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Posts posted by AirSniper

  1. 11 hours ago, vialli said:

    Does this cable actually exist ? As i cant find one anywhere .my skyrc65 has a male xt60 and my lipo has a mini tamiya male so need female both ends but all i can find is large female tamiya.Does anyone have a link for the correct cable or any other solution ? 

    Yes, its the holy grail of cables... 

    Of course you can get them, you need to look via an internet search by wording it properly.

    I needed a tamiya / deans conversion cable because my cells were Tamiya and the Perun I installed was Deans, so I searched via online search and up came a hobby shop and I bought a couple, they cost me £6 inc postage, god only knows what they cost now... but an internet search will bring up non ebay and non amazon results. 

    What are you looking for?

    Male XT60 to Female Micro (mini) Tamiya or 
    Male XT60 to Male Micro (mini) Tamiya or
    Female XT60 to Male Micro (mini) Tamiya or

    Female XT60 to Female Micro (mini) Tamiya?



  2. 6 hours ago, Sparkles said:

    Hi all, 

    I have been following these feeds for quite some time. I unfortunately know Steve Glennie. He actually live right around the corner from me and I see him most days. He has previously scammed one of my close friends out of sentimental belongings and money. I would love for him to be dealt with in the correct manner (as in police) what needs to be done as far as I am aware is that whoever he has scammed (which appears to be many of u) needs to contact our local police station and make a report of him scamming you. Our local station is in Lisburn County Down. I understand the anger that he has caused to all of u, I have felt this myself but I really think that you need to go about this the right way. Hope this will help in some way any information I can give to help everyone I am happy to provide. 

    IMHO he needs a trade to take place and instead of getting someones gear, a bodybag arrives.

  3. On 23/01/2022 at 16:48, casparov said:


    I noticed some component fell out of its place in this old gun that I got from my grandfather, any help would be greatly appreciated.

    It seems the spring and ball fell out, but its very hard to put them back, the spring seems quite tough. When I naively put it all in place and try to lock the barrel, it jams. Should they be glued somehow? Not quite understanding the mechanism/whats wrong . .


    The end stop for the detent is missing.

    You would really be best taking it to a gunsmith and having it sent back to Hull Cartridge, the UK supplier and repair shop for Weihrauch.

    Also as a note on pronunciation, many people calle them "Viar-ark" when they are pronounced "Vee-rau" ;)

  4. Glued BB's down the barrel too..



    Looks like she smashed the magazine.



    Never known anything like it myself, she only goes off on one when the Jehova's Witnesses have been around.


    7 hours ago, SBoardley said:

    Dunno if this is suitable for an airsoft forum? Does your son visit these pages too? Probably best to keep your private life private bro. 

    Shes blocked airsoft sites in the firewall.

  5. My lad informs me that she took the magazine for his BB gun and has glued it so it won't work.

    3 hours ago, Tackle said:

    Dude, don't encourage this shit, when it gets found, & it usually does, then things just get worse, she gets more reasons to keep his son from him, which might be supported by courts etc.

    OP, you need to work at improving your relationship with your EX, & only then slowly feeding in you & your son's mutual interests, yeah it sucks that she appears to have all the control but unfortunately that's usually the way it is, & using underhand & deceitful tactics to undermine her choices, choices that many would view as sensible, will backfire on you, & ultimately have a negative effect on your son.

    I appreciate that but even he is fed up with her childishness and he is fed up of not having any privacy or ability to pursue interests he likes, take fishing, bought him a full fishing kit and all that has happened is she has said that "You won't catch anything, what a waste of money", she has a very negative attitude to anything I support him in wanting to do like airsoft and fishing, camping, going to scouts which he loves doing. Whenever child services are in the picture, she is the total opposite...

    21 hours ago, Steveocee said:

    This is utter madness.

    It's 50:50 so you should probably respect that whilst your child is with their other parent, that parent has control over they think your son should or should not be looking at or watching. If you had banned or preferenced against something, I'm fairly sure you'd be extremely unimpressed if your Ex was trying to negate your rules and undermine you.


    Sorry if this is a harsh truth but you're coming across as a real ass by doing this and trying to hide it behind "your sons interests". This feels nothing more than trying to 1up your Ex.

    You got that back to front, she is the one that constantly undermines rules that even child services agreed were more than reasonable. I have been anything but an ass hat in this, I am banging my head against the wall here as I recognise how it is affecting our son. She gives him no privacy yet at the time Child services sited that because of my accomodation, he needed his own room and privacy, yet he gets his own room but zero privacy from her. Its annoying because she will ring me at any hour of the night to moan about what he has or hasn't done or been doing that shouldn't and I have to work out if she is using me as the whipping tool to tell him off, which she had done in the past. As for the 50:50, she has never respected my input and issued dictats that have to be abided by "OR ELSE" in her words...  

  6. 21 hours ago, Emergencychimps said:

    As someone who went through a horrendous divorce and settlement process, I can't recommend good legal advice enough. Sometimes that advice is to progress things through courts, official communication/requests etc. sometimes it's to have a conversation with them and not take it through the lawyers.  


    I guess the custodial set up is very relevant for your specific case, but the best person to advise is a lawyer who understands your situation and ramifications of how you approach this- they aren't cheap - but often with this type of difficult ex, that you need to keep dealing with and managing etc. They are worth it. 


    A lot of firms will do an hours worth of advice for free, do a few with different firms and see if there are any you think seem like they get your situation and advise appropriate steps - you won't get any free work done, but use this time to whittle out someone you think could represent your interests in the way you need them managed. 


    Best of luck on this one. 

    I have by court order 50:50 residency and like typical women these days that have been radicalised by feminism ignored the order. Rather than go through the false accusations of being this and that and the other, I let it slide. She knows what I think and gave her a verbal orientation on her atrocious attitude as she would often harass me on the phone because she was pissed off at something that happened to her and having completed a psychology course, knew what she was doing was transference and trying to put blame on me for something that had nothing to do with me. What I get upset about is the way she is controlling and manipulating our son because of what she sees as my influence.

    She accused him of shooting his BB gun out the front window, a BB gun she bought him before he started airsoft, yet blames me for airsoft and teaching him violence. Go figure.

    21 hours ago, Tommikka said:

    For the underlying causes - they won’t be resolved until they are resolved 

    Its a bad thing to have him played between the two of you and even worse to have him see you attempting to bypass her 



    1) Are the blockers explicit or implicit? On the basis of explicit being that she has placed blocks on words or implicit that she has put in place parental controls that are overarching with default words blocked or sites blocked due to their content settings 


    If she has really made explicit blocks then it won’t be resolved without going through the issues and then having the limits eased

    If she has set implicit blockers then she may be willing to release some in the settings, or willing to give him authorised time with the controls turned off in her presence 


    2) alternatives such as tethering would bypass the blocks, but will kill his low data and be a cause of more problems between you all

    I suggested he uses his mobile phone as a tether in a bridged connection as the PC will automatically attempt to contact a site via the open channel and data returned by both channels as incoming for blocks is generally on outgoing connections.

    He said he could brute force the router to gain admin but told him not to poke the dragon... or it might end up with him losing all internet access and contact via email with me.

    I have been tethering for the last 15 years and never had a streaming problem, its all down to the provider of the service and if they allow it.

  7. 1 minute ago, Asomodai said:

    I have two ex's. One of which I don't speak with and one of which I am still living with (A very recent development). 


    I would never air my grievances of my ex partners on a public forum. Keep it private, it's just not the done thing and reflects badly on you. 

    Should see what she posts about me on social media, I could Johnny Depp her and win. I don't because it would be detrimental to our son.

  8. On 22/07/2022 at 18:15, Cannonfodder said:

    That's in your day to day diet, not during exercise. Obviously an excess intake of sugar over time is going to have negative effect


    What we're discussing here is refueling during exercise. When we do intense exercise we get our energy from blood sugar (glucose) which is converted to glycogen. When glycogen levels are depleted we feel tired and the quickest way to top your glycogen level back up is a sugary snack or a sports drink (I mean a propper sports drink, eg lucozade not monster etc) 

    Eating a banana gives you that glucose needed with the added benefits of potassium along with the glucose, fibre, vitamins B6 and C. Unripened bananas contain carbs and ripe bananas contain sugars. Look up "gut bacteria fibre and glucose" and find studies that might help you recharge your energy levels. Electrolytes replaces what you lose from sweating, if you have a camel pouch / pack, add in soluble electrolytes to your water, you can add some flavouring or get flavoured electrolytes. 

    The best way to fuel up I have found is to have a full english, my prefered style is Streaky Bacon, Chipolata Sausages, Free range eggs, Mushrooms, Plum tomatoes and toasted sourdough bread. One of those breakfasts is more than enough to carry me through the day with a light lunch around 1pm and a treat on the way home of a burger and discuss the days play over a bit of junk food intake.

    If you look up the vitamin and mineral content of a full english, you realise quickly why its the best start to the day.

    Bacon and sausages contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12. 89% of the RDA for selenium. 53% of the RDA for phosphorus. Decent amounts of the minerals iron, magnesium, zinc and potassium.

    vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B12, vitamin D, selenium and iodine. They also contain vitamin A and a number of other B vitamins including folate, biotin, pantothenic acid and choline, and other essential minerals and trace elements, including phosphorus.

     zinc, magnesium, copper, potassium, selenium, phosphorous, and a number of B vitamins and antioxidants. They are also a fairly good source of fiber.

    Plum Tomatoes : vitamin C, potassium, folate, and vitamin K.

    Sourdough Bread
    iron, manganese, calcium, B1-B6, B12, folate, zinc, potassium, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, selenium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin E

    Regular pan bread like supermarket bread : proteins, vitamin B complexes and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, zinc and copper

    So a full english will set you up for the biggest part of your day and all you need to do to top up when you feel the need.

    So next time someone tells you that your full english is bad for you, you can reel off all the vitamins and minerals that you are getting to benefit your body. 


  9. My Ex is a manipulative, conniving and controlling <woman who flies around on a broomstick>.

    Our lad just informed me that he can no longer access any Airsoft related content or sites because madam has included in the firewall the various terms that airsoft uses.


    She hates the fact that he love the sport and game aspect of it and its the only physically challenging thing he does but complains about me being the one who wants him to do it and hates it because it promotes violence.

    I have a feeling that its the Jehovah's Witnesses that have been preying on her for the last few months. I know what they are like given that half my family are witnesses, we don't talk to them because it's generally centered around the bible... 


    He doesn't get enough data on his mobile plan that she controls, so suggesting that he uses tethering as a bridged network connection isn't going to work as its likely the data will get eaten up fast.


    Anyone else have to put up with crap like this off their ex's controlling behaviour?

  10. 2 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

    Please cite your sources


    Edit: whilst the usual gibberish you post is just annoying, someone following your dumb as fuck "advice" here could cause them real harm. In future do us all a favour and think before you post bullshit 

    Controlling blood sugar helps lessen your risk for getting kidney disease. It can also help slow or even stop kidney disease from getting worse.26 Nov 2014

    Managing Blood Sugar For Kidney Health


    You need water and an electrolyte additive not sugar.


  11. 2 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


    let's assume all of anzio's chronographs are well maintained, regularly calibrated machines that will always report the fps figures with 100% accuracy even if the muzzle is not perfectly aligned, and that for each reading the chrono was set to the correct ammo weight.


    what do you think would happen in the op's case?

    If the chronograph was accurate and calibrated, the misuse of it as in ignoring the instructions on leaving a gap, the outgassing or air being pushed out by the AEG can give a misreading which can be higher than it actually is because the air is moving faster past the BB and these sensors can be prematurely tripped.

    There are two sensors a set distance, so if air rushing past is enough to trip the second sensor before the BB passes, what do you think will happen?

    This is why there has to be a 100mm gap from barrel tip to the opening of the chrono.

    Unless you use an FX chronograph that fits on the barrel of a gun or rifle or RIF, you will be getting misreadings, at least an FX chronograph is radar based and not light sensor based.

  12. On 19/07/2022 at 09:29, jtame said:

    Was out on Sunday, 1 hour 15 minute breakthrough type style. Managed ok with plate carrier, 3 mags and rif. No issues with drinking in between, bit of sugar to keep those levels up. Sourcing a hydration pack for taking out.



    Actually, sugar is your enemy, you just need water because of what sugar does to the kidneys, basically shuts them down until the body can excrete enough insulin to tackle and stor the sugar as fat. If you want to keep your energy levels up, saturated fat food with no added or processed sugars in it and avoid as best you can any carb foods as they are sugars too.

    Avoid fruit juices, still juices fizzy pops... anything that has sugar in it is going to make you sweat more as your body tries to excrete excess water.

    Too cold a drink has the opposite effect, your core temp gets dropped and your body automatically switches on its central heating (the liver burning fat) to warm you up, so you compound the problem, a cup of tea or hot chocolate or decaf coffee (not regular coffee because thats as bad as sugar) is better for you as your body will want to cool down.

    You will find that dowsing yourself with water to assist through evaporation to cool off is much better than dumping lots of cold fluids in to yourself, hydration is important but freezing cold water is a bad move.


  13. On 03/07/2022 at 19:25, Kls77 said:

    Yesterday at certain well known site mate was randomly chronod with his hpa m4. And was told to leave as was told it was running hot thru joule creep  . No if or Buts . So as I was his passenger I had to leave too . 130 round miles trip and one HR played ??


    His gun was chrono at start . Asked what BB he was using and he said .25 and all passed 


    Now site owner collared him . Asked to chrono and asked again what weight BBS he was using (he replied .25kso can convert . It passed again but had some diference in reading . So site owner said I will put some of my BBS in ( 0.3g) and asked him to fire again . Which took him over the limit thru joule creep so was asked to leave straight away as that was the rules !! I was there and tried to explain that his BBS had took it over as it was set to .25 ? But he explained how can he trust people to not change the weight of BBS to gain advantage ?? 

    So he was trusting us in first place to tell him  about what BBs we was using to chrono in morning ( which we did  ) then he basically goes against it when random chronos 



    Yesi know the site has rules and yes they was explained on there forums . Website and breifing .  Tbh I didn't even argue i just spoke calmly about it to them and accepted it ( so did my mate ) 

    So who do we think is in the wrong ?


    With no FPS information, its hard to say.


    If you remember the FPS on the initial chrono session with 0.25g BB's, then pop in the figures in the top section.


    In the bottom section, select 0.3g BB's and see the results of what the fps should be and if on second chrono there was any higher reading, then there was either something wrong :

    With the chrono - like low battery, dirt, light, too bright 

    The way the chrono was used - in all chrono's I have used, 100mm must be between the barrel and the chron to prevent readings that are skewed.

    The wrong setting was used for BB weight, something I have experimented with to show that the wrong setting skews true FPS.


    is a good tool to see this in action.

    I hope you had a refund as you would be entitled to one with being told to leave the site, if you didn't, ask for one and when they respond, positively I hope, saves you then going to your bank or credit card to force a refund through taking out an indemnity against them. You also have trading standards that you can use as a way of validating your rights on this because more often than not, site rules and policy is quoted and that is not the law. To diminish your rights as a consumer is an offence for which trading standards can take action on the matter and they get a very nasty surprise, could even be fined harshly for unfair trading practices, such things have shut business down in the past.

    I hope you get justice.

  14. On 04/07/2022 at 01:00, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

    I was thinking more of the 'the creators of Souvlaki were debating the meaning of life when the kebab mongers were still arguing over who’s goat was the prettiest one !' bit.  Those Middle Eastern pastoralists had formed civilisations and pondered life's ponderables long before the Greeks.   


    Egyptian kebabs are similar to koftas or chicken marinated in yoghurt.  TBH I haven't a clue if they crop up in any ancient records but I like the idea that some tomb has an engraving of a man with a kebab and a vessel full of ale rolling out of a tavern in ancient Giza or similar.  


    It's a bit shit if these people invented the wonder of the kebab and all they get remembered for is maths, geometry and The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.  I mean, there are priorities!



    Ever had a Dutch Kebab... Its an experience....

    On 29/06/2022 at 09:16, Speedbird_666 said:

    Fuck that. It's a shit site with 200 players let alone 2000+. Don't get the love for it at all.


    And I live only 20mins away.



    My son loved the event, I found the players a lot better behaved than some sites. 

  15. 13 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

    You have misspelled it.  Its Dundrum not Dundurm, its outside Belfast on the South Down Coast.  Bit posh for our man Glennie though

    Scammers like to live in nice areas... It fits with the theft and the information I can find, unless someone can friend him, not much hope in seeing if its a genuine profile, which I doubt.

    IMHO the OP needs to report this to the police as it is fraud and theft.

  16. I'm a bit of a ferret on the interwebs...

    I'd say that Steve, Stevie, Stephen James Glennie's profile on facebook is fake... BUT stranger things have happened. All their posts may be private for friends only.


    His profile says he is a sous chef at the:
    Malone Lodge and Hotel, 
    60 Eglantine Ave,
    Malone Rd,
    Belfast BT9 6DY

    Their phone number is 028 9038 8000 ask for Stevie and see what happens.


    I'd call them to ask to speak to and describe him in his profile picture say nothing of airsoft or owing you anything, when they ask what it's concerning, claim to be a prospective employer wanting to employ him, you only have this number for him and need to know when he can start... 

    Then if he does work there, I'd try employ a friend to also call asking for Stephen James Glennie and suggest that he is a reporter following up on the theft of money from 2017 as it doesn't appear that his sentence of 300 hours community service was completed... 


    It looks like he went to Newcastle on 14th July according to the check in, so pick a hotel in that area and say you are from that hotel.


    I'd use 141 to mask your numbers.

    I found this from 2017 : https://www.facebook.com/Leadfarmersairsoft/posts/genuinely-cant-believe-this-unbelievable-that-anyone-would-dare-steal-money-from/974083826068706/

    I have tried a reverse lookup with the images available. Not much comes up other than the facebook comments from 2017, no other social media is showing up, so its a bit of a dead end with regards to that.

    Without knowing his Last Known Address or other details, I can't really find much which is why I call out this as a fake profile, the images may not be real images either, they could be from anywhere.


    For someone who is meant to be a Sous Chef, he has no professional profile such as the types of sites like LinkedIN.

    I'd say that your best bet is to raise this as a fraud against you with the police, given that there is evidence that he has faced this fraud claim before.


    With such a low footprint on the internet, its impossible to find someone who IMHO is using sites and some social media 

    Other things I found were




    From what I have seen, he uses Steve, Stevie and Stephen Glennie as his name but found Stephen James Glennie from Dundurm which is in Dublin.

    I'd personally never do swaps unless I see the person in the flesh.



  17. Police don't like it when the public is scared of something that they are ignorant of like what a real gun is.

    Had someone question what airsoft is and when I explained that they are power limited BB guns that you milsim and CQB with as in fire at each other, their response was "Isn't that illegal?"



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