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adam bussey

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Everything posted by adam bussey

  1. ok black death what would you do it i came up behind you without you noticing and tapped you on the shoulder with a pistol as said "bang you're dead"
  2. anyone else having battlepack problems in BF4?

    1. DX115FALCON


      I am having problems with Battlefield 4 full stop.

  3. not what i said, what i mean is take it or get 500FPS to the face your choice
  4. I'd take it as in real life if some one has a sniper it doesn't matter how close you are, if they're going to shoot you they'll shoot you, that said this is airsoft and i think minimum engagement distance is BS anyway.
  5. only problem is it's worn out and the blue is showing through so I'm striping it back
  6. I bloody high def [it'll be fully black as soon as i can be bothered]
  7. no it's to be added to a video of a game so you can edit them better
  8. took the little clip out of my SRC g36 birdcage flash hider and now it fits better

  9. but thats how I want my G36 [plus full length RIS, eotech, retracting battery stock and bipod]
  10. anyone doing comic con and traveling on the train from peterborough on sat?

    1. CES_williamson


      WHAT COMECON IN UK!?!?!?! i wanna go now :(

    2. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      yeah london comic con, tickets have sold out for the whole week end, don't know about independant days


  11. thanks firesupport for the muzzle cover, Now i can take my G36 to MCM

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      new rules for MCM is that all RIFs need to have a red tip [non-permanent] or be 50% colour

    3. CaptainDumbass


      Its understandable to be fair!

    4. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      your also allowed to remove the tip for photos

  12. right as you may or may not know I'm after a G36 ris, not a k or c length but the full length handguard, I asked fire support if they had the ares one and they said to ask wolf armories and action hobbies and neither of those got back to me. should I by direct from ares or keep looking?
  13. start with a standard M4 like that the mod it later
  14. reading through this and laughing really loudly.
  15. couldn't you make a item that replaces handguard that slots on over the rest of the body
  16. we're talking a lasgun here not a generic sci-fi weapon
  17. right the questions up and I'm going to try and turn my G36 into a lasgun without permanent mods, so how would you do it?
  18. from what the website said you've got that the wrong way round
  19. but direct from manufacturer (ares) will they do that too?
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