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Everything posted by DanBow

  1. Ok, I understand the reasoning behind UKARA and I understand that you have to play 3 games at the same site in 2 months to qualify but I'm confused! Well, i have questions at the very least. Whats happens if i don't like the first site i play at and go to a second site? That means i have to play 4 times! And then what if i dont like the second site? I then have to play 5 times . . . ad infinitum! That's a bit crap! Read, on here, that someone has been playing for years, has never registered with UKARA but is buying new RIFs like they're going out of fashion! How? What are the other defences, apart from theatrical, that you can use? I was at my local (ish) shop a couple of weeks ago and was looking at a rather pretty little Sig pistol. I was on the verge of slapping my money on the counter when i mentioned that i probably couldnt buy it as in not registered. The lad said that, because of our conversation, he was satisfied that I played and I could buy it! If its that easy why do I need, or even want, to register? I didn't buy it but if the bill for repairing my car comes back cheaper than i expect, I'll be straight back to throw some money at him.
  2. I did the same thing with my daughter(14) when we played. It was only the 2 of us, so we covered each other but we made more forward progress and got closer to the objective than others. I really enjoyed the team playing part of it and would love to find a team to join, build up skill levels and Dominate!!!! lol
  3. I hope anyone that's playing today has a good day. I'm on nights this weekend so have just got into bed. Not jealous much! 😪

  4. I have a 3d printer that uses PLA filament. Even though the filament is made from all organic ingredients, it's only biodegradable in very specific circumstances, involving heat and pressure. So not biodegradable at all really. As Bio BBs are made from PLA are they the same, not biodegradable? Is it just a marketing thing to make landowners feel like they're being good? Or are BBs different?
  5. A decent MP5. Ive only played a couple of games so far and picked up a lovely Valken M4 but my dream RIF is an MP5. It was seared on to my brain by the hooligans from Hungerford going for a little tea party at the Iranian Embassy when i was a wee nipper.
  6. What do you do when a snake bites you? Take anti-hissss-tamines.
  7. @RostokMcSpoons ah yes, good points, didnt think of it that way. I dont have a garden to even mess about in.
  8. As the title really! I'm in North Shropshire and looking for an indoor range to play with hop settings, set up sights etc. before my next game, which won't be for about a month due to working shifts! Anyone know of anywhere that's not too far away?
  9. Just reported a load of spam adverts, how do you report the actual account?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DanBow


      @Jedi_Master so i didnt need to report every . . . single . . . . one????? 🤣

    3. Rogerborg


      There's no kill like overkill.



    4. Jedi_Master


      @DanBow No, one or two reports per user is fine. Otherwise if there are multiple accounts with several posts each, like many china attacks, and you report each post it will slows down the Mods whilst they work through them all.

  10. ok, here we go again . . . . After a crappy few days in work I didn't want to do much on my first day off (Sunday), so I found some things to print for my RIF. Didn't like the small one so printed the bigger one. The bigger one feels much better but there is a bit too much play between the picatinny and the handle So I'm going to have a go at packing it out but I can see that I'll just resize it and print again, maybe in a funky dual coloured matte filament. LInks to the parts . . . . Small One Bigger One
  11. Welcome, another newbie here. I got Bolle Tracker 2 eye pro, very snug fit and haven't steamed up yet and a Deltamike mini. The deltamike is a snood with a protective mesh over your mouth to cover your teeth. Im happy with both so far.
  12. Thanks for your replies. I've stripped my RIF down this evening and had a proper look at how it all works. I've got a better understanding of what's going on now so, apart from cosmetics and scopes, it will be left alone until its been well used.
  13. About as clear as mud but I think I understand. lol
  14. Does barrel length make a difference in airsoft? Will an M4 shoot the same distance as, something like, an MP5?
  15. I understand the need for a rubber thingy on my barrel/hop up unit but theres a lot of choices that I dont understand. Does the colour make a difference? What about the angle? Are there different sizes and how would I know which one to get? As a newbie, with a bog standard RIF, I know there's a lot of upgrades but im going to use it first, then see what i need but this one seems like a complete no brainer. Especially as there's just the little ring thing and nothing else!
  16. Losing every gram would leave you with a catapult or a straw! Lol
  17. @MrTea funnily enough,being a rental gun is how i got mine! The site i play at use them and i was asking questions about it as it seemed like a good starter rif. Turns out one of the otheres there had bought s mew one but not used it a lot, so a deal was done. 😁 I did strip it down a couple of nights ago and saw that there is only a flimsy ring between the barrel and hopper. Its been added to the top of my shopping list! Lol
  18. Nothing flash or fancy but it is my first. 😍
  19. How times have changed! Back in my day it was a Prince from Nigeria! Lol
  20. It's a silk matte filament. I got a box of 5 reels, all in different colour combinations, as a present off my daughter. I can ssk her where she got them from if you'd like.
  21. Never knew about that one. Mind you, I only found out last year that if you turn your phone to landscape, you get the web page intead of the mobile page!!!! Who knew?!?
  22. Ok, another make today. I got my hard case very cheap. The foam was a bit wet and the case needed a bit of a clean. So case cleaned, foam towel dried then put in the airing cupboard overnight. Stuck it back in the case and it didnt quite feel dry enough so i printed a couple of vented silica gel holders, grabbed some reusable silical gel out of my filament filament dry box, put them all together and bish bash bosh . . . . after 24 hours, the silica gell had turned brown, meaning it had absorbed as much moisture as it could. Ive just refilled them, so back in they go.
  23. If you don't do no. 3, are you even a man? 🙈 🤣🤣🤣
  24. Should have clarified, on android. 😁
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