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  • Guns
    TM Steyr Aug A2
    WE P229
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    Tazball Inverness

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  1. After a long time out of being online I decided to get back into things like World of Warcraft and other online bits and bobs. I didn't want to reuse all my old names though, I sat down staring at my screen for about half an hour... Jamsandwich just popped into my head and I've used it ever since. Sometimes its taken and I go with Jamsandwich4u, but its unusual enough that I still like to use it and it still gets the odd comment. Every now and then I bump into a Hamsandwich but they're few and far between! Unfortunately, some people are determined to call me James...that's not my name.
  2. Looking forward to your update. I find it a bit odd that we haven't seen the Novritsch AUGs popping up on any of the Youtube guys' channels at all. When it comes to TM compatibility, the response from Nov CS was that they don't have any information on compatibility with products from other companies. Fair enough, I guess. I'll have to buy some bits and just hope that attempting to fit aligns with the "as long as it shows no signs of use" comment in the returns policy, unless it does fit!
  3. Oh my god, I never even noticed the spare parts section before. I've been looking all over for the gas block unit for my TM Aug. I've also spent loads of time and money fiddling about with different front grip solutions. Finally got a 3D printed one a bit like the High-Cycle mount but I love the ClawGear grip. The Novritsch clone is right up my street. And the mags are a pretty decent price. My MAG 180rnd mag doesn't feed well (still to try out the new feed nipple) and the JG ones are black plastic :(. I'll have to ask them about TM compatibility I guess. Edit - Sent a support ticket...
  4. It looks a lot like the front grip could be a clone of, or at least similar to, the ClawGear MLOK grip (which I personally think would be awesome). I'm definitely interested so will keep an eye out for reviews for sure.
  5. https://www.janes.com/osint-insights/defence-news/weapons/dsei-2023-mossberg-develops-vanisher-shotgun-for-uk-requirement lol, they do look very similar. Both very pretty... I think I actually prefer yours though!
  6. This might be old news to some, but I just discovered 'French Cleats'. They look really good and easy to DIY. Think I'll be setting up one of my shed walls with this stuff, when I get round to it. Apparently good wife storage..? \/ \/
  7. Here's one of my son gearing up. I've had to blur his face as he's still on "Active Doody"!
  8. Inaccurate loadout...where's your bugle? And I'm assuming there's a nice little 'stache behind that magazine...
  9. The Act does specify "from negligence" though. I assume the waivers are mainly there to protect the site from people tripping over twigs and hurting their ankles rather than harm caused by dangerous onsite practices / dodgy crumbling walls etc. So they do have a purpose for protecting the site management while limiting those protections to ensure customer safety isn't ignored.
  10. I'll buy one! Let's get some signatures and send them on.
  11. I live about 20 minutes out of Inverness, I'm sure you'll have a great time wherever you go. I'm sure you'll check out Loch Ness. Just be mindful that everybody who visits has the same idea, I've heard the traffic is pretty crazy around there these days. You may get lucky though. If you find out what times the tour buses operate you should even be able to avoid them. And if you get desperate for an airsoft game Tazball (now MonkeyFace) is very close!
  12. Where in Scotland you going? I'd always advocate for a drive through the highlands. Glencoe and the west coast are beautiful this time of year. Bring a car!
  13. That's a cool find, I really like it. I had a quick google and it's looking like you may struggle to find anything original. I did find these two though - Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1642193865/original-austrian-army-military-magazine?dd_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F Surplus & Outdoors (Out of stock) - https://www.surplusandoutdoors.com/austrian-military-issue-olive-852748.html Maybe you'll get away with some MOLLE pouches in olive green? Military1st has a pretty good range at different price points. They're kind of my go-to as they don't double the cost for sending to the Highlands!
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