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Everything posted by pyromancer6

  1. My mate's tried 11.1v in his and while it cycles fine the mags can't seem to keep up with feeding because it's really chucking some ammo out. You can always use the perun's ROF reduction in the programming mode (white light) to reduce the ROF if you're adamant on using 11.1v - although 7.4v is more than enough to be fast on semi with a decent ROF in auto. 9.9v LiFe would be awesome but I doubt there's one that'd fit inside the dust-cover properly because they tend to be fucking massive lol
  2. WADSN X300U arrived today alongside a CO2 mag with the cool baseplates, so I took a few neat pictures. Just need to cough up the pennies to send the slide & frame off to West Laser to get engraved and cerakoted and it'll be pretty much done aethestics-wise.
  3. Arrived today, and awkwardly enough... ...It's also a V2, which means I've completely had you off - sorry! I was under the impression it'd be the V1 gas-tank version and from the listing it looked that way but nope, guess they just forgot to update the product page. Hopefully when all of them are out of stock they'll get a few more in? They can't be too expensive to import wholesale considering they're just chinese TM clones, right? First impressions are good - the tank doesn't leak when you put gas into it, which is a nice bonus & it feels a lot smoother in the action compared to my V1 but that could just be the fact it's brand new compared to the absolute state my original GE 870 is in lol, the wood feels cheap but pleasant and it seems to shoot the exact same power as the V1. Hopefully they restock them soon if you're still really keen by the time it comes around & I hope I'm not being a prick and rubbing it in or anything, just thought I'd share the info because the page isn't accurate lol
  4. If they're actually bigger and not just the same size as the breacher ones I could see that being decent - the gas tanks do tend to run out rather quickly & are a fucking nightmare to fill because they piss gas absolutely everywhere, although having multiple gas tanks is a lot easier to carry than a bottle [although you'll need the bottle anyway to refill the gas - means you can take one that's cooling down and pop a warm one in while you're stuck with a cooled-down tank with the v2? idk)
  5. I think I grabbed the last GE Wood 870 on PB, so that's my bad - I didn't even know they'd made a V2 version to be honest, what's the difference? Just the fact it doesn't use removable gas tanks anymore?
  6. The WADSN stuff is awesome (if this is one?), they don't work as well nor fit as good as the real things (obviously) but they've mostly got all the functionality & have the cool trades on them, plus they're cheap as chips for what you're getting. Have a SF XC2 on my G18 and I've got a X300 on it's way soon, looking forward to it
  7. Classic - PB's "friday" delivery happened to me last week too so I had to borrow ammo on site from a mate rather than have my own on the Sunday. Also, yeah - seems they've ditched the CYMA/whatever the fuck mosfet's in it completely and moved onto the eshooter basic like they said in the description (I thought maybe the one that was already in it was the eshooter, but no - seems like completely different units), which is a good thing as the old mosfet had a thousand nannies and won't let you shoot auto the moment the battery starts running a little low which is a massive pain in the ass on the field when your gun just goes 'urr urr urr' instead of shooting the person right in front of you.
  8. A2 stock arrived today - which means I can finally run the torch frontend & actually plug a battery in at the same time, which is nice. Have a clone C-More railway coming in soon which'll probably go on this if it suits it enough, alongside one of those abhorrent modern cocking handles because the proper ones won't be in stock until next year [according to an email I sent airsoftpro.cz, we'll see] and adjusting the hop without being able to lock the bolt to the rear is a massive pain in the ass lol Also got a forward assist & replacement bipod for the SR-25 too.
  9. I wouldn't hold your breath with PB's amazing track records with Friday deliveries.. (at least in my experience lol) Gas rifles are inferior pure-performance wise to a decent AEG but have the added benefit of being cool as fuck alongside reinforcing good habits which'll make you a better player in the long run (ammo management, actually being a good shot lol, etc) alongside being much cheaper to run ammo wise because you're not just wanking off 220 round midcaps in ten seconds and actually have to make your shots count which'll make it last longer - decent gas rifles usually have good-enough hop systems to utilize heavy ammo out of the box which'll make your 30~ rounds more consistent compared to other out of the box AEGs (although this depends on gun to gun) Gas pistols are an excellent gateway though as they're relatively inexpensive, widely used, usually have a fun & satifying manual of arms for extreme larping around the house and AEPs are, well - AEPs. Would recommend one down the line for sure, esp. so if it's a common platform such as a glock or capa so you can actually get aftermarket support if things go wrong (**cries in USPtism)
  10. If you'd be so kind to post a little clip of the noise it makes when you plug a battery in that'd be much appreciated - I bought the same '74 back in January but the one you linked states it's got a Kestrel eshooter MOSFET inside and I'm curious if it's a different unit to what's in mine. Enjoy your pew!
  11. I use a Nuprol XL and I can fit two rifles even though it's a little tight. Optics on too, which is nice. I then have my pistol in one of the little nuprol cases with it's mags and a few bits & bobs for them, and my mags are pre-inserted into my carrier & belt so they don't take up case space. Buying a standalone case just for the TAC-41 might be a good idea as you could pop the rifle in there, plus the scope, mags & whatever else you'd need for it, extra springs, heavy ammo so you can't mix it up etc etc.
  12. Maybe he's throwing in the dog bowls & flooring for the price?
  13. WGCShop order with a bunch of nice AK bits arrived today - and despite the dreaded RM email about customs charges it seems I've got lucky and might've dodged them. Before: After: Absolutely made up - everything fits & really makes this thing look amazing now. The new pistol grip is such a massive improvement over the standard and having the choice between the DTK-4 suppressor and DTK-2 muzzlebreak makes the lizard brain happy. Can't wait to field on Sunday!
  14. After much deliberation and plenty of fucking around with UKARA's expiring and TWG/PB email chains - it's here. SRC SR-SP - AKA a metal slide TM USP that'll take green gas & c02 out of the box, all for much cheaper than the TM. Sure, it doesn't have the trades (...yet, west laser's looking awfully tempting) nor the probable magic hop fairies but it's a 9MM USP that actually works (unlike my dead in the dumps VFC) VFC for comparison. Fits the Sepra CQC the VFC sat in just fine and just feels awesome to shoot, super snappy, controls are more positive than the VFC and it just seems a much better pew overall. Shame the VFC mags are too fat to fit so I'll have to order some TM or SRC ones if anybody'd know where they'd be in stock. Clears a full mag with a drop from 1.134J to the 0.823 pictured, and it'll probably do another. This was before I took it apart and regreased it so it'll only get better. Made up, awesome piece for the price.
  15. Bought some T8 glock valve/router kits from them and while it took a little while to arrive they came no problem. Price wasn't awful either plus I got a little cool PEQ box keychain lol
  16. Is it a ship of theseus situaton buying a new lower reciever set for my JG G36 to match the new nylon-like M4 magwell I've got to eliminate creaking?

    1. JinxDuh



      No creaking


      Pick one 😂

    2. Rogerborg


      Indeed, I'd get concerned if it stops creaking.

  17. That's good luck - otherwise it'd be going in my next order I'm having to make real soon and I need to save some money 😅
  18. Another one - turns out because it's an older gearbox it's either 6mm or 7mm bearings, not 8mm. Gutted. Will have to order some new ones so unfortunately won't be using this pew tomorrow EDIT: One amazon payment later: 7mm. Would've been nice if the info was anywhere but I probably just missed it. I was looking at the current listing for the CM.041J but that's got an actual quick change gearbox and 8mm bushings compared to my older version here. Can get some ordered now at-least and hopefully get this show on the road. Still desperately looking for a replacement cocking handle if anybody has any pointers - trust me, I've tried everywhere. I'm getting desperate at this point.
  19. Not normally a fan of 2011s to be honest but this one has tickled my fancy - any clue where you got that supressor from? Looks ace

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Looking for a working condition A&K box mag for the M60, any variant. Bullgear/upgraded internals welcome but not required. Happy to pick up around the WN8/L39 area-ish but willing to pay for postage otherwise. Cheers.


    - GB

  21. Bit of PTFE tape and a drilled nozzle should do the trick mate 👍 Anyway, gave it a clean to get the remains of the bearing and terrible blue alien goop out and was suprised to see the parts are all in good order. Wasn't expecting to see one of those silent style piston heads but it's getting the ak2m4 XT air compression classic regardless so I'm not going to worry about it. Seems to have better internals than the CM.009D M733 that I just did, with a full metal rack, 12:1s etc. It's just not the quick change type unfortunately, so that's going to be a pain in the arse to put back together considering I've never done one before. Still, interested to see how a little re-shimming and proper grease quiets this thing down.
  22. Got around to taking the thing apart, even though it's roughly several thousand degrees in my room at the minute. That'll do it! Not looking forward to putting this thing back together, seeing as it's going to be my first non mosfetted, non qc spring gearbox going back together 😅 Think it'll buff out?
  23. Relocating the motor wires to the rear of the grip has provided a much better sound - and while it's stilll screechy to my ears it'll do for this weekend's game as a loaner to a work friend who's interested in trying airsoft - appreciate all the replies! I'll take the thing apart over the week after the game to replace the gears with these 16:1 CYMA gears I have laying around and I'll try reshimming it a little quieter - it's a lot happier since changing the grip's wiring! - I'll even try ordering some fresh 7mm bearings to quiet the thing down since the XTs did such a good job with the 733 - appreciate it!
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