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adam bussey

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Everything posted by adam bussey

  1. how bloody hard is it to get a job!

    1. Hubert


      You need experience to get a job. But you need a job to get experience. But you need experience to get *that* job...

    2. Tariq


      I actually find its just knowing people gets you jobs. I've been temping for 4 weeks now, worked for this one company who are now considering hiring me in september after i had a little chat with some of their staff.

    3. AK47frizzle


      well, volunteering is charity shops (which is what I do right now) helps with experience and communicating with people... at least if you plan to just move goods up and down the basement... and at the sales counter...

  2. my I enlighten you back: all terrain tyres (they are good for snow and ice), waterproof overalls and panniers for my shopping. plus don't have to pay for parking, I get 70mpg and it's more fun.
  3. none because I love my bikes and have no need for a car
  4. sitting here in my Combat 95's for no apparent reason.

  5. i am now on summer holidays :) what now bitches.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. adam bussey
    3. AK47frizzle


      i'm on summer holidays too, since the 27th of june! Now i have nothing to do...

    4. Alex The Destroyer

      Alex The Destroyer

      I finish this wednesday

  6. if you want cheap there is www.airsoft-club.com but be warned they aren't always the best quality (mainly slings are the problem) but otherwise I have had no problems
  7. 非常に多くの馬鹿がここにあります - translate it (japanese-english)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      there are many idiots here

    3. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      thats all (joke)


    4. TPI


      oh right bit like "Si no eres uno de nosotros, Eres uno de ellos" or even "Per adversum veneratio silenti"

  8. cosplay radio is active at http://plug.dj/cosplay-radio/ You will ne a google or facebook acount to login

  9. try a viper under armour shirt they absorb sweat and keep you cool under vests and other kit. http://www.viperkit.co.uk/site/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=1520 they do it in black
  10. god damn why are so many people selling L85 variants at the moment that I can't buy!

    1. Alex The Destroyer

      Alex The Destroyer

      Lol, im even about to put up mine :P

    2. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      oh well may as well just stick with my g36 and mod the heck out of it to make a sci-fi gun

    3. sp00n


      hmmmm l86 =)

  11. quite a lot of players have L85's because they are what the army use and you will always find someone with a L85 at a game
  12. what he means is he stands in the room and makes a barricade of dead zombies in the door.
  13. IT LIVES! the DR650 motorbike runs and is almost back in one piece!

  14. RIP those victim of terrorist attack

  15. contour roam 2 camera has arrived today yay

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      need i say more?

    3. CaptainDumbass


      Looks like ill be getting one of those! :D

    4. adam bussey
  16. contour roam camera arriving tomorrow

  17. looks like your about to go and assassinate someone with what's in that case
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