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Everything posted by GiantKiwi

  1. Would just like to say Pete's packaging when shipping stuff is absolutely top notch, definitely worth considering for parts
  2. CYMA M14 MOD 1 EBR. Bought this nearly a month ago now, been throwing stuff at it for the external look and have now got it to a point where I am happy with it. Internally, I'm not touching it, because it was surprisingly accurate at range when I was testing it before purchase. Getting skirmished for the first time tomorrow, then 2 weeks time it's coming to Northern Star with me
  3. New years resolution was to curb airsoft spending, not going to well so far, already spent more the grand in 3 weeks of the first month. And got another 500 queued up in the next few weeks, too many shiny things tempting me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. two_zero


      better spend alll cash before new year next time!!

    3. jay83


      Dame i thought i was bad!

    4. Airsoft_Mr B
  4. GiantKiwi

    World of Tanks

    I take out KV1S's out regularly in the crusader, big gun, crap armour on the russian (compared to other t6 heavies).
  5. GiantKiwi

    World of Tanks

    My crusader says no.
  6. Yeah, I've been admiring it for a fair while after seeing it being used effectively in a few games. Especially in the sites I frequent, can make you virtually invisible at 20 metres in reasonably dense forest.
  7. Picked these Magnum Sidewinder HPi Multicam boots in Blacks for £50 marked down from £190, and they are the best fitting boots i've ever tried on (stupidly narrow feet, in big sizes make boots difficult to find, so i try on alot). Also just bought this list of stuff - A-TACS FG Warrior DCS M4 Plate Carrier A-TACS FG Warrior PLB Belt A-TACS FG Warrior Molle Water Carrier Pouch A-TACS FG Magpul PTS MS3 Sling OD Warrior Folding Dump Pouch OD Warrior Slimline Molle Holster OD Warrior Twin Rifle Bag 1x5" Callsign velcro patch A-TACS FG, 3x3" Callsign velcro patch A-TACS FG (Green Giant) A-TACS FG Ops Core Fast Helmet Replica 0241 Tactical A-TACS FG Neck Gaiter 5.11 Scene One Gloves in Black Dytac Invader MK18 AEG in A-TACS FG and matching rail covers. A-TACS FG Propper Trousers and Combat Shirt. trying to find NZ Afghan Style Velcro Flags (Coyote Brown Backing with OD Embroidery) as the black ones with the red and blue on them stick out a bit too much.
  8. Well that's half my student loan gone in 2 days, upside, I'll look pretty damn awesome out on the field.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Silent7Sniper7




      wooow, total price?

    3. GiantKiwi


      about £700, so slightly mad is probably an understatement, but luckily I have work alongside uni, so i can afford to do that kind of spending :3


    4. Silent7Sniper7


      thats good then, get a few pay days & do it again ;)

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