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Everything posted by DanBow

  1. Played there last night but am going to start a new thread for my site review to keep it, hopefully, a bit cleaner.
  2. Both my daughter and I have been using these since we started. Brilliant bit of kit but it does leave a small section of the bridge of your nose uncovered and that attracts every stray bb!! lol
  3. Need a couple of barrel socks so got my sewing machine out. Mine is just a plain camo thing but did something nicer for my daughter.
  4. Couldn't use one of mine, it would melt the barrel!
  5. My daughter and I have just booked to play tomorrow (18th June) here. Looking forward to trying another different site, this will be the 4th this year. The rules state that you have to use a barrel sock in the safe zone! Looks like I'm getting my sewing machine out later!
  6. 5 x Nuprol mid caps for my mag fussy GC16. is this enough, now, for an evenings CQB?
  7. How have you got a wealth of knowledge on his daughter??? 🤣
  8. As tempting as that sounds, it would mean a 2 night stay as its Thursday tomorrow. 😁
  9. I'm taking a mate, from north Shropshire, to Gatwick airport tomorrow afternoon. She'll get dropped off at about 19:00. Is there anything of note that would make it worthwhile staying over to see on the Friday? Or anything on the Thursday evening? Not necessarily airsoft either. I sort of fancy a night away but get bored very easily. Ta
  10. I must align with Sledghammer, I've got a loudener on mine. 😁
  11. Isn't it funny how the meaning of "I'd hit that" changes after a break up!
  12. I've seen a few adverts on here lately stating that a defence is required and will be checked. Thinking about UKARA, how can an individual check it? I always thought that you couldn't, that it was only for actual retailers.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Cr0-Magnon


      I've had people send me screenshots of multiple skirmish booking confirmations.

    3. ak2m4


      @Chopper92 an IT friend did some work on a system, knew the ins and outs of GDPR etc, was also a security bod, but he found a lot of "issues" from the community and decided it just wasn't worth the time and effort involved.   was a shame as I thought it was looking pretty good.

    4. Callsign Warden

      Callsign Warden

      I mean I can show my old UKARA card I got but the date on its 2 years old and that UKARA is expired next month and waiting for my new number from Alpha to come through. Got plenty of photos to show I play dress up in fields though 🤣

  13. Yes, it's on my list of places to try. I've a couple of mates that play paintball there quite often. They've only said good things about it.
  14. Ah, right. That's more Chester than Wrexham. They will get upset if you get them mixed up. Lol
  15. Where abouts in Wrexham? The only one I know off closed a couple of years ago. I'm in Whitchurch.
  16. Hi @Desmond.22 welcome to the site. Where abouts did you play your taster?
  17. The best is Rouge One. Fact. 👍 Edit: Yes, of corse I new I has spelled it rong!
  18. I don't play as much as I'd like either.
  19. It works out a good deal if you're there often enough.
  20. Welcome from another Alpha player.
  21. Hi, sorry to hear that you can't play anymore. Do your limitations allow to carry on shooting in any way? I'm not after anything in particular but do you have any pics or more details about what you have?
  22. Yep, fair enough. You win that one. Lol
  23. I hope you realise how damn inconsiderate of you it is, having your site 150 odd miles away! Good luck with it.
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