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  • Guns
    G&G TR16 MBR 556WH
    G&G ARP 556
    WE Hi Capa 5.1 Force TRex 6” Competition
    TM M92F Samurai Edge
  • Loadouts
    MTP with OneTigris Plate Carrier, belt and retention holster
    Fast Helmet
  • Sites
    Tactical Warfare Airsoft
    Ambush Airsoft
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  1. Just in case anyone was thinking of getting the ASG STI combatvmaster I can happily confirm that the WE 5.1 Hi Capa mags do indeed fit and work really well.
  2. Had a cracking day at Ambush Airsoft in Cobham. This is fast becoming my go to local site with plenty of fast paced gameplay and minimal time spent back in the safe zone. Its a mid sized woodland site with 5 main game zones (village, bridge, bus, fort and church) and the beginnings of a decent trench system currently in the works. Gameplay is mostly outdoors with some small scale CQB in the village with the church and fort being good sized two storey structures. Plenty of pyro and smoke at the site based shop and trust me it is well used 😁 Seem to be a good mix of regulars, experienced walk ons and rentals and one of the friendliest sites I’ve played at with very little in the way of cheaters, non hot takers or other nonsense that can ruin a day. All in all I shot some people, got shot a lot more, got grenaded several times and ran around in bright coloured smoke like a loon! No one took themselves too seriously but both teams were definitely trying for the win throughout the day and I can’t ask for more than that for a fun Sunday skirmish!
  3. Wasn’t really sure where to put this so mods please move if in the wrong place. Been playing around with an old GoPro for my last few games and started editing the footage together. Here’s a couple from my game yesterday at Ambush in Surrey, any thoughts, criticism, things I could improve? It’s an old GoPro 4 with no stabilisation so quality wise that’s about as good as it gets so I’m thinking more suggestions for editing. TIA, Col
  4. Hi All, im looking at picking up an ASG STI Combat Master (not the licences TTI one) and it comes with a single C02 mag. im trying to find out what green gs mags are compatible and if my WE 5.1’s will fit. Anyone know of these work with it? https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/asg-sti-combat-master?fv=14649 cheers, Hamster
  5. Not sure if these will help and the barrel is a 460mm prommy 6.03 just about to the maple leaf 60 and omega nub.
  6. Just thought I’d throw in an update and say thanks for all the feedback. After much measuring with tape on the floor and moving around my gear I ended up going for the XL! I’m so glad I did as seeing everything in it there is no way I would have got this lot in a large! 😆
  7. You can lost me at volumetric calculations! 😆 that whole side of things is indeed a dark art to me but I will definitely give some .3’s a try
  8. Cheers for the reply, barrel is clean and shining. It’s a Prometheus 6.03 and no visible defects or issues. 10-20 rapid shots through chrono vary from 344-351 fps - not entirely sure if 7 fps is a range to be concerned about? Hop rubber seems fine and again no visible defects, it fits snugly and though it does need some gentle persuasion nothing needs forcing and can’t see any deformation whilst manipulating. that’s about the extent of my tech knowledge but am going to try a maple leaf nub to see if that helps. By all accounts it should be consistent and accurate as anything and I’ve got a feeling I’m missing something but for the life of me I can’t work it out.
  9. I saw this but £22 for a plastic riser with no real detail on how it fits/is secured kind of put me off Your not wrong, there’s a fair bit of movement in the mount as it’s a cheapy clone and depends on how I’m holding it or if it’s resting on something like the rif bag in the photo. it’s not actually a bad magnifier despite that and I reckon if I could raise the holo even a few mm it would make a difference, just struggling to find a way.
  10. That may have been my mistake explaining, I’m zeroed at 50 feet (about 15m) as that’s the best I can manage in the garden. with my play style I tend to engage at 30-50m’ish until up close (happy to let the younger bloods rush 😃 ) I suspect at that range I’m wanting more than is realistic but 12” groups at 15 meters feels wider than it should be in calm windless conditions - I’d be happy with that at 50m though! 😁 Hop is set to be as flat as possible but as I only play once a month or so testing and tweaking at longer ranges is few and far between
  11. Cool I will see if I can get hold of a 60 degree and an Omega, already have a Prommy barrel and been gradually upgrading bits to get up as close to legal limit as I can, currently hovering around 345 but accuracy isn’t quite there yet.
  12. Hi all, yet another cry for help! 😄 I’ve just got an holo/magnifier set up and they don’t quite line up. I can still get a sight picture but the reticule is very low, playing about I need to raise the holo about 5-6mm and am struggling to find a way. I’ve seen these which would be great if they weren’t reducers and were 20mm both sides. I’ve searched pretty much the whole t’interweb and can’t find anything less than 10mm and hoping someone here might know what I need to get just that little bit of extra height. cheers, Col
  13. Do you think a 60 degree would be a better option to help with accuracy? also will the stock TR16 hop nub be fine alongside or should I be looking at something else?
  14. Nope it will be for transporting by car. I’ve don’t a little measuring and laying rifs out in the floor today and I think, with a bit of Tetris, I can make both fit with some spaces for mags and BB’s. The main issue I’ve had is figuring out if the long boi TR16 plus optics leaves enough room for an ARP as well
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