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Posts posted by AirSniper

  1. You have to account for a recovery time from the battery dumping a load of energy in to the winding motor, you have to account for cycling time, you have to account for friction, account for the BB's not being precision sizes, some are ever so slightly larger and smaller which affects the ability to transfer energy.


    There are other factors that also can affect fps, hop up, dirty barrel, lubrication and the chrono can misread which is why you take multiple readings to get the average fps.



  2. 1 hour ago, Lozart said:



    It's not the HPA, it's the player and more importantly the site staff and enforcement of the rules. HPA at 1.2 Joules is no different than spring or AEG at 1.2 Joules, the BB doesn't know or care what system is providing the motive power.


    Find somewhere else to play.

    HPA has a lot to do with it. They cycle faster than AEG, in a game where you have one team of HPA and another of AEG's, the HPA will win because of the rate of fire and power difference.

    In the last game I was at, the HPA was recognisable by how much faster the BB's were flying compared to the AEG's it is also noticeable by the fact that I again have small circular bruises despite having a vest, t-shirt, my game top, fleece and a plate carrier, and I have been hit with AEG's and whilst they sting, the HPA fire was actually hurting.


    Most sites work on 1 joule on 0.2g which is 328 fps, 1.2 joules on 0.2g is 359 fps and max on sites fps wise is 350 fps.

    IDK what AEG you have used but mine don't output 1.2 joules, they output 1 joule.

    As for finding somewhere else to ply, why should I move when the other players need to change their attitude to game play and stick to the rules, they are there for the benefit of enjoyment, just seems to me a small number of guys that can't stick to the rules or play fair.

    5 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

    If the players at the site you play at are breaking rules, then your first port of call is to report them to the marshalling staff.


    If the staff cant/wont do anything about it then vote with your wallet, show them that their failure directly results in loss of customers and revenue. Go somewhere else.


    If none of the sites you can travel to are able to provide a decent game then maybe it's time to consider other hobbies.

    Yep, they do but giving a description is hard when they all look the same.

    Where I live, sites are very far and few, were talking about an hours drive to a game at another site.

    All it takes is an attitude adjustment and to play by the rules, it is a game that uses the honour system and if players don't play by the rules and honour system it says a lot about that person.

  3. On 03/02/2023 at 00:00, sp00n said:

    I too was sceptical about the price, but it keeps winning awards for a reason …. 

    and there is a reason it’s my go to printer

    From what I understand, they still ship with 8 bit system when most are 16bit and newest ones are 32 bit.


    I think I am going to save my pennies and go for a Voron 2.4, you can get kits for £690, so I think I will wait a little longer.


  4. On 06/02/2023 at 12:26, Skara said:

    HPA bad

    Shooting hands bad

    Shooting guns bad


    What's next? Shooting you bad?

    If the point was a bullseye on a target, you missed it.

    HPA is too powerful for indoor sites and close quarters. I get fed up of idiots that have it and shoot you in the hands, I have had two broken fingers from HPA players shooting from more than 20 meters. I have also had the knickle safety kevlar cracked on my gloves from a GBB pistol shooting at point blank range, caused my knuckle to swell up and I couldn't use that hand, luckily for me I am ambidextrous for game play. 

    Shooting in the hands is shitty play.
    Shooting in the groin is shitty play.

    Shooting at eyepros is shitty play.


    and ... 


    Head shots IF and ONLY IF you are providing a head, fair game otherwise, taking a headshot if there is more real estate to shoot at is shitty play.


    Another thing that some players do is shoot people in the legs in sensitive areas like the inner thigh when you have a target that has a vest on, a bit of protection from the full force of the shot, you still know when you been hit, some players just don't like to take the hit because they are so used to cheating that they often ignore the hits. 

    I accidentally shot someone in their groin, it wasn't intentional and was taken for what it was, accidental, however you get some players that intentionally want to hurt people. This is achieved by a number of methods including overkill, shooting someone in a game where bang bang rules apply. I find often that players that are surprised by me appearing out the blue take the hit despite me not firing off a shot.

    The problem is that the game has people who play that don't like to play by a set of rules, it is off putting to incoming kids playing the game when you have some A Hole player that is aggressive in game play towards other players.

    I' have been in games where kids are literally hiding to keep out of the firing line, you have to encourage them to push forward because some of these shots off HPA players do hurt more than being shot by a AEG with the same weight BB.


    The last game I played, had equipment damaged, this includes my prescription eyepros that cost £175 a pair. I can see where a BB hit and cracked the frame that held the lens in place and these things are made of ballistics PC and even that has cracking in it at one corner. 

    It takes more than 2.5Joules to smash a PC lens cover, the eye pros I have are rated to the standard that allows them to be used in a workplace environment which is higher than the standard required for airsoft. So *uck knows what power that HPA player was playing with. In three years of play at various sites and taking hits, I have never experience this kind of thing happening. 

    Maybe there should be a standard set of game rules that exists as a guide for all sites to follow and it is the gold standard to play by.

    I have said that its a game where honour rules apply and by not taking hits or playing by the rules, it shows what sort of person you are in real life.

  5. Started out OK but then the some HPA hole was shooting players in the hands and targeting the weapons, my son too a fair few hits as I did to the hands, in my sons case, he had his torch shot to bits and damaged, just like mine the month before and these things come with toughened PC lenses to withstand a sniper 2.5J job.


    Luckily I had taken precautions the couple of weeks before where I added some clear plastic, the stuff from shrunk wrapped store items, the thick stuff and added a couple of layers before and after the lens and that saved the actual LED being blown to bits like min was.


    I have a pretty good idea who the player is now as they don't take their hits and was the HPA hole that was trigger spamming everyone as well as overkill.


    I'd really like to see a game day with no HPA and AEG and GBB pistols only and have an even playing field. 

  6. On 21/01/2023 at 20:22, mightyjebus said:

    I had a look, not shipping to UK, only Japan. :( 

    On 21/01/2023 at 20:42, sp00n said:

    I have 4 creality printers at home, but my go too is my prusa 😎

    I had a look at what price Josef is ripping people off with and instead of the i3 coming down in price, its gone up in price and it appears to have even more 3D printed parts in the build. £982 when they used to be £699 ready built. I'd rather spend that kind of money on new RIFs and still have the money for a 3D printer. 


    My budget is £250 and have seen an Ender 5 Pro (32 bit silent) Auto leveling, heated bed, PEI build plate... looks like a reasonable printer for the money.

  7. Another disappointing outcome. Some people just don't like taking hits.


    Despite shooting the guy a dozen times, I could see the BB's bouncing off hit helmet, the guy (HPA player again) lights me up with some serious overkill. I called him out over his overkill as in the briefing it was stipulated to not shoot at people more than 3 times as in 3 hits max.


    The cheeky *ucker then said to me to *uck off home if I'm going to have a mardy. 

    Despite me hitting him, he still proceeds to remove one of the bags from the bank (game was cash grab) so I shoot back at him over his head and the a hole shoots me in the back three times.


    This was the same guy that tried calling me out for not taking hits, his exact words were "Take you hits"... 


    The guy hadn't hit me once with a shot as I could see the incoming and what hit me was a ricochet that doesn't count.


    It was noticed by other players that one player, I expect Mr in question was the same guy others had complained about not taking hits, one situation I was backing up another player and we both hit the same guy, I was giving suppression fire and managed to hit his elbow and the guy I was backing got him right in his shrimp.

    Marshalls were told and words I believe were had with the guy but it still didn't change the way the guy ignored taking hits.


    I got that sick of it, I left the arena early and packed my stuff and waited for my son to come out at the end.


    Makes me wish there was a system like Laser Quest games where if you're hit, you can't shoot back and you have to respawn before you can fire again.

  8. I have decided to send it back, reported the problem to the company and requested that they uplift it from mine.


    I am looking at a similar version only with the magnetic base and auto bed leveling.


    I have had a 3D printer in the past from GEEETech but despite upgrades to it installed from the get go, its never printed anything successfully, despite adding Acme screws, its layer height even when set to the smallest kept on printing weak prints.

    My son designed a pencil holder and it fell to bits coming off the printer. So I canned that about 8 years ago and haven't bothered again until now.

    I thought I would get a semi decent middle of the road printer that according to many makers, creality has a good name, so here I go, buy a printer and its stuffed from the get go.


    IDK if this is the universe telling me to not bother or some quirk of fete pranking me with duds.

  9. Anyone got a 3D printer?

    What make is it, how reliable and is it good build quality?

    I just bought and sending back a Creality Ender 3 V2 which has a stupid fault created by the manufacturer.


    No way for the power supply to stay cool...


    Over the years I have tried 3 printers, Geeetech which is a total steaming pile, a clone of a creality by a manufacturer that does not appear to be in business anymore and can't recall the name and now creality that is meant o be a fairly good quality machine for the money.


    I am open to suggestions on what members have here.


  10. A woman goes into Bass Pro Shop to buy a rod and reel for her grandson's birthday. She doesn't know which one to get so she just grabs one and goes over to the counter. A Bass Pro Shop associate is standing there wearing dark shades.
    She says, ’Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me anything about this rod and reel?'
    He says, 'Ma'am, I'm completely blind; but if you'll drop it on the counter, I can tell you everything from the sound it makes.'
    She doesn’t believe him but drops it on the counter anyway.
    He says, 'That's a six-foot Shakespeare graphite rod with a Zebco 404 reel and 10-LB. Test line. It's a good all around combination and it’s on sale this week for only £20.00.
    She says, 'It's amazing that you can tell all that just by the sound of it dropping on the counter. I'll take it!' As she opens her purse, her credit card drops on the floor.
    'Oh, that sounds like a Mastercard,' he says.
    She bends down to pick it up and accidentally farts. At first she is really embarrassed, but then realizes there is no way the blind clerk could tell it was she who tooted. Being blind, he wouldn't know that she was the only person around.
    The man rings up the sale and says, 'That'll be £34.50 please..'
    The woman is totally confused by this and asks, 'Didn't you tell me the rod and reel were on sale for £20.00? How did you get £34.50?'
    He replies, 'Yes, that's correct. The rod and reel is £20.00, but the Duck Call is £11.00 and the Mosquito Repellent is £3.50.
  11. 5 hours ago, Impulse said:

    2nd post in a row with a hard-on for hating HPA players and blaming them for everything. Will your next post also blame them for world hunger? 🤣 @Skara has the right of it, it's the player, not the gun, and dickheads will be dickheads regardless what they're using. Though it is very easy to build a wankergun with HPA, not all HPA are wankerguns and not all wankerguns are HPA. I don't think I've ever had any issues with the HPA regulars at my local site, and we have some pretty dedicated HPA players. Also, not all HPA systems are spammy; my HPA m21 really, really hates it if I try to spam the trigger as firstly the mags can't keep up and will stop feeding well and becomes inconsistent, inaccurate and generally just bad if I spam. The only issue people have had with me running my HPA m21 is the classic "that's a bit close for a sniper isn't it?" because it looks like a sniper, sounds like a sniper and I'm dressed like a bush like a sniper, but it's 1.1J and I have the same issue with my m700 when I run that lower power as well.


    Also, again, as Skara said... Sounds like you need to find a new site

    An AEG on .25's or .2's will sting, not break things.
    HPA with a non-match regulator that can be turned up can throw out BB's hard and fast that explode on impact.

    I was wearing a Vest, T Shirt, the game top I play in a fleece coat and a game vest, so 5 layers and the lot is loose and baggy so as to help with impact, I have wounds that are perfectly circular purple hematoma under the skin from being shot at from well over 12 meters away and they were HPA for sure as the cycling on HPA is faster than AEG's

    Equipment doesn't break as its been designed to withstand the punishment from players who play with weaponry that complies, the problem is that HPA players with non-locked / match regulators can adjust the power output.

    My viewpoint is that HPA should be for skirmish outdoor sites and not CQB.

    The point I am also making is that first time players get put off because of a few people who generally don't play by the rules.

    Airsoft is a game where the honour system is in play and if you cheat, that says alot about you as an individual. They say a picture speaks a thousand words, well cheating in an honor game speaks volumes.

  12. First game of the year and ... Cheaters galore, its obvious when you hit someone that they know that they have been hit.

    I popped my head out of where I was to see what the player was doing and he said "Oh... did you hit me?" and another player unloaded on me whilst I was answering the player, I shouted to the player to "Cut it out" and got an indignant "You what" reply.


    The owner had to address the issue of spamming, that on video its clear that some players were rapid firing and not giving players a chance to signal that they are hit as the HPA players were unloading at full auto speeds, not giving others a chance in the game. There is a lack of etiquette and observation of the rules by some people in airsoft that would be very off putting to new players and kids.


    I had my CREE M3 Illuminator blown out by an HPA player that was clearly overpowered by the way the BB's were exploding on my helmet, RIF and the LED element behind the perspex glass was destroyed. 


    Also had a G&G UVT106 damaged from being hit. I wasn't the only person to have their tracer unit damaged. It was also very clear when I was using my non tracer pistol that players were being hit but because it was non tracer, they were not taking the hits.

    Another broken finger from game play... 


    One player had been to a game at another site and had their nose broken from being hit in the face.

    A marshal had to have words with one of the HPA players about their spamming as plenty of people were clearly complaining about one of the players (HPA Player) and they were playing it ignorant until they got lit up by another player and he was then "I see what you mean".


    In general the game play was overly aggressive which sucked most of the game enjoyment out of the day.  

    WTF is wrong with HPA players?  People go to have fun, not to get hurt or have equipment smashed or damaged.



  13. 4 hours ago, ak2m4 said:

    All good explanations.  This time last year the £ was trading around 1.35 vs the $, today it's 1.2.  When you have to purchase a 20 foot container that small increase is gonna hurt.  

    Speaking to a store owner today, many retailers have stopped restocking in objection to price gouging by the big suppliers who have in many cases, removed the 25% hike in price.

    You also have HM Customs and Manufacturers to contend with as they take advantage of the current situation yet these are countries of origin where the COL rises are not a factor.


    Then you have the warehouses that have had stock in 2022 that they price up on the COL when its only cost them the 2022 pre COL rise that HM Customs are taking several months to clear and some of these suppliers are in the EU and therefore BREXIT is to blame for delays in the system.


    In addition to that the store owner I spoke with had a consignment that they had to send back because the RIF's were not legal in the UK, seems that Chinese manufacturers are sending out RIF's to make fulfilment on orders for UK market that should be for EU and US markets.

    So in real terms, there are no items on sale because retailers can't let items go at a discount because of manufacturers, delays by HM Customs and BREXIT backlog as well as merchandise that is sent out by manufacturers to fulfil orders.


    I bought a Glock mag recently that is clearly not for UK markets as it lets 0.2g bb's fly out in excess of 396 fps, so I now have to buy a new regulator so I can use the magazine because its output is around 1.4 Joules, well over the 0.9 Joules of a standard UK magazine.

  14. On 30/12/2022 at 15:10, Impulse said:


    Normally I would chime in here and say "not all HPA users are bad" but I'm having a falling out with my own HPA systems at the moment because they're both being annoying to the point where I may sell them both and no longer be part of the club as I doubt I will go back to it because my gas systems are better and my AEGs are more reliable, sooooo... :P


    Sucks to hear that your last game of the year was a bad one. Mine was as well. The idiots specifically targeting hands and groins are worse than the Kicking Mustangs who go for headshots; headshots sting, but hand shots and groin shots sting even worse, as as you said, the hand is fairly easy to fracture if they hit you in the right place with enough force. I only go for hand or groin shots if the person I'm shooting at hasn't taken their body shots and then also hasn't taken their headshots afterwards.

    There was a guy that I repeatedly hit, even when I used aerodynamics to banana my shots around a corner, could see the BB's bouncing off the guy and yet, still putt their head around the corner and lit me up. I said to the one marchal that I'm fed up of the other team not taking their hits and I'm leaving the game.


    As for my finger, I can feel the fracture callus right on the index finger joint, still sore 10 days on, only because of where it is and on the same finger that had a bad fracture to it.


    Head shots in my book are only OK when the only target presented is a head, I tend to offer up a load of real estate to take a pop at and it really gets my back up when I get headshots  when I have a bigger target on offer, I had a pair of eyepros broken that cost me £175 because they are prescription lenses and rated higher than the minimum EN rating for airsoft... Just shows how hard HPA hits are. I'd go as far as HPA should be relegated to outdoor use only and not CQB sites.

    One of the guys attending that was also discussing the issue at the site said that you get the Friday night games and Saturday gamers who are there to blow off steam and generally don't follow the rules, it defeats the object of the game if the rules are not followed, a few seconds out the game and you're back in and don't see why people need to cheat. You learn better tactics by following the rules as you learn from your mistakes.

  15. 18 hours ago, Matt.2504 said:

    Airsoft direct have up to 30% off

    zero one have 10%

    they are the only emails I’ve had so far



    I have not had any emails from either ASD or ZO


    Airsoft Direct:

    Pistons, seals, motors, a few RIF's that I expect are over stock items... 


    Zero one:

    To celebrate get 10% off your orders placed before the end of New Years Day! 


    which is a bit tight arsed if you ask me... Most of the RIF's I am interested in are sold out.


    I also looked on Patrol Base and there doesn't seem to be a sale on same for Fire Support...


    Guess I will wait until next Black Friday sale.


  16. I know times are tough and retailers are watching their profits dwindle... compared to last year, are any of the suppliers actually offering a sale on items and not just the spares?

    I recall there was one supplier offering 20% off back in 2021 sales but this year, their sale items are pistons and hop-ups and seals...


    Does anyone know of any retailers actually having a sale on items that you would normally associate as sale items like RIF's

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