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Status Replies posted by RostokMcSpoons

  1. Looking at getting a new GBBR... Really like the look of the KWA F90, but the upgradeability and aftermarket parts for an MWS is also very tempting. So many options with an MWS too like a classic M4A1 or a MK18 etc.


    If you (The reader) was in my position, which would you go with? 😅😂

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      It's a TM High Cycle AEG.  Great little gun, shoots about 20rps off a 7.4v which is great.  I changed the bucking and it lobs .28s very nicely in spite of the lowish FPS

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. Looking at getting a new GBBR... Really like the look of the KWA F90, but the upgradeability and aftermarket parts for an MWS is also very tempting. So many options with an MWS too like a classic M4A1 or a MK18 etc.


    If you (The reader) was in my position, which would you go with? 😅😂

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      It's a TM High Cycle AEG.  Great little gun, shoots about 20rps off a 7.4v which is great.  I changed the bucking and it lobs .28s very nicely in spite of the lowish FPS

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. Looking at getting a new GBBR... Really like the look of the KWA F90, but the upgradeability and aftermarket parts for an MWS is also very tempting. So many options with an MWS too like a classic M4A1 or a MK18 etc.


    If you (The reader) was in my position, which would you go with? 😅😂

    1. RostokMcSpoons




      I don't actually run it with the LVPO, it was just experimentation for an old thread 😋

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. Looking at getting a new GBBR... Really like the look of the KWA F90, but the upgradeability and aftermarket parts for an MWS is also very tempting. So many options with an MWS too like a classic M4A1 or a MK18 etc.


    If you (The reader) was in my position, which would you go with? 😅😂

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      Hah, I said 'possibly sway me', I meant 'probably'  :D

      Now, that figure of £47 per mag is really rather impressive.  Another plus point for the F90

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  5. Looking at getting a new GBBR... Really like the look of the KWA F90, but the upgradeability and aftermarket parts for an MWS is also very tempting. So many options with an MWS too like a classic M4A1 or a MK18 etc.


    If you (The reader) was in my position, which would you go with? 😅😂

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      It is a pretty massive conundrum you're faced with there!
      AUG's are inherently super-cool.  THE F90 seems to have been very well received and it looks like a solid monster of a gun.  My local shop are selling them for £500 and the price seems the same everywhere.  

      We know the MWS is brilliant.  
      But last time I heard, people were still struggling to source mags for 'em.




      I dunno, I'd really have a hard time choosing, but the sheer not an M4-ness of the F90, but the fact the mags still fit in M4 pouches, would possibly sway me in that direction. 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. If I put someone on my ignore list, why do their posts still show up on the activity list? Seems like I wasted 20 seconds putting someone on there!

  7. Chuffed to see a couple of L85s appear in the Action Hobbies boneyard tonight, at prices that made me want to break out the old credit card... 


    Gutted when attempts to purchase either of 'em failed within 4 minutes of them appearing, as someone else beat my to the punch.   ARGGGGGHHHHHH.

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      Ah, my ICS L85 was bought in 'wall hanger' condition, I've got the motor to turn over but tbh I've never tried too hard to sort it


      My Cybergun F2000 was bought as a project gun, so I changed the motor and added a MOSFET, but couldn't get it to shoot properly.  I've had stripped pistons, misfeeds, but now the gun locks up after a few bursts on full auto (but it's a great until that happens!). I've meddled with the insides but can't fix it.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Chuffed to see a couple of L85s appear in the Action Hobbies boneyard tonight, at prices that made me want to break out the old credit card... 


    Gutted when attempts to purchase either of 'em failed within 4 minutes of them appearing, as someone else beat my to the punch.   ARGGGGGHHHHHH.

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      Well indeed.  But I'm struggling, I've got 3 and 2 of them are b0rked😭

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Any good Woodland site for Snipers in the UK that is near a major town or city?

    I was thinking of trying to get an overnight National Express to a random Town or City and head to a decent Woodland/Urban site. 

    Anyone got a recommendation? I tend to find the large Woodland sites are no where near cities (For obvious reasons)

    Just need a change from the London and South East sites. 

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      I don't know if the Spec Ops site counts as a good 'un for snipers - there are definitely some decent sight lines, there are ghillied-up Groots and Wookies on most game days and they seem happy enough.

      The bright lights of Milton Keynes can be yours for the taking ;)  Bonus points to MK for the fact it's on the M1 with the coach station only a few miles from the site, and the Euston > Birmingham line for the train is near the town centre, so it's piss-easy to get to.

      Happy to buy you a pint (but one'll be about as much as I can afford at the moment) to say 'thank you' for the TM AUG you sold me!



      Extra bonus points to MK  - you can visit Bletchley Park and see the excellent crypto museum.   And the National Computing museum.  
      And in the town center is a Retro Gaming arcade, if 70's arcades are your thang

  10. Anyone going to the RIFT two day event?

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      Oh be jeebus, I don't want to have to see that!

      Well, I am going to be doing one of my rare 'misses', I'm off to a fancy spa for a family birthday dinner on the Friday night, won't be back until mid afternoon Saturday.    I'm sure Carlos will miss me enormously, you'll have to take care of him ;)  

      I'll be there on the 24th.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. Anyone going to the RIFT two day event?

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      Errrmmmmm, one of the young-ish guys who wears MTP 😂

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. Anyone going to the RIFT two day event?

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      Seems like that's a "no"!  At least one of the Spec Ops crowd is going (Brad) but I can't make it.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. First game with my new DE M906C (thanks @RostokMcSpoons). First impressions are great. Chrono'd bang on 300FPS on 0.25g with remarkable consistency for "a chinese gun", and suddenly I have more range than I know what to do with. Clearly my 2010s-era common knowledge on airsoft brands and QC needs a big fat update! 

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      Glad it's working well for you :)

  14. Trader Feedback is only meant for actual sales. Do not leave feedback if you did not buy (pay for) an item or sell (receive money for) an item.

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      Apologies if this is meant for me, thanking Cannonfodder for his generosity via the feedback.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hiya, having done a search on the forum, you seem to be the AUG guru... :)

    I have just landed a boneyard TM AUG and after a tad of fiddling, is back up and running. Barring a couple of screws that hold the hop into the barrel unit, its all good. Unfortunately, the previous owner wasnt very kind and it appears the hop unit is broken just forward of the C clip. So, i'm on the look out for a hop unit....my question is.......any makes to avoid? By the looks of it, its a dedicated hop and doesnt share any other platforms. Or am i wrong on that? the G36 one looked similar but id rather buy one that was going straight in.

    Any help greatly appreciated as this is one of my bucket list RIF's (next is a FAL and then a FAMAS---i know, i'm weird...LOL!!).



    1. RostokMcSpoons


      AUG, FAL and FAMAS, seems like you have great taste in gnus to me, not weird at all :)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. Costume thrown together of a low tier civilian security contractor in vaguely hazmat protective gear. No plate, civvie gasmask, MICH basic helmet. Totally not because I couldn't find my other gear at the time when I wanted to try the look out, but I think it works as a representation of a very particular kind of character/role, less spec ops, more a mallcop roped in to  private security working for (insert federal quarantine facility) during initial zombie outbreak a scenario kind of deal ala Left4Dead.

    More for a non-airsoft cosplay/costume but, also a challenge setup to play in potentially. Done the gas mask and mild gear, but the sealed coverall and such really add a whole new dimension of suck on top...


  17. Costume thrown together of a low tier civilian security contractor in vaguely hazmat protective gear. No plate, civvie gasmask, MICH basic helmet. Totally not because I couldn't find my other gear at the time when I wanted to try the look out, but I think it works as a representation of a very particular kind of character/role, less spec ops, more a mallcop roped in to  private security working for (insert federal quarantine facility) during initial zombie outbreak a scenario kind of deal ala Left4Dead.

    More for a non-airsoft cosplay/costume but, also a challenge setup to play in potentially. Done the gas mask and mild gear, but the sealed coverall and such really add a whole new dimension of suck on top...


    1. RostokMcSpoons


      Cool photos, sorry if my attempt at a  light hearted comment came across in any way 'cuntish', I really don't want to be 'that guy' to anybody, but you know what it's like on t'interwebs, it's easy to fuck it up 😛


      All the best, and keep on pewing 👾

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. Costume thrown together of a low tier civilian security contractor in vaguely hazmat protective gear. No plate, civvie gasmask, MICH basic helmet. Totally not because I couldn't find my other gear at the time when I wanted to try the look out, but I think it works as a representation of a very particular kind of character/role, less spec ops, more a mallcop roped in to  private security working for (insert federal quarantine facility) during initial zombie outbreak a scenario kind of deal ala Left4Dead.

    More for a non-airsoft cosplay/costume but, also a challenge setup to play in potentially. Done the gas mask and mild gear, but the sealed coverall and such really add a whole new dimension of suck on top...


    1. RostokMcSpoons


      It's impressive you went to the extent of going full "post-apocalypse" in the room, complete with corpse in the foreground.  Well done!







    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  19. Week off work with an ankle injury ... how long will it before I buy another RIF 😂

  20. Hi,


    New to airsoft, looking to buy my first gun. probably 2nd hand.

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      Hi, welcome to the forums :)

      We'll be happy to help, but you need to give us a bit more info...

      How new, do you have your UKARA number yet?
      If you're still looking at two-tone, it's better to get some games at a site and get that sorted so you can get a 'proper' gun that'll retain it's value better.

      What's your budget?


      Which sort of guns  do you most like the look of? 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. First time taking a gearbox apart and I swear to god this M95 spring is way to strong to get into the casing without exploding the internals everywhere. Am I missing something?


    No quick change spring :(

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      TBH that air seal sounds ... fine...?  Others might disagree though.  Certainly not the reason to be down at ~210fps.  
      Your fancy hop up unit is waaaaay out of my league / experience!  I've just dealt with standard plastic rotary and M4 units so far.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  22. First time taking a gearbox apart and I swear to god this M95 spring is way to strong to get into the casing without exploding the internals everywhere. Am I missing something?


    No quick change spring :(

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      Getting it back together so it still works is a good effort!   👍

      Did you check the piston / cylinder is actually air-tight?
      And make sure the hop rubber is intact, with the spring on the barrel in front of the hop unit, to push it back into contact with the nozzle

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  23. First time taking a gearbox apart and I swear to god this M95 spring is way to strong to get into the casing without exploding the internals everywhere. Am I missing something?


    No quick change spring :(

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      I have no experience with the Titan, or any other optical MOSFET, so I'll let someone else tell you.

      What I can say is my gun misbehaved enough that I stopped working on it, and have asked for quotes from techs on fixing it for me.   It runs like a beast when it runs, but at the moment it's locked up, has been for a while so it's probably killed the spring.  I'm feeling a bit more motivated to have another go, but first I'll do some simple jobs (changing bucking and nubs on other guns) before returning to it.

      Making the jig was a little time very well spent, as trying to get everything fixed when you've only got your two hands on it can feel impossible

      Good luck :)

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  24. First time taking a gearbox apart and I swear to god this M95 spring is way to strong to get into the casing without exploding the internals everywhere. Am I missing something?


    No quick change spring :(

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      I built a jig to hold various bits in place while I worked on my F2000

      Page 2 has a pic of my cunning design to hold the spring in place while jiggling all the other bits.

      The takeaway message of all these shenanigans was "buy a gnu with a Quick Change Spring system" or suffer the consequences.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  25. Silverback - most annoying manufacturer?
    If you were going to give any youtube channel an exclusive - why give it to a channel with under 1000 subs???


    1. RostokMcSpoons


      Yeah not ideal!   The gnu looks interesting though.   I watched the tech presentation from Silverback, the battery space looks a bit limited in the stock, but I guess it'll be 'good enough'.
      Will it take M4 mags?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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