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Everything posted by DanBow

  1. I feel your pain but I'm thinking I need to get myself a boneyard something just to take apart! Just to see how it works and to see if I can make it better. lol
  2. This is current ranking on socialblade.com. It uses actual figures to generate approximate income just from youtube views and doesn't take into account any advertising revenue. Even on the lower end of their approximations, he's doing very well!
  3. I have to admit it was his videos that first got me interested in playing, sort of, as for some reason they just started filling my feed. He came across immediately as a bit of a knob but watching a few of his brought some of the better sites to my feed and then the rest, as they say, is history.
  4. At least let him feel the warm glow of getting some spam in before we tar and feather him! Lol
  5. @Sewdhull Even as a newbie, i sat in bed (still recovering with a broken leg) and stripped it down as far as I dared. I got it down to gearbox out but went no further. I thought maybe polishing the metal under the selector switch might help but after reading tour comment realise there's going to be more to it. More than im comfortable with doing at the moment. I like what you're going to with the retractable stick though. What are you going to use to fill the voids?
  6. Didnt Birminham Small Arms do the opposite? Made guns then went off on a tengent and made bicycles?? Lol
  7. Did you get ay further with this load out? Having recently acquired an MP5 I'm thinking of assembling an Iranian embassy style loadout.
  8. Yes, the selector is a little . . . something, i can't think of the right word, but I've jus put that down to it being virtually new. What fettling did you do?
  9. Already posted it in its own thread but here's my newly aquired Cyma Blue MP5.
  10. Ive played a few times but im still a newbie so while i was at the site yesterday i got the owner to have a look. He set the hop so that its almost laser like out to about 30m ish. That's on .25s though, he says it'll be better on .28s so there some on the way. 😁 Other than that, it'll stay stock. At least until i know what im doing! Lol
  11. No real reason for this post, other than to show off my CYMA Blue MP5. Im a very, very happy boy. 🥰
  12. Still waiting for mine from a couple of months ago too.
  13. Hi mate, i can do this. Ill pm you later, im out at the mo.
  14. Yep, that's my girl. She is a definitely a mini-me! Lol
  15. She's already told me that she is going back on her first day off and using my gear! Lol
  16. Although the game I am about to tell you about was 4 weeks ago, I'm only just emotionally able to tell you about it. The day started well, even though it was quite a nice day it has been raining for about a week so was very wet and muddy. My 3rd time playing, with a newly acquired Valken ASL M4 bb slinger with a red dot that needs sighting in, and my daughters (18) 1st time, using rental gear. I was resplendent in DPM pants and an original Norwegian top from my T.A. days and my daughter was looking very menacing in dark blue jean type things and a DPM top. We both had DeltaMike face pro and clear lens eye pro. First game was, for her, an introduction to the addiction that we call airsoft. It went well, she followed my lead and we made some good progress pushing forward on the objective. We both had some hits and took some hits but I could tell early on that the addiction already had its expensive hooks in her! The 2nd game, which is the reverse of the first, is where my story really begins. We, with a couple of others, had formed a team and were coming around the left flank when we started being picked off by a ghillie clad sniper who had entrenched himself in the reasonably dense foliage. My daughter and I were left creeping through the undergrowth to flush him out. As we passed by a fallen tree, you know the ones that lift the whole root structure with it creating a hollow underneath, the sniper got my girl!! I quickly ducked into the hollow of the root just in time to see the green shadowy figure passing no more than 6 foot away. Luckily, he didn't see me in the depths and was soon out of the game. He didn't seem to happy but I didn't care as it was a really good play. As we were making our way to the respawn point, I was showing my girl which way to go, I slipped. I slipped and landed, with all my body weight, on my left shin, on a log that was lying on the ground! I don't know if any of you have broken a bone but even though I hadn't, I just knew that something was very wrong. Cease Fire was shouted, as was the call for a medic. I couldn't move! I was on all fours in the mud! Well, sort of all 3s as I couldn't move my left leg! The site staff and 2 of the guys on my team were amazing. It wasn't long before I was sat on jackets to get me out of the mud, leg was padded as well as could be and an ambulance was called. The ambulance was going to be a couple of hours so I was stretchered out of the mud and down to the safe zone so that the rest of the players could play. I know that a broken leg is low priority but I waited 8 hours for the ambulance, then waited another 10 hours in the local A&E to be seen! Not the fault of the staff but the system! The system is fucked! Once I was seen, the care and attention was incredible. I was painkillered up, once I had been triaged, and operated on the next day. A steel bar through the length of my tibia with bolts holding the broken bits together were fitted and about 3 months off work is required. Has it dampened my enthusiasm to get back out there and play? Has it buggery! I can't bloody wait to get back out there!
  17. Seriously, this rain needs to feck off! Im playing on Sunday!

    1. gavinkempsell


      You're waterproof. Wear a scuba suit & airtank... pretend to be a USN seal.

    2. Dan Robinson

      Dan Robinson

      Should of come to MK - it was glorious today.

    3. DanBow


      I should have, I fell over at my site, broke my leg, waited 8 hours for an ambulance and have been sat in A&E for 6 1/2 hours waiting to be seen! 😥

  18. So. Much. Spam!!! 🤬

    1. Speedbird_666
    2. Jedi_Master


      Unfortunately we cannot block all the spam from china. Luckily we do not comment on social issues otherwise the CCP would use their spambots to flood the forum with junk to shut out any dissent.

    3. Rogerborg


      I'm convinced that the pharma-spam was down to one post I made that listed some see-aye-ess numbers for solvents, a spambot picked that up and started flooding us with ingredients for Breaking Bad, and then other spambots saw those posts and it spiralled from there.  That's how you get their attention, but I've no idea how to unget it. :( 

  19. I picked up a red dot sight, off here, and decided to design and 3d print a protector. 1st prototype looks cool enough but cutting the acrylic sheet round and then fitting it into the holder was too much. So . . Prototype mk2 Happy with that one. Printed quickly in PLA so I'll get some better fillament, maybe ABS, and print it properly. Designed in Tinkercad, sliced in Prusaslicer, printed on an Anycubic Kobra.
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