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The_Lord_Poncho last won the day on November 11

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  • Guns
    Cyma M14, Krytac CRB, Cyma XM177, Cyma AK, G&G L119a1(ish), Cyma SR25, Well MB08
  • Sites
    Driver Wood, Epsom Tunnels, Invicta Black Site, Dogtag,
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  1. It's a bit of a slippery slope now- soon you will be investing in Airtac magazine adapters for your Glock/AAP/MK23....
  2. OK, I've added an hpa valve to my GE 870- a bit of testing in the garden, and it's spot on! Finally the shotgun is a usable item. It was chronoing at circa 1j on about 100PSI, with a usable range of about 45m on. 25s. Mine is the version with the buffer tube and m4 LE stock, so the only downside is that the stock doesn't now collapse all the way as the valve pokes out the bottom of the buffer tube, but I've cut the stock such that it can collapse all but the last cm or so. Definitely a worthwhile upgrade in my view if you already have the Hpa tank/reg/line....
  3. Decent Sunday at Driverwood, huge numbers (120+ in the morning) which made the game play a touch static/reduced the scope for cunning tactical game play. A good morning nonetheless though, with no hit taking dramas that I spotted, and several memorable pistol charges conducted with the AAP. On the way out to the first game my foot managed to hook under a root, and I went down hard. The process of saving the L96 meant that it was a bit of a comical fall with my chest/face taking it all, completely unbroken by my arms... given the pain I'm still in, I'm guessing at least one rib is broken. But all's well that ends well - the L96 is unscathed, and I cracked on with the two games like an utter HERO
  4. Given the amount of airsoft gubbins under that bed, it looks like you would be able to remove the bed frame without the mattress moving!
  5. I presume that you are using the genuine TM magazines? I have a variety of visually identical glock mags - WE, Action army, E&C, Army armament - with the exception of the WE mags, they all randomly light strike in different pistols.
  6. That doesn't sound like traditional 'mid cap syndrome' to me- this is usually where the (AEG) midcap spring is so strong that the BBs don't seat in the hop unit properly/interact with the nozzle and cause low FPS. Leaving a mag filled for a few days would actually help mitigate it, rather than cause that type of problem. Maybe your spring has the opposite problem, and is too weak, or the feed channel in the mag needs a little love?
  7. It's pretty local to me - if I can make it, I will.
  8. Wow. That would set me back a new set of eye pro for pretty much every time I play - I'm not sure my finances can extend to that! I would like to think that any eye pro that is materially weakened by a hit or two shouldn't be on my face in the first place.
  9. With respect to the title of this thread, I wonder I'm correct in that, ownership and indeed, use of tanks that are past their testing dates is not actually unlawful. But rather the relevant regulations place restrictions and duties upon employers as opposed to private users of such kit. Of course, if that is true, then it places a duty on sites - for the protection of their workers - to pay attention to the testing dates etc, but does not mean that anyone using an out of date tank is likely to have their collar felt by the law. Unless it all goes badly wrong.
  10. I had two issues with my AAP carbine build - based on the TTI kit. 1) the bolt being seemingly 'sticky' and not always returning to battery despite upgraded springs, and 2) a gap between the receiver and hand guard! I resolved issue 1 by removing the short stroke buffers that i had put in there, and removing the cocking handle extension too (my theory being to reduce the weight of the (stock) bolt. I suspect that it was the short stroke buffers that were the main problem though. I never resolved issue 2, but to be fair the gap isn't quite as big as yours - but it still bothers me!
  11. Top - air gun (based on the semi-only selector) middle - firearm (H&K logo on the folding stock) bottom - airsoft (process of elimination) actually - just spotted the bottom one too only has semi. But loads of white text safety blurb printed on both the top and bottom options, so those must be the more dangerous ones. Oh, wait, hang on....
  12. I definitely prefer variety over having a few extremely expensive guns. I've built up rather a lot of decent (enough) performers - most of which are on the budget end of the spectrum, but feel solid enough, look the part, and achieve good accuracy and range (especially if I've successfully tweaked them). I just enjoy having a variety of historic guns, smgs, long rifles, a few pistols, a single sniper etc. If I was purely going for outright performance on every game morning, I'd only ever select a particular lightweight HPA DMR build that I have, and an AAP with a great hop inside. But in reality, I get a lot of pleasure from simply rotating through all my variety of AEGs, my four HPA options, and swapping between my pistols for secondary. Unless I'm having an off day, I usually achieve a roughly similar favourable kill/killed ratio irrespective of whether I have my 'worst' performing gun in my hands. It's the same for my clothing/kit - I derive an odd amount of pleasure from wearing what I might view as 'interesting' patterns - plain olive, classic tiger stripe, partizan, and the more mainstream but annoyingly effective MC Tropic. I'd rather have a variety of comfortable, functional, robust yet cheaper gear that I cycle between to keep things interesting for me, than a single set of uber expensive e.g. crye kit.
  13. I do my best to achieve cost neutrality with my Airsoft expenditure... Well, kind of. I relentlessly hammer my train company for delay repay, and all the compensation is paid into my PayPal account (cough, toy fund), which is then spent on the next Airsoft purchase once it builds to the requisite amount. It makes all those waits on overcrowded trains just that little bit more bearable...
  14. I usually find that its the wiring breaking down inside the cables associated with the cheap (ish) radio accessories that are to blame, rather than the radios themselves. Perhaps buy a cheap speaker mic, and see if that works to rule out the radios themselves (but it would be very unusual for three radios to have all failed simultaneously).
  15. I find the Pheas airsoft videos probably the most useful and genuine -his disassembly videos are some of the best out there. But ultimately all you tube content has to be viewed with suspicion - they are helpful for understanding features, internals etc etc regardless though.
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