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Everything posted by AirsoftTed

  1. SND, you come out with some of the most bad ass loadouts I've ever seen mate. Great work! Would love to see what else you've come up with! Anything Recon/USMC related?
  2. Ed, just go for one of those good old BMI altering craps, you know the type that require so much air freshner you go down to the local chapel to confess your sins against the ozone layer and beg for forgiveness.
  3. Have you come across this yet mate? http://www.ww2airsoft.org.uk/british-airborne-basic-impression/
  4. Last time I asked Zeroone for a price match they got back to me within 2 hours and matched it. Suppose it depends on the item and how busy they are on the day
  5. Just ordered a Tan PACA from Japan. And so the loadout begins.

  6. Anyone know where I can get some 3" or 76mm OD PVC pipe in something like a metre length? All I can find is 2m, and the one 1m I found wanted 25 quid postage for an 11 quid bit of pipe!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      I might just do that Fin and Russ, Would love to go on an Op with the AFUK lot.


      I'm going to ring Wickes and ask if they'll cut the pipe into 1m lengths for me, I might make a few if the first one goes well!

    3. Suzuki Yamamoto

      Suzuki Yamamoto

      B&Q do a wood cutting service in store so might do one for piping too. Wickes don't offer that service.

    4. AirsoftTed


      I managed to fit a 2m pipe (barely) in my polo lol. They didnt have any 3 inch in, but I got some 68mm down pipe, so perfect for the inside part, next on the list is some 3 inch which I'll try and get in the week.

  7. happy new year guys!

  8. If anyone has or see's any cheap madbull XMPB4's for sale or any 40mm grenades for that matter let me know please, going to get the M72 project in swing. Also, why are nerf footballs a tenner? was not expecting that lol

  9. Well that trip to Wickes didnt yield much, the pipe I bought for the LAW project is completely wrong

    1. adam bussey
    2. AirsoftTed


      Its my own fault for staying awake for 2 days prior to going, I wasn't thinking properly lol. I'm taking it back tomorow, problem is the diameter I need only comes in 2m lengths so it won't be easy to bring home

  10. In the morning before we get onto the field, everyone is chrono'd and given a cable tie, I think any old ones have to be removed, I've only been once since this policy was adopted due to taking a break from airsoft. They then do random chronos throughout the day, I agree its not a very fool proof method but they're getting better on it. Previously it was just a chrono in the morning and nothing else despite warnings of random chronos on their website. Someone nearly losing their eye gave them a kick up the arse.
  11. Not sure on his Ian, Mine will fire the rubber baton rounds, nerf footballs and BB's depending on the situation. I'm off to Wickes this morning to pick up some guttering and other bits so I can hopefully get started on it. I've seen badly made airsoft ones (by companies) that retail for about 300 quid and fire foam balls. A geezer over in france gutted a De-ac and machined some internals for it, it fires nerf footballs using the original firing mechanism aswell!
  12. So my fellow insomniacs, what are we upto tonight? I'm looking for a few bits and bobs I want for projects and mustering the energey to get off my back and take some pictures for the sale threads I'll be posting soon

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ian_Gere


      a spot of moderating - haven't had chance to look in here much over the last few days - desperately trying to take my mind off the GP-25 I want to buy for my new AK-74 (which hasn't even arrived yet) which i really shouldn't spend any more cash on

    3. AirsoftTed


      Speaking of that Ian, I cant remember where or what even, but I saw something to do with a GP-25 either being sold or made or something, I'll rack my brains for you, something tells me it was cheap because I was going to send you the link for some reason but didnt get round to it

    4. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      Scrounged reviews on the SRC G36C gen 3. I would love an AK as a sidearm but being the AK whore I am,I need steel. And steel is heavy. G36s are light,and indestructible in my experiences. It's cheap too,only a few quid more than a JayGee or Hicapa.

  13. Wheres the PACA from mate? I've found one or two from Japan on Ebay but am hesistant to lay down the cash for what it is before I even get an MBSS or RRV
  14. My site started putting red zipties on guns to show they passed the chrono after we had some people cheat the chrono and then break a few sets of goggles in CQB with hot guns. Maybe the tape is a similar marking, can't see any other reason for it?
  15. I'm going to make one soon that will fire Nerf vortex footballs for a nice hissing sound, I'll let you know how I get on Ian. Nice idea with the rubber 203 shells I've seen them about and it never crossed my mind, they thud they give could let a vehicle or Plywood building like you see at most sites know they've been hit.
  16. "How will you be arriving at the event?" 1. Via our coach service 2. Car (please book a parking space to avoid dissapointment as we have limited parking on site) 3. C130
  17. It's a MTP battle belt for use with the Osprey Ian, they go for around £20 on ebay, I just had a quick look for you and they come in a few different sizes aswell. Could save you the hassle mate!
  18. Cheers mate, it really isn't noticable at all, I had a look back at your pictures before I asked and thought it was a tan one! Looks like we'll be running almost identical loadouts soon. Will post up pictures when I get it all sorted.
  19. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GENUINE-USMC-LBT-LONDON-BRIDGE-TRADING-CO-FULL-VEST-COYOTE-BROWN-NEW/360817311852?_trksid=p2047675.m1850&_trkparms=aid%3D222002%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D11%26meid%3D3494938405778260695%26pid%3D100011%26prg%3D1005%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D5%26sd%3D360786699964%26 It's pretty damn close to a CB FLC, only difference being the shoulders and possibly the belt loops. It's the closest thing I've seen this side of the pond that wasn't going for silly money, but I gave up looking months ago lol. I just had look on Ebay USA and the FLC's are decently priced now so I might go with one of them depending on when I get the money spare. RE the MBSS though, where did you get a Tan PACA? I'm considering doing something similar if I dont go down the FLC route.
  20. Looking good Nick! I'm in two minds whether to sell my tan 901 which I bought for a similar loadout do the one your doing right now. (I'll be replacing it with the LBT vest you asked about on Arnies - been trying to track one of those down for the best part of 6 months!)
  21. Spare ALICE clips arrive today, got my webbing back in action for my FR green ops loadout. Recon Marine Cadence CD also arrived. Good mood :)

  22. Barry McGuire - Eve of destruction The Animals - We gotta get out of this place Johnny cash - When the man comes around Johnny cash - Drive on
  23. Bodies got to used to operating on minimal amounts of sleep. Finally beat the insomnia and went asleep at 10.30, woke up at 3am on the dot. Supoose 4 and a half hours is better than my usual one hour though!

  24. Sam, post some pics up in the DIY thread. Might inspire a few people
  25. It's a right ol' pain in the ar*se aint it mate; especialy where I'm such a realism freak but also skint at the moment lol. I've been doing some research into the m72 Law idea, it looks pretty easy to make in all honesty. Once I've done the christmas shop I'll pop down to Wickes and get started.
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