It's my closest site, and one that I go to the most. In terms of woodland sites, I only have this and Dogtag to compare (and Driver Wood is definitely my favourite) - so I don't have much of a yard stick. I do find that there are huge areas of generally unpopulated woodland on the margins of the main area that allow for some more sneaky and cunning flanking plans- but often these aren't particularly discovered until the second or third visit. Certainly I feel that the site can become a little attritional when they have large numbers of players like you experienced. It does cut down on the opportunity to execute a well thought out plan, and the difference between having a really good game and a frustrating game comes more down to pot luck, than if there were, say, 60 or so players.
Perhaps try to experience it on a quieter day, and you might come away with a touch more favourable an opinion - although its anybodies guess when a quiet day may be! I suppose Dogtag being shut for the weekend might have been a clue as to why it was so busy.
(As an aside - anyone know what is going on with Dogtag? No bookable game days on their website at all at the moment)