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The_Lord_Poncho last won the day on November 11 2024

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  • Guns
    A modest range.
  • Loadouts
    Classic Tiger Stripe, MC Tropic, Olive.
  • Sites
    Driver Wood, Epsom Tunnels, Invicta Black Site, Dogtag
  • Location
    South East

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  1. Did your tech instal a new hop up rubber/bucking do you know? It might possibly be that if he has e.g. put in a Maple Leaf bucking, they have longer lips which can prevent feeding. Do you have access to several different makes of BB? Might be worth trying another type as well - especially if your BBs that you current have are Bio's and they are rather old (they can swell with age/moisture content).
  2. That's a shame - any clue what has happened? I always seemed quite well attended. Likely to re-open do we know?
  3. No personal experience with that type of RIF, but looking at how it is assembled, potentially place a slither of something under the lowest side (of that weird two part hop unit - no idea why Ares have used that design - very out of date) before those two screws are tightened? A bit of aluminium from a cut up coke can might do it for example, or even some card.
  4. It's crude, but in the games using the full area, generally the red line shown below is the rough boundary. Most players seem to stick within the yellow ringed area (i.e. only a 1/3rd of the playing area) - which on a busy day gets somewhat congested:
  5. It's my closest site, and one that I go to the most. In terms of woodland sites, I only have this and Dogtag to compare (and Driver Wood is definitely my favourite) - so I don't have much of a yard stick. I do find that there are huge areas of generally unpopulated woodland on the margins of the main area that allow for some more sneaky and cunning flanking plans- but often these aren't particularly discovered until the second or third visit. Certainly I feel that the site can become a little attritional when they have large numbers of players like you experienced. It does cut down on the opportunity to execute a well thought out plan, and the difference between having a really good game and a frustrating game comes more down to pot luck, than if there were, say, 60 or so players. Perhaps try to experience it on a quieter day, and you might come away with a touch more favourable an opinion - although its anybodies guess when a quiet day may be! I suppose Dogtag being shut for the weekend might have been a clue as to why it was so busy. (As an aside - anyone know what is going on with Dogtag? No bookable game days on their website at all at the moment)
  6. This is the logic i employ too when i have inexperienced mates and their kids coming airsofting with me - I always lend them full masks, with mesh goggles so they aren't tempted to lift them mid game to wipe away the fog. I appreciate that mesh has its drawbacks, but I have concluded the likelihood of a BB fragmenting AND having enough retained velocity for the particles to do some damage on the other side of the mesh is much lower than the likelihood of the mask being lifted by a young kid due to fogging.
  7. You would probably get quicker sales, and ultimately make more if you were to list separately, or as a minimum bundle similar items (e.g. your M4 mags) into smaller bundles to sell. Very few potential customers are going to want everything in your complete bundle, so in order to make the purchase worthwhile to them, they would be looking to sell the unwanted items on at a profit. All of that adds up to less money for you if you don't separate it out.
  8. I do agree with the logic. In the event of an incident I can't help worry that a sites reputation, insurances, and a whole load of other more human factors could conspire to screw a site over - we already know that many are run on rather marginal grounds, which is why I'm surprised than most don't have a full seal rule.
  9. Nah, personally I'm not convinced to be honest. Situations like this are inevitable - getting hit on the way back to respawn is frequently par for the course. Anyone who mouths off to other players when the inevitable thing happens are bringing bad attitude and aggression into game - there is no place for this type of behaviour. The shooting was an accident - we can debate all the factors as to why it happened or shouldn't have happened, but ultimately it wasn't a deliberate act. The unacceptable reaction from the player that got (over) shot was a deliberate act.
  10. Yet every field I go to is quite happy to allow standard shooting glasses/non full seal safety glasses that are rated yet provide a clear line of sight to the wearers eyeballs from multiple oblique angles.....
  11. The G&G rubbers are reasonably good as stock buckings go. You could try with a prommy purple rubber, or one of the usual maple leaf offerings (but as you are using the stock inner barrel, you may find that it's window is a little too small for the maple leafs). Unfortunately, some experimentation may be required, including with your chosen tensioner/nub.
  12. Generally they should all be interchangeable, yes. QC is sometimes a bit off in airsoft, but usually with a bit of force, hammer, filing, it can be made to fit.
  13. This is the kind of thing you are after. Uses the existing delta ring and front handguard mount. Plenty of alternative manufacturers and sources - you could probably find one in the classifieds on here. https://www.sixmm.com/en-gb/products/cymam014-cyma-kc-type-cqb-ris-rail-handguard-for-m4-aeg Note that the 'ribbed' side on handguard in the picture is a plastic sleeve that slides on. e.g. https://www.sixmm.com/en-gb/products/gg-knights-type-kac-ris-ras-rail-cover-panel-4pcs-setmarkingdeluxe-ver-blk?_pos=6&_sid=a56fc4159&_ss=r
  14. Yep, as much as people like to knock them,there is no denying that they clearly put a bit of thought into what they put out, and bring some good inovation to an otherwise reasonably static market. The ready supply of spare parts from the off ought also to be applauded. I know they can be a bit cringe at times, but.... Cost will be everything of course, but a gas sniper that becomes an HPA sniper in winter- that sounds fun.
  15. Granted only one type of mag, which gives you greater flexibility I suppose - but ultimately no reduction in the overall number of mags needing to be carried - unless you go for a load of extended hicapa mags that will have a higher capacity than the typical GBBR rifle mag.
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