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Suzuki Yamamoto

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Suzuki Yamamoto last won the day on August 14 2013

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&G Top Tech TR15 Raider L
    KWA USP Compact
  • Loadouts
    Black spec ops
  • Sites
    Dragons Lair Airsoft, Brentwood, Essex
    Bunker 51)
    Blitz CQB
    Airsoft Billericay
    Apocalypse Airsoft
    Any where that I can get to via public transport!
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Airsoft, Xbox, Football and Golf.

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  1. Suzuki Yamamoto

    Gaming PC

    Just as an alternative, this is from FRANKIEonPCin1080p's YouTube channel. It's pretty good for the price and you can see what he's tested it with and see the results. The website it takes you to in his links is for Gladiator Computers
  2. I have this one on my M4 and it has gone down in price now too! Fantastic bit of kit.
  3. Hi Johntee, there are a fair few of us who are London based. Anytime you're going just post in here to see if anyone wants to team up. Where abouts in London are you based?
  4. For gaming.... FRANKIEonPCin1080p Jackfrags For Airsoft..... Bodgeups Airsoft Scouthtedoggie Bullet4MyEnemy
  5. I'm using kit made by Condor (available from Military1st) and it has tonnes of room and adaptability. Quality is pretty good as is the price. I was bigger (18 and a half stone) when I started and since losing two stone in weight I've not had to change my chest rig/hydration pack combo. I'd happily recommend Condor as an alternative to Warrior, although I know how good the Warrior kit is.
  6. I think this will be bigger than B51. The previous measurement made by them was just a very rough guess, so don't feel disappointed just yet Brightcandle!!
  7. B51 does have some square footage, but it's the layout that does it in. This new venue should be bigger but no one will know for sure until we get in there. Just glad to see a new site in London as I was beginning to think that no one would ever open another London site!
  8. It looks just as big (Maybe bigger) than Bunker 51 but it looks more open and without the choke points. The buildings will add a different dimension to the game play here compared to B51. Very much looking forward to this. When they release an opening/first skirmish date, anyone fancy forming an AF-UK team?
  9. Facebook group link if anyone is interested.
  10. They were tested before use and have seen others use the same ones before so I knew they would be fine.
  11. Blitz CQB to be opening in the next three weeks and run by Airborne Airsoft. From the initial pictures available on Facebook, it's looking very good indeed!
  12. I've tried mesh and prescription inserts but not had much luck with either. Got myself a quick fix with a £2 pair of safety glasses from Wickes to go over my glasses and they have been fantastic. Will look at s different/better prescription option when I have more money, but the £2 option ain't bad for a short term fix or as a back up.
  13. Indeed they have and yes we are all different, but some of them do make good cannon fodder!!
  14. When I started skirmishing I used to go alone, but I learnt very quickly to be open with experienced players and tag along with them to improve my game. I've never been one for just sitting back and I will also charge in to a room if we have unlimited re-spawns in an attempt to win a game.
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