interested in ever wanting to know more.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lozart


      oooooo...seriously tempted to try one of those puppies! 65C constant!

    3. cyrexx


      I'm hoping the technology will now move along faster and we'll see vastly higher Power density from them.

    4. Lozart


      There's a company in Oxfordshire called Nexeon that is working on increasing the power density of LiPo/Li-Ion batteries by using a silicon substrate (the company I work for has done some work for them). Although to be fair it's mostly aimed at the mobile market.

  9. Does any body know wher I can get an TM MP5 selector switch?

    1. Josh95


      maybe redwolf?

    2. jcheeseright


      eagle6 might be able to help you out.

    3. cyrexx


      I'll give eagle6 a shout, they may be able to order one in.

  10. Most of the basics are there but it's some of it is very outdated.
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