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Black Death

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Black Death last won the day on April 5 2014

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  • Guns
    Tokyo Marui SCAR-H
    Tokyo Marui Desert Eagle x 2
    Marushin Ragin Bull
  • Sites
    Home site RED1 in Herts
    Regular at LONGMOOR MOD training base
  • Gender
  • Location
    North London
  • Interests
    Guns, bodybuilding, Boobs

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  1. Worst Pratt I ever met was a guy who before every game would brief our team as to how to play that game to best effect. He spoke with assumed authority and oddly spoke with a hatred as if the other team were genuinely the enemy using phrases like "I don't want these cnuts to go home thinking they beat us" and stuff like that. Most of us ignored him but a lot of the younger guys would listen. He even refered to them to they're face as CANNON FODDER to allow the better players to be more effective. Seriously, this guy needs to find a girlfriend or something because airsoft is clearly taking up too much of his little life!!!
  2. Lolololololololol what a ridiculous rule! Wish people would stop trying to apply real steel logic to a plastic pellet game! Yes we like a degree of realism but there reaches a point where it gets silly. If a guy is out of range, ultimately you need quit camping and come out a get him! This sort of million mile range rule is there to protect the campers who ultimately sit in one spot lob shorting everyone else This rule makes me wanna kill myself lololololol
  3. Played at red1 cqb site on sunday. I ran pistols only for the second half of the day with zero gear 2 TM desert eagles with .3s 2 x spare mags in trouser pockets (approx 120 rounds total which is plenty) A lot of us play this way (usually single rather than dual) as in cqb there's alot to be gained by playing this way. My favourite part of this setup is not having to worry about breaking gear whilst doing hip slides, superman slides and jumping through the air lol.
  4. Picked up this holdall recently and I have got to say I am extremely pleased with it! One of my favourite airsoft purchases so far
  5. This seems to be happening more often these days
  6. As I said, his marketing is all wrong (and probably some of the org structure too). Being the type you are and not being interested proves he's hop is way off. You are the perfect sort of person for him to liaise with to help really tune this into something decent. At the mo it's more JG but with the right input it could be TM lol. The whole col Bateson seems to me quite literally to be "bate son" in the sense this figure is there to bate people towards the org. Personally I think this technique is a real real bad idea as it can go terribly wrong. Put a guy on a pedestal like that and he's there to get shot down. I imagine the org will change a lot before it's gets any sort of momentum. Keep feeding these guys ideas chaps as well as honest constructive feedback as ultimately it will help and that's what we are all here for :-)
  7. To be claiming you are elite will always be easy without a national league or similar. That said, all products or service claim to be the bestest wether it's washing up liquid or engine oil. I'm not gonna have a go at him for calling his group elite because deep down alot of of us think we have the best team going but don't have the balls to come out and say it. If he chooses to have a very intense take on airsoft with training than is agree it's elite to a degree. My team are more likely to discuss the latest marvel film than tactics. We have never ever (well not unless they didn't invite me lol) had a formal trainjng session and likewise done zero drills. Even if this guy DOESNT use SAS style training and just uses regular tactics/training then that would probably put his team in the top 5% of airsoft teams based on the fact 95% play in such an amateur fashion. Also he has to market as elite in order to attract the right people. If he advertised in such a way to attract people who think a team meet up is a chance to get pissed rather than discuss tactics, I imagine he would pull his hair out lol. In short, do I agree with him using the word elite... Yes. Remember he's just saying elite airsoft NOT elite real steel. The difference is light years apart lol
  8. lololololololol im going to try and be as polite and pleasant in my reply but to be honest this thread is destined for trolling. I think what you guys are trying to achieve it actually a good idea. A place where the really serious team player can be with like minded players, train hard, play hard and enjoy general camaraderie. This is great plus to the game. Some of the worlds greatest clubs were started from small roots and have grown massive. Yes most of us just wanna charge a battery in between games so we can turn up and pepper people in between giggling and tripping over but for the more serious in depth player this is perfect. I'm guessing you don't actually want loads and loads of people and you don't want to make loads and loads of money off this thing. You want a close knit hard playing team that can go anywhere in the UK and dominate, and for that I literally salute you. Where you have fallen short slightly, is you need to work on your PR/Marketing a bit better because at the moment with all due respect, you couldn't sell toby carvery to a starving Ethiopian. Yes I know and you know that being elite on the field and being elite everywhere else doesn't actually matter BUT...unfortunately it does. Not using spellcheck or double checking text is just so unprofessional it makes me squeel and squirm in my chair. People will judge your whole organisation on how you come across online and in person regardless of how pro/elite you actually are with an AEG in your hand. If you have a few pennies to spare, I would look at getting a epic website up and running (no offence but the current one is just too budget/basic and has feels too home made). Instantly you will get a better more positive response from people and more importantly you will attract the right people. I have some experience in 'pushing' things into the public and my best advise to you for now would be to fall back, have a good think about things, chuck in a few pennies and then re-launch everything much much better. Overall although airsoft at this intensity is not for me, I commend you efforts and idea and wish you all the luck in the world. I would love to see this concept work in the near future and watch you guys grow
  9. I know when it comes to airsoft, slot of the fun is customizing and upgrading some, if not all the major parts. This is all fun and good with a £150 aeg, but to be honest with a TM recoil there is not a need to do very much at all. Swap out the nihm for a lipo and your good to go. Yes you can go nuts and spend a ridiculous amount of money and improving what the men in white coats have achieved but the extra cost probably won't be equal to extra performance. Best way to look at it is boy racer buys a ford fiesta and chucks a million mods at it. Next guy buys a Ferrari and he accepts it's pretty much 99% perfection Performance wise it's incredible but I won't bore you with that chat. Instead I'm going to appeal to your heart plain and simple. I do not know of another gun (systemas included) that will put a bigger goofier smile on your face! Once you go TM recoil it's impossible to go back to something else (especially a non recoil gun)
  10. Oh and as two tones go... This is deffo better than plain ... This is a real rifle I found on an American sniper forum. I like the possibity of this because if you use more earthy less bright colours, it will still hide relatively well in leafy/grassy areas
  11. I know in general like in ANY hobby, the 'purists' won't like it because it's a step away from the norm. That doesn't mean it won't work or won't look cool. The right pattern married to the right gun could yield awesome results. You can use it to make a realistic effect (eg mahogany/carbon fiber/camo) or to have a cool theme (eg skulls/grim reaper/etc). The only real limit is your own imagination As far as customizing guns (real) go, there's a HUGE market in America. Many a serious gun collector will own a pimped out gun (usually airbrushed by hand) so this whole looks like cod thing goes out the window. People were adding diamonds, gold and patterns to guns before computer games even exsisted!
  12. Cheeky tip.... If you see a guy with an expensive gun and more so much gear on him that he looks like a walking retailer, then avoid like the plague. He will spend the entire day convincing you to buy a high and gun whilst enforcing how epic he is at airsoft. You will waste half you day listening to this gimp in the Safezone and worse still in the respawn when you should be having fun Go to the site, pay attention to the safety briefing, drink loads of water and shoot as many motherfuckers as you can. Quite simply just enjoy yourself till you are exhausted and do t worry too much what other are doing, using, wearing
  13. I'm all for a fast paced aggressive team style myself. Even with poor players you can still win playing this way especially when you respawn immediately rather than gossiping or tinkering with the 8 guns you brought with you lol. Constantly re spawning means even when your players die, within no time at all you are up to full numbers on the front line so you can just keep pushing
  14. Funny thing is as well if you stand back and watch a game sometimes you will see the adults (usually overweight and unfit from various bad habits/food) trudging around like hippos whilst the youngsters (usually very fit and keen) ate scurrying around like ferrets. I hate to say it but put us all through a general assault course and the kids would wipe the floor with us. In the field Fitness and enthusiasm beats money and tech knowledge ANY day! One day I'm actually going to lend a decent kid play my TM recoil to replace his two tone JBBG for a game just to see how much damage he can actually do with a high end accurate gun. #ShitJustGotReal
  15. I don't mind kids at all. I appreciate they don't have the money some of us adults have at our disposal so they often have low end gear. As long as they have fun and play by the rules it's all good but that applies to just about everybody Some of the best players I've seen are actually kids
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