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Everything posted by AK47frizzle

  1. hmmm 299 posts..... how should I do my next post to bring it up to a grand 300?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      still not gettin' it...

    3. DX115FALCON



    4. AK47frizzle


      *cough-cough*... i don't think *cough* false advertising is..*blurghghh*... legal...


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zyras


      Feel your pain, i have lost my play account as it decided to merge my existing accounts... Day 12 of dealing with idiots and a phone full of games i cant play...


    3. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      sorry I am too late to point it out in the thread but as a warning to others you can change your account back here https://www.youtube.com/account_advanced

    4. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      hahaha captaindumbass :D

  4. Google and Youtube are so pathetic. It asked me a couple of times if i wanted to change my username to my real name. I said no all the time. But this time, doing so, it automatically linked my youtube account to my google account and change my username to my real name. f*cking BOLLOCKS! I WILL PERSONALLY DESTROY GOOGLE FOR DOINGS THIS PATHETIC ACT TO MAKE ME CHANGE MY NAME. f*ck YOU GOOGLE AND YOUTUBE.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jcheeseright


      oh what the F*ck, all these free services they're supplying and they make you type your name again a couple of times..


    3. Insanityx


      You can change it back. I saw the option last night. Go on youtube, sign in, click the little arrow next to your picture. Then click YouTube settings and it should say "Return to [username] and disconnect Google plus profile." Just click that and it should fix it.

    4. AK47frizzle


      i did and google just f*cking removed ALL MY f*cking VIDEOS AND EVERY SINGLE THING. I HAD SPENT ALOT OF WORK MAKING ALL THESE f*cking VIDEOS AND I HAD 3000 VIEWS IN ONE OF THEM. f*cking HELLL

  5. shitt... that's a fcuking cool looking ak. You should put a side mounted tactical bipod and an afg, i think it would look awesome. What kits did you buy? or did you manually put on the front end yourself?
  6. so, going to my local surplus store tomorrow to get a new pair of tactical trousers as i'm not a big fan of DPM. So... what kind of camo is the best for you or would go well wit a black jacket? (Not getting rid my karrimor jacket soon) Flecktarn? Digital camo? Desert camo? Multicam?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PhillipR34
    3. AK47frizzle


      well, instead of buying camo trousers, which I probably won't use in a while until my mum pays off her debt, I went for something else instead. I bought 2 pairs of Karrior trousers which are UBER COMFORTABLE! And has about 6 pockets and can detach the lower to turn it into shorts. Much more practical.

      And i've just noticed about most of my clothes.... Apart from school clothes.... Karrimor jacket, Karrimor thermals, Karrimor trainers, Karrimor bag and now... Karrimor trousers...

    4. AK47frizzle


      and they are in an olive drab colour, so kinda goes well with my Karrimor jacket.

  7. so, should I use my sig as a Legendary topics/posts Hall of Fame kinda thing? I would put in all the topics that are legendary to read.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      More will be added on sometime soon!

    3. CES_williamson


      oh god you every post you will get a page to yourself:D

    4. AirsoftTed


      Makes it into Frizzle's hall of fame, doesn't even have to use the best photoshop. *cries with pride*

  8. No, good bbs are not supposed to have air pockets. To change the weight of the bb, you either.... well, from my point of view, make it more dense, add more plastic, or..... add more plastic to increase density.
  9. Just.... what ever you pick.... just don't go for alienware....
  10. I wonder what jambwow will think of this when someone show him this....
  11. New topic now up, enjoy.

  12. Why hello there, I didn't see you coming. Have you had a nice meal yet? Did you have Green Giant sweetcorn hoping that you'd be a giant one day? Or did you try to be manly by doing the cinnamon challenge? Or are just being a complete arsehole by doing the knife song? A KNIFE IS FOR f*cking CUTTING CAKE AND THEN EATING THE f*cking CAKE Just a general message to stop stupid knife song idiots. Do you look at the sky and imagine My little ponies? I sure do. They are just amazing, lovely and... NO, JUST STFU, PONIES ARE FOR LITTLE MIDGETS, NOT FOR GROWN ASS MEN WHO WANT TO CUDDLE AROUND THE TELLY WITH THEIR DAUGHTERS THAT ARE CHAINED TO THE KITCHEN AND WATCH MY FUDGING LITTLE BALONIES. Enough about that. Wait, do you seriously still, ride that tricycle?! Man, just bin it already! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Amvx52YlUb0 AND BREATHE..... So, are you an avid buyer of BB pellets? Yes you are. Do you buy from JBBG? Are you trying to say no? DON'T LIE TO MEH YOU SILLY BOY OF COURSE WE ALL DO! And what do you specifically buy from JBBG? LPEGs? Orange pooped guns? So called "Pro Guns"? Lovely products aren't they? But more specifically, you know that I know that you know that we all know that, we all have this urge in us. We all have this urge...... TO BUY JBBG APPROVED BULLDOG BB PELLETS THAT CLAIM TO HAVE HIGH PERFORMANCE! AND DON'T LIE TO MEH! WE ALL DO! WE LOVE 'EM! But have you noticed recently that they are quite inaccurate? Do they curve off to the left or right often? I know, they are starting to be a huge let down now. So what is happening to them is what you want to know. That's why i'm here to find out for you! So, one ordinary day, I went to my locals to buy some good, trust worthy JBBG Bulldogs like we all do and I bought a tub of 5000 .20g BB pellets! That will be plenty to last for a while! Sooooo! This is what they claim about their Bulldogs: These 0.20g 6mm Bulldog BB Pellets have been designed to optimise the performance of all Airsoft BB Guns including; Co2 operated, Airsoft BB Guns with Hop Up, Shotguns, Single shot Rifles, most good quality entry level BB Guns and High end (AEG) Electric Rifles. These BB Pellets are calibrated and have a smooth polished surface, with no ridges or imperfections making this product the best you can buy for your 6mm Arsoft BB Gun. Sounds very appealing eh? Smooth..... polished surface.... with.... no... ridges... or.... imperfections...... I'm sure you'd love that with your Mrs. But the fact is, they claim to be the best bb pellets for your gun which we have all believed for some time. But let me show you this.... As soon as you look at that picture, you think, "Hmmmm, that is a highly polished standard JBBG Bulldog pellet with no seams or imperfections what so ever and I swear on my life that this is true." Yes, that is true on the outside of the BB pellet, it does actually look well done aesthetically. But it was time to get the tools out to crack them open. This is my tool to do the job. It is a small multi-tool which can be hooked to your keyring and has 12 functions and as you can all see, there are a pair of pliers and cutters in the middle. On the right side, as you can see, there is a nail filer, scissors and 2 screw drivers. And on the left side, you can see a can opener with a flat head screw driver on it, another flat head screw driver, this "prod" thingy which I don't know, and another can opener with a rather sharp point at the end maybe for box and letter opening. So I used the pliers to break the bb pellet open and get ready to see the inevitable for you JBBG Bulldog loving fans. LOOK! SEE THERE?! THAT IS CLEARLY A MAHOOSIVE AIR BUBBLE RIGHT THERE! SOMETHING YOU NEVER WANTED TO SEE! Are you in denial? You're probably thinking, "Nawwww, that's just 1 bb pellet, I'm pretty sure the best brand for BB pellets which is Bulldog would make a mistake once in a while, no need to worry." BUT WAIT! HERE IS ANOTHER ONE! THAT IS CLEARLY ANOTHER MAHOOSIVE AIR BUBBLE RIGHT IN THE CENTRE OF THE BB PELLET! And you are definitely thinking, "This can't be! The best brand for BB pellets has imperfections on their products?! No.... THIS CANNAE BE! THIS CANNAE BE!!!!!!" WELL, It's all true! They claim it to be the best but there are imperfections. This doesn't mean that most of their BB pellets are imperfections, I mean, what I mean to say was, THEY ARE ALL IMPERFECTIONS, THEY CONTAIN THE SWINE FLU! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! BURN IT ALL! And I know, this may be all of a sudden to you. Hush, I know how you feel. You spent all of your life savings to buy 5000 tubs of Bulldog BB pellets and you now know they are unreliable. There, there. I know what this means to you. YOU GOTTA BURN 'EM ALL YA SILLEH BOY! So that is why I'm telling all you heartbroken JBBG loving fans that Bulldog BB pellets are bad. And I know what you are thinking, "So...... *sobs*..... where will... *sniffs*.... I buy BB pellets now... *sniff*.....? Well, what I recommend to all of you, and you all may not know this, but, I recommend you to use BB pellets made by the brand Blaster or ASG. So, you should now know that to never trust what JBBG recommends as you have all done so for the past few years. You all can now move on and buy Blasters. I bid you farewell and happy buying. AND GO TO THE MINING FIELD AND EARN BACK THE MONEY YOU WASTED ON BULLDOGS! *GENERAL ADVERTISEMENT* JustBBguns are now selling superior quality .12g BB pellets. They are better than ever in terms of quality! That's right folks! 0.12g! The best weight of BB pellets for your airsoft gun! They are highly polished and are guaranteed to have maximum performance for your AEG! So come on over and purchase BB pellets from your favourite brand! http://justbbguns.co.uk/product/510/BB-PELLETS/286/.12G-BULLDOG/609/0.12G-5000-NEW-TUB Every £5 you spend will come with a complimentary bag of bullshit. Happy buying folks! *ADVERTISEMENT OVER*
  13. A nice post revealing unnerving truths coming up today. Pre order whilst you can.

  14. I see now. I was aware of terrorists but not from PIRA. I guess.... hmmm.... but... i've been so attached to my karrimor jacket... it's been with me on every expedition and never failed to break down. Hmmm, I was thinking of changing to digital camo, more of a grey or dessert type because tbh, i don't like dpm too much.
  15. are there any tech heads here that can help me with transistor calculations?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Baz JJ

      Baz JJ

      As soon as the transistor switches on, the emitter resistor is connected to the potential divider circuit through the B-E. The 6V sees a 5K resistor in series with effectively two 10k resistors in parallel. This will put around 3V at the base, still enough to keep the transistor on. The important thing is that when the transistor is hard on,its resistance between collector and emitter is virtually zero, a short circuit. This effectively connects the 6V rail voltage to the top of the emitter r...

    3. Baz JJ

      Baz JJ

      The transistor is a switch. When its off, the emitter voltage is 0V (transistor not conducting is effectively a high resistance = open circuit).

      When its switched on by applying a voltage, its emitter output will increase. In this case to 6V. Normally you use a resistor in the collector leg to reduce this.

      In an emiiter follower circuit, you take the voltage from the emitter which is what this circuit is.

    4. ScoobySnacks


      Eep, I USED to know how to do this. :S


  16. Are there any particular form of insignificant species of avid female airsofters on this forum at all?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jcheeseright


      you aren't going to find love on an airsoft forum, go find a bird to finger on a street corner instead.

    3. AK47frizzle


      Just became curious to know if there are any female airsofters. But sure, will do!

    4. ScoobySnacks


      Not sure they'd like the "insignificant" description mate. They are rare, but there are a few around.

  17. but... but... but... i'm only 15........ I'm still too young to be socially aware of political events...... I'm still grasping onto my innocence! Not onto adolescence yet!
  18. aaa shiit... i wasn't aware of what PIRA was.....
  19. Stare at little kids whilst wearing balaclava should put them out of their place. Run around the field with an ak47 shouting "ULLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLA!" and randomly blind firing everywhere whilst i'm at it. Seems legit.
  20. btw.... that granny dress you're talking about..... is part of the sheet..... she doesn't roam around the streets with a blanket around her.... And those hanging on the closet.... are shirts.....
  21. 35 euros?! They are that cheap?! My boots cost a tad over £100. But then again. I used them for extreme (maybe a little exaggerating) conditions during my camping and hill walking and mountain climbing days. And good boots were mandatory.
  22. Actually, screw the look of this ak http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/14500000/AK47-sopmod-guns-14511852-640-426.jpg The ICS galil MRS with an afg, red dot or eotech with magnifier and scary muzzle break will look tonnes cooler. Who agrees?

    1. jay83


      i was jus a bit sick in my mouth mate lol

  23. My fingers are literally bleeding from playing my guitar to 6 hours STRAIGHT. No stopping, no pissing, no pooping, no eating, no drinking, no getting up, no talking, no blinking and no breathing. But yeh, my left index finger, ring finger and pinky are bleeding. And my right index finger has had the skin on the side shaved off and bleeding by playing dead notes. Did stop a few times to check on the forums.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      I play acoustic and fingerstyle and believe me, fingerstyle is a lot harder than strumming.

    3. AK47frizzle


      i better have dinner right now

    4. Tariq


      I use fingers when playing acoustic too. Force of habit coming from bass. Never got on with plectrums.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies
    3. AK47frizzle


      Well.... had my moment. The time has passed. A ridiculous post is waiting on the brink of destruction.



      Taking over the website, one topic at a time XD

  24. Do my trousers look more of British DPM or US Woodland camo? I've been under the impression that it's British DPM but taking a closer look.... maybe not.... <a  href=http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r561/ak47frizzle/ak_zps46b9d20c.jpg' alt='a>'>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hudson


      Definitely DPM, but it might be an aftermarket pair looking at it, something about the colours just seem a bit 'off'.

    3. AK47frizzle
    4. Monty


      Definitely DPM

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