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adam bussey

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Everything posted by adam bussey

  1. I'll try and get fire support to do training sessions i think even if I'm the one teaching (instructor training don't fail me now)
  2. london transports police's armed division don't give a f**k

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lozart


      I'm guessing he wasn't actually complaining as such.

    3. TacMaster


      Seems like it. I thought he was complaining that they don't give an eff when people walk around with what look like dangerous objects, therefore meaning he's worried about his safety if they don't do that and people start to openly walk around with knives, axes etc

    4. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      nope the whole incident made me laugh when it happened

  3. I hate it when people tell me to spell properly because of one little slip, I have f*cking aspergers syndrome for fucks sake!

    1. Lozart


      Your spelling is pretty decent as it goes. Just FYI, if you use Firefox as a browser it can spell check for you as you go. Works for me! :)

  4. this weekend model train exhibition next comic con

  5. gotta love dalek cosplays

  6. after learning there was a stargate game in the pipe I then learned that the company who were making it bailed and stolle investors money! f*ck!

    1. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      30 million dollars to be precise

    2. sp00n


      isnt there already a online stargate game?

    3. Pinbacker


      the story of all planned SG games unfortunately.. has happened 3 or 4 times

  7. yum pancakes

    1. Shinobi


      If they dare be savoury i'll hunt you down.

    2. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      savoury what madness is this? let them be sweet and have sugar and lemon juice poured all over them

    3. Shinobi


      Good Child.

  8. oh and i want one, i present to you the Ares Knights Arm Co Chainsaw Airsoft Machine Gun
  9. spending spree, sorry not airsoft realited.

  10. now waiting for the hate from frazzel!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      because i pointed out where the option the change you youtube back is

    3. two_zero


      how very helpful. where is it?

    4. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      in youtube settings under your email

  11. what was the highest rank they had? maybe i should find them at a site and wear my sergeant major rank than my grandad had and tell them to fuck off/.
  12. tickets bought, comic con here i come

  13. trying to organize for comic con is a pain in the back side

  14. why are small mints so addictive?

    1. AK47frizzle


      fox's glacier mints are the best

  15. just last week I went to cornwall on my DR from peterborough 350 miles there and the same back with no problems apart from dropping it in milton keynes and the speedo doing a windmill impression. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEB6JqHcMf4
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