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Baz JJ

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    Baz JJ got a reaction from Aengus in What kind of jobs do you guys have to support airsoft? :)   
    Since you asked this is what I have to offer.
    My own children were pressurised by me to go to uni.
    One went willingly and was focused on what they wanted to do from a small child. Now has a good career - job done.
    The other was like you a little - unsure.
    We compromised that he could do a subject of his choice at uni, but he got a degree at the end of it.
    He fought tooth and nail after his degree and got a worthwhile and reasonably paid job.
    A lot of employers these days wont look at you for certain jobs unless youve got a degree. Unfortunately (and I dont agree with it) its becoming a baseline minimum for many jobs.
    If you are academically able, get one.
    Apart from this, what is the most important is ATTITUDE.
    I do a lot of voluntary work with different ages and what worries me most is the attitude of many young people.
    What employers pick up on most is responsibility and commitment or should I say, the lack of it.
    Ive worked with graduates and people with little formal education and what they get judged on is their attitude.
    Too many will go home at the finish time leaving important jobs undone, do a job half heartedly (leaving mistakes and silly errors through a lack of attention to detail) and Ive even had one or two check their phone while Im talking to them.
    If you have no personal discipline or integrity, this seeps into the workplace.
    So academia aside, my advice is give everything 110% no matter how boring or pointless it seems, follow orders (not your version of then) and always do what you say you are going to do - always deliver and on time.
    Always give any prospective employer 100% commitment and loyalty but dont expect it back. If they treat you badly, take your moral fibre and skills elsewhere at the first opportunity.
    Dont let people take the piss out of you but make yourself proud of everything you do. Dont let yourself down.
    and no Im not a councillor, charity worker or lily livered do gooder. I just have a lot of experience in work and people.
  2. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from Airsoft_Mr B in Need sidearm suggestions ~£120   
    Ive got both TM and WE pistols. The TM is supposed to be a good pistol in terms of quality, but I also like the WE because they are metal where they are supposed to be metal and feel more like the real thing.
    They are a secondary weapon and unless you do a lot of CQB or your primary weapon isnt that reliable, a rifle is probably more important.
    Are you under 18 (is that why you dont have a UKARA defence ?)
    ETA - ignore that question - just saw your other post. If I were you, Id play some more games and get my UKARA before buying a two-tone pistol.
  3. Like
    Baz JJ reacted to BrightCandle in What kind of jobs do you guys have to support airsoft? :)   
    You have the grades and have offers to go to university then go to university. You'll be surrounded by other people who want to get their degrees (rather than the annoying idiots at school and somewhat less but still present at college). You have the choice so I would say take it. Can't promise it will turn into a direct job, but you will be a "graduate" and that will open some doors that would otherwise remain closed. Its not the end of your learning however, its just the beginning. I am a perpetual student, I read and learn in my field every day and its never going to stop until I stop working. It changes from being fed to you (college) to being pulled with a bit of structure (university) to choosing it entirely yourself (the career).
  4. Like
    Baz JJ reacted to BrightCandle in Need sidearm suggestions ~£120   
    I think KWA ends up being a good middle ground between We's metal slide and TM's famous accuracy. Its still got the metal slide so it kicks well but at the same time its built better and more consistently than the We. I think they are the way to go considering the gas efficiency they manage to get with them as well as parts being pretty decent.
  5. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from ak2m4 in What kind of jobs do you guys have to support airsoft? :)   
    I dont want to descend into a "youth of today" type rant and bring back national service.
    The problem is not the youth its society.
    A combination of dysfunctional and broken families together with a post war society that tries to give their children everything in a materialistic sense whilst not allowing them the freedom to go outside and take risks has created a lot of issues.
    Its a world problem to some extent. China now has a lot of problems because "one child families" has meant that affluent Chinese have spoiled their kids so rotten they have become expectant brats.
    Ive worked with youngsters on boats where they step into a boat standing up and are surprised when it tips them into the 'oggin.
    Why did you do that I ask ? doesnt happen on my X box game they reply..
    The UK is getting thrashed in business by foreign competition. Having worked with some brilliant and motivated Chinese and eastern europeans, I can see why. The British psychy is still brilliant at lateral thinking and problem solving, but we have become very lazy and complacent as an industrial nation. I see people I come into contact with through work spending more effort on making excuses and blaming others. If they put that effort into making a difference, we might be a top nation again.
    How many British people, including airsofters to come back on to topic appreciate that everytime you buy something overseas and import it directly into the UK, you are depriving this country of jobs and income ?
  6. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from Sitting Duck in What kind of jobs do you guys have to support airsoft? :)   
    Since you asked this is what I have to offer.
    My own children were pressurised by me to go to uni.
    One went willingly and was focused on what they wanted to do from a small child. Now has a good career - job done.
    The other was like you a little - unsure.
    We compromised that he could do a subject of his choice at uni, but he got a degree at the end of it.
    He fought tooth and nail after his degree and got a worthwhile and reasonably paid job.
    A lot of employers these days wont look at you for certain jobs unless youve got a degree. Unfortunately (and I dont agree with it) its becoming a baseline minimum for many jobs.
    If you are academically able, get one.
    Apart from this, what is the most important is ATTITUDE.
    I do a lot of voluntary work with different ages and what worries me most is the attitude of many young people.
    What employers pick up on most is responsibility and commitment or should I say, the lack of it.
    Ive worked with graduates and people with little formal education and what they get judged on is their attitude.
    Too many will go home at the finish time leaving important jobs undone, do a job half heartedly (leaving mistakes and silly errors through a lack of attention to detail) and Ive even had one or two check their phone while Im talking to them.
    If you have no personal discipline or integrity, this seeps into the workplace.
    So academia aside, my advice is give everything 110% no matter how boring or pointless it seems, follow orders (not your version of then) and always do what you say you are going to do - always deliver and on time.
    Always give any prospective employer 100% commitment and loyalty but dont expect it back. If they treat you badly, take your moral fibre and skills elsewhere at the first opportunity.
    Dont let people take the piss out of you but make yourself proud of everything you do. Dont let yourself down.
    and no Im not a councillor, charity worker or lily livered do gooder. I just have a lot of experience in work and people.
  7. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from ForestFighter in What kind of jobs do you guys have to support airsoft? :)   
    Ask yourself honestly why you are considering a gap year ?
    Is it because you are buying time because you dont know what you want to do ? or are you postponing the inevitable?
    Forget the subject of Airsoft - its a hobby and its distracting you.
    I normally take things I like doing and then reward myself with them once Ive done something I dont like doing.
    If you really want a gap year, go do some voluntary work, do something useful for others. This will change your outlook on life generally and it impresses potential employers.
    Going back-packing doesnt generally speaking.
  8. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from ForestFighter in What kind of jobs do you guys have to support airsoft? :)   
    Since you asked this is what I have to offer.
    My own children were pressurised by me to go to uni.
    One went willingly and was focused on what they wanted to do from a small child. Now has a good career - job done.
    The other was like you a little - unsure.
    We compromised that he could do a subject of his choice at uni, but he got a degree at the end of it.
    He fought tooth and nail after his degree and got a worthwhile and reasonably paid job.
    A lot of employers these days wont look at you for certain jobs unless youve got a degree. Unfortunately (and I dont agree with it) its becoming a baseline minimum for many jobs.
    If you are academically able, get one.
    Apart from this, what is the most important is ATTITUDE.
    I do a lot of voluntary work with different ages and what worries me most is the attitude of many young people.
    What employers pick up on most is responsibility and commitment or should I say, the lack of it.
    Ive worked with graduates and people with little formal education and what they get judged on is their attitude.
    Too many will go home at the finish time leaving important jobs undone, do a job half heartedly (leaving mistakes and silly errors through a lack of attention to detail) and Ive even had one or two check their phone while Im talking to them.
    If you have no personal discipline or integrity, this seeps into the workplace.
    So academia aside, my advice is give everything 110% no matter how boring or pointless it seems, follow orders (not your version of then) and always do what you say you are going to do - always deliver and on time.
    Always give any prospective employer 100% commitment and loyalty but dont expect it back. If they treat you badly, take your moral fibre and skills elsewhere at the first opportunity.
    Dont let people take the piss out of you but make yourself proud of everything you do. Dont let yourself down.
    and no Im not a councillor, charity worker or lily livered do gooder. I just have a lot of experience in work and people.
  9. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from jeffery7466 in What kind of jobs do you guys have to support airsoft? :)   
    Well obviously you need to work to finance hobbies.
    Airsoft isn't that expensive in its simplest form and its a lot cheaper than many active hobbies.
    What makes it expensive is the addiction to buy more kit.
  10. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from Josh95 in Essex/London CQB   
    Try the school at Red1 CQB at Kimgs Langley in Herts.
    I also heard the other day about a new one that has opened out towards Southend,
  11. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from Airsoft-Ed in TAG innovation adaptation.   
    I keep reading about these and have been asked by our milsim players if they can use them.
    So I went to Airsoft World who are the UK distributor and asked them about the legality.
    They said
    "The CE certificates have been pending since we stocked them at Airsoft World. That means they were accepted but we haven't had a physical copy in our hands. That is... until now.
    In regards to the legality of the rifling and the manner in which they are launched:
    1. The rifling is inverted.
    2. The barrel is plastic and not metal, therefore incapable of withstanding an explosive charge.
    3. The projectile is not fire by explosive charge.
    4. The explosive in both the Reaper and Archangels are certified as 1.4S (The lowest hazard rating for explosives).
    We obviously had to do our research deep into these before making them available on the market. We met with the guys at IWA and put the plans in place, it took a while... but these are well worth the effort!"
  12. Like
    Baz JJ reacted to Zak Da Mack in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Just got an old school CAR-15 stock on it's way from the US, £20
    Then went onto sealairsoft.com and ordered: rail covers, guarder pad for buttstock, silencer & some CYMA KAC-styled sight which will probably be naff - £40
    Looks like this L119A1 is coming along nicely
  13. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from Ian_Gere in TAG innovation adaptation.   
    Right, have ordered some for play at the next Okto Eight game in April, so we will see how they pan out.
  14. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from Airsoft_Mr B in A&K M249 Para, What mods?   
  15. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from Snakeeyes75 in A&K M249 Para, What mods?   
  16. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from Snakeeyes75 in A&K M249 Para, What mods?   
    Ive got the G&P version and uses a higher capacity 7.4V LIPO which goes in the mag.
    Would yours do the same ? I can link if its relevant ?
  17. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from Sitting Duck in New to airsoft, need some friendly advice   
    AEG makes a lot of sense for a number of reasons. Despite what the blurb says, gas guns arent designed to be stripped down regularly like real steel and they are temperamental on cold days.
    I have a 416 AEG and love it.
    My advice would be to get a shortish barrel M4 variant to give you flexibility for CQB and running and gunning.
  18. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from Sitting Duck in New to airsoft, need some friendly advice   
    Unless Patrol Base are local to you and you plan to buy in person, there are lots of good dealers.
    My go-to dealers for distance buying are Land Warrior or Airsoft Zone and there are lots more.
    I think you have to weigh up what you are looking for.
    Unless you enjoy tinkering with electric guns and plan to upgrade, I would look at solid reliable stock guns, You shouldnt have to tinker with springs straight out.
    For an M4 variant, I would at least look at the G&G range, They have a budget range which uses a lot of plastic in the build but are great starter guns or an advanced range which are a bit nearer to real steel heft. They also have blowback, but imho this is just a clunk and nothing like real action. All AEG sound like sewing machines to me lol
    When you are budgetting, remember that as soon as you get your rifle, you will no doubt start wanting to accessorize.
    Optics, spare mags, maybe a sling, Its very easy to overspend.
  19. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from lgmiles in £300-400 m4/m16 style suggestions/   
    Yes ive got the T4-18 Gen 3. Nice rifle. Some have been talking on here a out MOSFET problems but I havent experienced it on mine.
    The T4-18 is supposed to be a H&K 416 rather than an M4.
  20. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from lgmiles in £300-400 m4/m16 style suggestions/   
    come up with a short list of ones you like and Im sure the forum would be happy to advise on their experience.
  21. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from Airsoft_Mr B in £300-400 m4/m16 style suggestions/   
    come up with a short list of ones you like and Im sure the forum would be happy to advise on their experience.
  22. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from Sitting Duck in New to airsoft, need some friendly advice   
    I dont have any Kings Arms in the stable so cant comment, Im sure there will be KA owners on here who can.
    Ive never felt the need to change any of these things on a new rifle. If youre running and gunning, its pretty academic.
    Dont get lured early on, into the trap that you need to replace bits to keep up with the others.Also, if you buy a "Ford" gun rather than an Alfa Romeo, its always easier to get bits and work done.
    PS no dissing of Alfa owners intended - my son swears by them
  23. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from Airsoft_Mr B in New to airsoft, need some friendly advice   
    Unless Patrol Base are local to you and you plan to buy in person, there are lots of good dealers.
    My go-to dealers for distance buying are Land Warrior or Airsoft Zone and there are lots more.
    I think you have to weigh up what you are looking for.
    Unless you enjoy tinkering with electric guns and plan to upgrade, I would look at solid reliable stock guns, You shouldnt have to tinker with springs straight out.
    For an M4 variant, I would at least look at the G&G range, They have a budget range which uses a lot of plastic in the build but are great starter guns or an advanced range which are a bit nearer to real steel heft. They also have blowback, but imho this is just a clunk and nothing like real action. All AEG sound like sewing machines to me lol
    When you are budgetting, remember that as soon as you get your rifle, you will no doubt start wanting to accessorize.
    Optics, spare mags, maybe a sling, Its very easy to overspend.
  24. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from Ian_Gere in TAG innovation adaptation.   
    Have spoken. Will be about another two weeks subject to UK customs clearance.

  25. Like
    Baz JJ got a reaction from Airsoft_Mr B in TAG innovation adaptation.   
    They also now have CE certs for both the Reaper and Archangels, but advise as the
    Paladins and Peckers are non-pyrotechnic, they aren't required.
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