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Everything posted by proffrink

  1. Posting about how you'd 'put down' a burglar with an airgun on a public forum is not a clever idea.
  2. I've had some replies and it seems the cheapest we're going to get is £1.50 - I believe this also covers postage, so that's now the new price. We've already hit 110, so I'll send out payment details now but I should make it absolutely clear that I don't expect anyone to have to pay until February 10th (will make the order on the 11th so there's plenty of time in case there's an issue). If anyone else wants some then just PM me by then.
  3. They are absolutely slower. I've used both for extended periods. If you've got a dump pouch and aren't replacing the magazines when you switch then the difference is negligible (but still slightly better with fastmags). If not they win every time. I like open top pouches and bungees, but the fastmags are - as you'd imagine - designed for speed. They're also not loud at all (certainly not louder than say a footstep on concrete would be).
  4. I'll show you when you get your scope. PM me.
  5. Why don't we just go the whole-hog and start talking about that chap who wore that SS uniform to an airsoft game again?
  6. It is man. I was kind of interested in people using the US as a justification for shooting people with BB guns, but we should really try to avoid politics in our toy guns forum.
  7. I can assure you bungees are not as quick as fastmags because you do still need to move the bungee out of the way (whereas with the fastmags it's just friction-based retention. I do use bungee ones these days as I prefer them for their versatilely when it comes to heavier magazines, but faster they are not. Also, very minimal noise - certainly not comparable to Velcro.
  8. Nope. Maybe you misunderstood - there's a collar that sits infront of the objective (you can remove it by using a flathead screwdriver very carefully to apply torque). On mine there was a flat o-ring/gasket that allowed me to place the plastic straight on there without it touching the objective (you absolutely do not want the plastic touching your objective lens or all that energy will go straight through it and onto the very tip of the objective). If there's no o-ring or rubber to offset it like there was in mine then just buy one. The collar otherwise seems pointless. It doesn't actually hold the objective in (which appears to be glued). I can only assume it's a failsafe for if the glue fails. If you have any trouble then let me know via PM. It's not too tricky.
  9. £70-90 with the mag. Can't see your pictures to get an idea of condition. Also, if this is the one that says 410 on the box, I'm sure you're aware that they tend to do around 340 instead but you might want to tell people that as it seems Cybergun crono with .12g and a bag of glue.
  10. You won't find a killflash that fits that scope unfortunately. Believe me, I've tried. Also, once they get shot they get distorted and then won't really stop another BB if it hits the same area - it's kind of like mesh, but on larger optics the honeycomb is larger so as to allow more light in for a better quality picture. This means the gaps between are sometimes as large as 3-4mm anyway, so there's not a massive amount of metal (making them kind of a bit weak). Yeh, I don't think you need it for the ocular lens unless you get shot in the back a lot. I think I actually got 2mm thick ones in the end, rather than 3. They were 45mm across. Should cost you about £2-3 for 5 of them.
  11. Those are the ones, but I got mine for about £12 a year back. Try AliExpress and others maybe? If it's going to be £16 then you might as well go with what Jedi said: The WAS ones.
  12. They work, but those are ridiculously expensive. Look for the FMA ones. Don't use with heavy GBBR magazines as they can't clamp hard enough (for AEG magazines they're great). I also found that though the rear fastmag is 3-molle high, the front one (that the FMA ones come with) is only 2 high and is prone to leaning forward if it's not attached to another fastmag. Probably not an issue at all with AEG magazines (I was using very heavy GBBR magazines) but thought it worth a mention.
  13. Like Esoteric said: The L86 ('long barrel L85') was designed as an LSW (light support weapon), but was superseded by the M249/L110/Minimi and the 5.56 it fires couldn't pack enough of a punch or go far enough (even with such a long barrel) for it to be truly utilised in Afghanistan as a designated marksman rifle so the L129 was brought in to replace it in that role too. That handle on the back was intended to be used from a prone position. Basically it's all but obsolete these days.
  14. Depends on the gun and the gas, but it doesn't perform as well as high pressure air or CO2 in the cold. This is really something you should search forums for though as 'cooldown' (the effect of rapidly cooling magazines as the gas within them escapes) between different guns as well as their contraction in cool weathers is well documented. In short though, cold weather can play hell with any gas blow back gun that runs on green gas (i.e. propane with some additives that you see sold at many sites, used by players to charge their pistol magazines etc.). Many guns are better at dealing with this than others, but none are perfect and that's why we're seeing a major move over to high pressure air (HPA) in the UK right now, because it works all year round (though the initial cost is quite high). Don't get a GBBR as your first gun. You absolutely will regret the costs that it brings and the knowledge that you'll need to fix things when the go wrong. An AEG works well in all environments above sub-zero and is a good fall-back to have as a beginner (as well as generally being cheaper than GBBRs). I'd always recommend a well-branded M4, AK, MP5 etc. AEG as a gun to start with and then build from there. That way if something goes wrong then you can still play.
  15. This comes up one a month, but 3mm perspex insert infront of the objective and behind the unscrew-able collar. Have one in that very same scope you just bought and you wouldn't even be able to tell that it's there. This guy will cut any size you like: http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/bobbyboy0177 I can look up the one I put in my scope if you're interested.
  16. Depends on barrel length, bore, airseal and a whole lot of other tiny variables (including the brand of spring as not every company uses the same standard) but as a guesstimate it'll be an M100, yeh. Most hit between 330-360.
  17. That's the rail with the weird intervals. I'd recommend the Action Army one that doesn't. Also, you'll get charged a fortune to ship it from eHobby. As for the rings: Try and find them on AliExpress or DHGate as they'll be cheaper. Also I'm not sure if getting a cheap QD is a good idea as it may rattle or move a little. Just go for some nice fixed mounts.
  18. I have an all-in-one scope mount with QD base thing from Ebairsoft, but any 20mm ones will do really. Go on AliExpress or DHGate if you're not in a hurry and just find some that you like the look of. Rail wise I picked up an Action Army VSR one from I think Action Hobbies. The G-Spec has weird intervals between the rings, which isn't a problem if you have two independent scope rings, but is a problem if they're fixed to a QD-mount type design like I have. Do you have a rail or did you buy the regular VSR? Not sure if the regular VSR has holes for rail fittings, but I'm sure that you can see if you do.
  19. There are a handful of very famous wrongful executions in the UK that did a great deal in bringing about our abolishment of the death penalty. I think Wikipedia has a short record of each and they're a rather good read. In the US 'at least 39 executions are claimed to have been carried out in the U.S. in the face of evidence of innocence or serious doubt about guilt'. The point of death row is for a long and drawn out appeals process where due diligence must be done at every level of court. Getting rid of that isn't an option at all with our current legal system, so you're still looking at a lot of litigation and possibly years of having that criminal in prison before they can be killed. It's the old conundrum of do you let 9 guilt people go free to save 1 innocent? I'd say yes, but it's a moral dilemma more than a fiscal one. Fortunately it's one that's interwoven into many legal systems (including our own), where you do have the right to appeal to a higher court (and if you look to the US then you see this happening a lot). It should also be noted that approximately half of any inmates at any one time are serving sentences of less than 6 months - that's where the real overcrowding happens in my opinion: We have ample resources to keep dangerous people behind bars, but putting people away for dumb things like shoplifting or petty theft? It's expensive, and there are proven studies done in Scandinavian countries that prove bringing rates of re-offending can be done pro-actively. These countries didn't get to be some of the safest on the planet through executing 10% of their prison population - they've been playing the long game and addressed causation rather than just reacting to short-term issues.
  20. Use that manual I sent you there if you do get it by the way - the one they provide is in Chinese. Also, I couldn't get the second air filter to work, but it has an internal one for removing water so it didn't really matter. I think it just needed sealing with PTFE but I've not really looked.
  21. Correct. So your point is that prison is too cushy, but what's your alternative?
  22. Well I spent about £77 (including 5 day shipping) and it seems to work well. Just be aware that it obviously takes a lot of time to fill a tank - I had to spread it out over a few days to fill just one 88ci to 4500psi. Here's the link: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/WELON-air-pump-pcp-high-pressure-factory-outlet-down-40-directly-to-90-for-supporting-new/1721907862.html Remember to ask them about quoting the price lower on the packaging so you don't get ruined by VAT and courier charges. You'll notice the striking similarities to this thing: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Air-Venturi-Hand-Pump-4500/dp/B00TGC9ZPO and if you actually look their instruction manual is near-identical (right down to the same spares, same spanner etc.). That's what leads me to believe that it's the same factory making this pump too - I mean for such a niche product it wouldn't make sense to have more than a couple of production lines working on this anyway.
  23. Visioning. Buy through their eBay account, DHGate or AliExpress. You can't go wrong with any of their stuff as it all has incredibly clear image quality (will grab you the links shortly). Their decent stuff costs around £50-80 for a variable zoom scope, and it's worth the money. I bought this one and it's really quite good. Edit Added links
  24. Rehabilitative prison in the UK is actually some of the worst in Europe - as are prison conditions. Also, lest we forget the US is the most incarcerated nation on Earth - jailing people is very, very expensive; It costs the UK taxpayer ~£40k per year to keep someone in prison, so probation and rehabilitation don't seem so bad. I'd rather have someone contributing to the economy and having to show up once a week to demonstrate that they're saying on the right side of the law than behind bars (at least on convictions where repeat offending is low). Two notable things about the US legal system: Firstly, inmates can and do build home appliances, light goods and larger electronics at a rate of pay that genuinely makes them competitive when compared to China - it's a massive conflict of interest that private prisons are going to have to come to terms with over the next few years. Secondly, the 'three strikes' rule means you can get a mandatory minimum of 10 years for shoplifting or smoking naughty things. Comparing ourselves to a country like the States on judicial systems is a silly one; look to northern Europe if you want to see hard proof of how rehabilitative incarceration can actually work both socially and economically. On topic though: Buy a cricket bat or just invest in a decent alarm system.
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