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Everything posted by Davegolf

  1. 170s are the only mags for the P90s really, just don’t overload them, 130 is ideal really, you’ll have to run them in, start out at 90-100 a few times to get everything moving smoothly
  2. When comparing weight of gas from one person to the next remember scales are all slightly different amongst many other variables, the best thing to go off is shots per fill, then just be consistent in filling/gas weight of your mags. Different can nozzles and fill valves can really change gas take on
  3. Davegolf

    AK 74 5.45 PMAGs

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    • For sale
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    4x AK74 PMAG midcaps Made by Arcturus excellent quality can be switched between 130 midcap or 30 realcap 1x E&L 74 midcap Work perfectly in E&L, Cyma or LCT Price inc delivery and fees


  4. Leafed up for summer 😁 TT MAV2 5x mags 1x comms 1x bins 1x rangefinder 1x tourniquet 1x shears 1x hydro 2x smoke
  5. Page 238. Well done for using to measurement types in on sentence 🙈 Adding barrel length only increases fps on GBBR. If you fit a longer barrel you will need an Npas to keep below 350. If you want range it’s nub swap and heavier ammo
  6. Quality lightweight bolts are fine and will do just that, it’s been a while since I personally tried any up to date ones, the UAC one was good and I think the G&P one is but check with other actual users first. Combine it with a HSB for the fastest cycle time, great on semi if your finger is fast enough!
  7. No AngryGun or Nuprol parts in MWS's please 😖
  8. He is using it literally as a drop leg not an up leg 😁
  9. @SSPKali I do love a Slingster, nice load out 👍 How was the fugly grip? (Not my opinion 😂)
  10. Yeh I hardwire my AK motors, connector up top under the dust cover
  11. Jeez i dont know if you being antagonistic, im tyring to help and educate, there was no caveat, i had outlined in the paragraph prior: THIS CLEARLY HASNT HAPPENED - your bolt has not moved back for whatever reason, so the nozzle has been blown up - magazines are not made of nozzle plastic becasue they are not intended to store the full pressure of the gas, just transport it. You didnt get that so i spelled it out: The standard parts handle it fine - when everything works properly 🙈 There are many scenarios for a mag to gas dump and how the other gun internals are located at the time dictates the level of damage, from zero-to-proper fecked. By the by - If your gun is standard and functioning properly the stock nozzle is perfectly fine, just like 10,000s of other MWS users around the world. 👍
  12. I repeated myself beacuase you repeated this: "am still in utter disbelief that a 500 pound gun's internals could be sheared away like nothing" If you release energy in any form in a closed space with no way of dissipating shit blows up - simple. The standard parts handle it fine - when everything works properly 🙈
  13. "magazines are not made of nozzle plastic because they are not intended to store the full pressure of the gas, just transport it. " Hopefully you get to the bottom of it, as with most problemsits normally something simple.
  14. Yes men are obsessed with personal growth 🤭
  15. If the charging handle causes the BCG to bind what i described above will happen. The nozzle looks to have sheared around the larger diameter portion of the nozzle (behind the rocket valve) Regardless trying to hypothesize something that happened in a nano second is a waste of time really. Put the gun COMPLETELY back to stock, fit a complete new TM or GM nozzle. Check everything moves and functions independently as it should. Half fill a mag with weak sauce gas and test it.
  16. Looking at your breakage, it is right behind the rocket valve, this is significant, it means a shot was was fired, the rocket valve closed on BB exiting the barrel, next the bolt SHOULD travel back and turn off/reset the valve knocker turning off the gas supply, THIS CLEARLY HASNT HAPPENED - your bolt has not moved back for whatever reason, so the nozzle has been blown up - magazines are not made of nozzle plastic becasue they are not intended to store the full pressure of the gas, just transport it. I would wager the problem is in your BCG/upper recevier somewhere. PS IMHO the only decent upgrade nozzle is the Guns Modify grey. But really the standard nozzle (and all internals) are capable of withstanding all airsoft gas types provided you have the correct buffer spring and a HSB installe dto handle the cycle speeds. You know in films you always see guy repeatidly racking and working the action dry, same thing with a GBB, everything has to move fluidly otherwise you just have a gas bomb
  17. Something is not right, I (and im sure many others will attest) have had many mag vent situations with their MWS's over the years, and like any other GBB they do not result in the nozzle or any mechanical parts being damaged or broken - just fecking cold 😆
  18. Mags push up against the BCG, the BCG in turn pushes the charging handle up into the recevier. Ive said it time and time again, if you have any problem revert to stock and start again. You cant upgrade something if it doesnt work in standard form.
  19. DId you check the piston seal is not dry? Have you checked the valve knocker is functioning and resetting correctly? With a 'good mag' does it happily fire off all shots? The guns not pathetic - you have a problem somewhere. Most machines eat themselves when theres a fault Stay frosty
  20. @costpershot looks like your cost per shot is damn expensive 😂 Seriously if you send me the lower I can drill and tap a repair plate on to make the nut captive again. Ultimately though if you can get another lower cheap that is best. Was the grip a clone? They normal fit up pretty snug with zero movement - eg the bolt only literally holds it on, otherwise the large mating face takes all of the loading and stress.
  21. @Mr. No_Face I think you need to be a bit more matter of fact. With that in mind, when you say ‘mag erupts’ do you mean it vented all the gas out the exit valve? Or it sprayed all the BB’s into the receiver? The MWS is a fine RIF, and as is the case with all GBB’s their function is a complete balancing act. If you change one thing it will have knock on effects. As you are new to the MWS I’m pretty sure it’s more you learning about it than it bing a crap product The most likely cause of a jam/double feed in the MWS is crap ammo or bio BB’s that are old / swollen. (other less likely cause is swollen bucking, too much hop) The most like cause of gas dump is overfilling of the mag, basically the exit valve ices up and it won’t shut off. (other cause is dry piston seal stopping full cycle which in turn doesn’t knock off/reset the gas knocker) You should weigh the gas into your mags, this will give the ultimate reliability and shot fps consistency.
  22. Seriously go back like 3 pages, Page 238 to be specific.
  23. I would still not recommend an AG nozzle, don’t confuse people - the fact of the matter is your mag exploded, if any nozzle other than an aluminium crashed into that it’s get destroyed 🙂
  24. I love brushless in my RC car, im sure theyll be common place in airsoft before long, but i dont see they are really neccersary - seeing as we only ever want our motors to go from standstill to flat out, the joy of brushless in RC is the modulation you have incredible power and torque.
  25. You missed the hand around the buttstock, suprised the owner didnt fit a pistol brace I must also rudely say, is that a christmas decoration up front or camoflage... you know the enemy only ever attack from straight ahead, not any of the other 359 degrees
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