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Everything posted by Lozart

  1. Just to be aware, some mosfets cannot cope with microswitch trigger units. You need a modern one like the current generation of GATE mosfets that have debounce circuits on the trigger contacts. Otherwise your motor is going to have a bad time.
  2. Brilliant, thanks for that! Having seen a few videos of them in action the DG sounds like the one I'd go for but not right now having just moved house! That's almost a month's mortgage payment!
  3. Pardon my ignorance but what's the difference?
  4. Tight bores have to be installed by qualified wizards. Like Harry Potter. But not that ginger one, he'll fuck it right up.
  5. Sheeeeeit! What about the Wolverine Inferno? Any good? Beesting are selling the kit around £415 for an M249...
  6. Nooooo, that's for sticky trigger contacts. You need to take it to a pumpkin patch at midnight and rub it with a toad.
  7. Sid Vicious/Sex Pistols was just a joke that everyone fell for. (I'm not a fan - can you tell?)
  8. When you say it's expensive....how much are we talking to do an M249?
  9. Want a short trigger pull? Get a BTC Spectre. Job jobbed.
  10. I know. I'm great, me. Also - Cemetery Gates? Great song and all but come on - This Love, surely?
  11. only messing. I'd be wearing layers or staying at home. Although I have the excuse of being old.
  12. Don't ever put plastic mags in a metal gun though. It shall herald the END OF DAAAAAYYYYSSS!!!!!!!! Bad things will happen! Cats and dogs will sleep with other, the sky will fall and everyone will have to drive a PRIUS!!!!! maybe.
  13. One of my favourite albums of the 90's!
  14. Which pointed me to this which is a true, stone cold classic.
  15. Depends - are you a pussy or not?
  16. Not bad but it just sounds like 90's Morbid Angel with better production! Exhibit A
  17. I fucking LOVED the music scene in the 90's.
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