I definitely prefer variety over having a few extremely expensive guns. I've built up rather a lot of decent (enough) performers - most of which are on the budget end of the spectrum, but feel solid enough, look the part, and achieve good accuracy and range (especially if I've successfully tweaked them). I just enjoy having a variety of historic guns, smgs, long rifles, a few pistols, a single sniper etc.
If I was purely going for outright performance on every game morning, I'd only ever select a particular lightweight HPA DMR build that I have, and an AAP with a great hop inside. But in reality, I get a lot of pleasure from simply rotating through all my variety of AEGs, my four HPA options, and swapping between my pistols for secondary. Unless I'm having an off day, I usually achieve a roughly similar favourable kill/killed ratio irrespective of whether I have my 'worst' performing gun in my hands.
It's the same for my clothing/kit - I derive an odd amount of pleasure from wearing what I might view as 'interesting' patterns - plain olive, classic tiger stripe, partizan, and the more mainstream but annoyingly effective MC Tropic. I'd rather have a variety of comfortable, functional, robust yet cheaper gear that I cycle between to keep things interesting for me, than a single set of uber expensive e.g. crye kit.