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Everything posted by DanBow

  1. So, I'm not going to get much from fitting one, although I like the idea of 2 or 3 shot burst, but I'm now a little confused about precocking! I completely understand the theory behind it but my MP5 has a specified rate of fire of 700 to 850 rounds per minute. Even if that's wildly overestimated and we say 600 pm, that's 10 per second! Each shot is a tenth of a second! Are you telling me that you can really notice a difference or is it something we tell ourselves because we have a need to fettle/upgrade to make ourselves feel better?
  2. Why do we get so many soam accounts? What can we do to stop it?

    1. Cr0-Magnon


      Because they found out how much airsofter's pay for BB guns made in Taiwan and assume we're gullible for other products too.

    2. Rogerborg


      I'm just saying, maybe we should consider purchasing a black magic curse to protect us against the other spammers.

  3. It looks like im going to do nothing, for at least a while but i will have a look at the Perun ab++. 👍
  4. An increase in something but I'm not sure what. Or a more consistent something else but I don't know what. Maybe dancing girls throwing rose petals at my feet as my laser like BBs take out the enemy and lets me feed on their blood but i don't think a mosfet can help with that particular one! Ultimately, I dont know! 🤷‍♂️
  5. I've done a search but cant find the answer that I need. I've also searched youtube, which has done nothing to make the issue any clearer. I have a rather lovely cyma Blue Mp5 ( you may have seen it here), using ASG LiPo 7.4v batteries. I've no intention of using anything other than these at the moment. I like it as it is. At the moment. So, as I'm not going to be using 11.1v batteries, do I need to fit a mosfet? Would I gain anything from fitting one? Desperately wanting to fettle but only if it's worth it.
  6. Ive been looking at bits and have come to the conclusion that if I do it, it'll be Iranian Embassy style! Its only a bit of fun so im not spending much money on it. I'm thinking basic black overalls, cheap tac vest off Temu and a gutted s6.
  7. A - No, I wasn't being serious! We can all rejoice in our shared dislike of him. @Herrgh
  8. My point is that you know that from his social posts you are a part of his followers! You are feeding him his much needed social interactions. lol
  9. I feel your pain but I'm thinking I need to get myself a boneyard something just to take apart! Just to see how it works and to see if I can make it better. lol
  10. This is current ranking on socialblade.com. It uses actual figures to generate approximate income just from youtube views and doesn't take into account any advertising revenue. Even on the lower end of their approximations, he's doing very well!
  11. I have to admit it was his videos that first got me interested in playing, sort of, as for some reason they just started filling my feed. He came across immediately as a bit of a knob but watching a few of his brought some of the better sites to my feed and then the rest, as they say, is history.
  12. At least let him feel the warm glow of getting some spam in before we tar and feather him! Lol
  13. @Sewdhull Even as a newbie, i sat in bed (still recovering with a broken leg) and stripped it down as far as I dared. I got it down to gearbox out but went no further. I thought maybe polishing the metal under the selector switch might help but after reading tour comment realise there's going to be more to it. More than im comfortable with doing at the moment. I like what you're going to with the retractable stick though. What are you going to use to fill the voids?
  14. Didnt Birminham Small Arms do the opposite? Made guns then went off on a tengent and made bicycles?? Lol
  15. Did you get ay further with this load out? Having recently acquired an MP5 I'm thinking of assembling an Iranian embassy style loadout.
  16. Yes, the selector is a little . . . something, i can't think of the right word, but I've jus put that down to it being virtually new. What fettling did you do?
  17. Already posted it in its own thread but here's my newly aquired Cyma Blue MP5.
  18. Ive played a few times but im still a newbie so while i was at the site yesterday i got the owner to have a look. He set the hop so that its almost laser like out to about 30m ish. That's on .25s though, he says it'll be better on .28s so there some on the way. 😁 Other than that, it'll stay stock. At least until i know what im doing! Lol
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