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Everything posted by clumpyedge

  1. looking for info.. Not really looking for GBB which has led me to look at the Umerex MP7 as a cheap alternative... anyone run one? thoughts on the gun and performance would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hi, First question I have is regarding the box magazines - not sure all are the same... On the section of the magazine that feeds the bbs to the hop unit, What is the material used for the tubing, From what I can tell it only looks like coiled metal (like a long pressurized spring) is that was it is or is it actual PVC tubing inside?
  3. Got the wrong general section, my mistake...
  4. Mine:TM VSR pro 10 with WE glock 19 Brothers: G&G Combat Machine
  5. there is a strip down video on youtube i believe, just search mk23 socom
  6. 25 flash bangs 15 high emission smokes 15 mk3 remote dets 12 thunder b trip mine shells Element scout torch Contour lens protector NATO patches First aid packs 16gb micro SD card (for contour)
  7. site with offers on bulk pyro? go....!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lozart


      socom tactical

    3. clumpyedge


      tried them both and went for socom tactical in the end as thats where i usually get my electric pyro! not sure why FS charge 12 for delivery when other places dont (maybe differing couriers)

    4. joshcowin


      probably because some couriers charge more for pyros

  8. Having someone actually get back to messages and e-mails would be nice... appreciated people can be busy, but a simple fix message could take no less than 5 - 10 minutes.
  9. you can buy all sorts of ASG branded stuff in my local cash converters
  10. just had the last of the two lancaster bombers fly over my work with a spitfire and hurricane flaking their wings!!! got a video that ill try and post later
  11. what do i do... buy a new contour or buy something that goes boom and bang? first world airsoft problems for sure

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. clumpyedge


      already have dude! would be good to play with you guys sometime!

    3. jay83


      You too mate no matter who wins as long as we have a good time everyone walks away happy we all win! Guna be a painfull few days afterwards! :) were always at the sandpitt your have to join us sometime

    4. clumpyedge


      yeah that would be cool, let me know when your next down there and ill see if i can pop along

  12. Here is my problem I've got a problem with my TM 416D my friend took it apart ( as he did with his) to put in a new spring and a new gear set (his works fine). When I finish a mag the bolt lock pops up to indicate the mag is finished but when I put a new mag in it doesn't seem to want to fire. The bolt lock when I put in a fresh mag (after finishing one) seems to just go back flush against the lower receiver rather than staying up allowing me to push it back in which should be the normal function.... I was advised by john at fire support it could be something to do with two pins inside the gear box that have been put in the wrong way round? any idea's or help would be greatly appreciated
  13. Without starting another thread, have you ever done something during a day that you have instantly regretted and kicked yourself for the rest of the day/evening?
  14. steel toe cap ugg boots? you could allways camo them so its not quite as gay as wearing the ugg boots themselves
  15. its been a long day, my confusion between dutch speaking and the dutch got crossed
  16. gel inner soles! they are a life saver mate
  17. That's not my point "P90's are Belgium" is not good English - Should have been P90's are Dutch.
  18. P90's are Belgium... When she can speak English I may take her a bit more seriously
  19. i use this... cheap replica but still does the job just as good http://www.shootercbgear.com/product_info.php?products_id=7915
  20. So like the title asks, how do you feel after a game day? Do you feel; Tired? Buzzing? Eager for more? So obviously some game days are better than others, you can feel like you had a full fun day or you can feel like it wasn't worth the cash and time and you could have just stayed at home in your pants playing computer games (or whatever it is you do in your usual spare time). For me (and this may be a bit sad) and this may be the same for others, I like to think back over situations throughout the day and think of what I could have done better. Could I have handled myself better? Did I need as much stuff as I took out with me? Could I have done something different to help to make the game better for me, was a there a different route I could have used etc? Could I come up with new game types to evolve from ones already existing? This is just something I was thinking about last night after id got home from my local skirmish, I guess to me it’s like how football is for others talk about it for a while after the game and maybe for a few weeks relive some of the more epic ups or downs!
  21. If its rains I have a waterproof seat cover I keep in the car (for all of my seat) that way I don't need to change or have to carry anything extra to the car. Rain doesn't usually bother me in the slightest, Hell I remember me and a sniper buddy laying on top of a pillbox at our site in the heaviest hail and rain for about 20 minutes just to keep our position hidden and it ended up with us having a very big advantage over people that seemed to flounce around like pansies over something "could" give you a tactical advantage. At the end of the day your games are what you make of it, if you let rain or whatever ruin it then that up to you.
  22. so i bought a new mag, still the same issue.... when i take the part below out the gun cycles fine :/ not sure what the issue is
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